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Quote from U4IK ST8 :Are you serious? Simple logic, yeah? "tens of billions of watts" from a gravity driven collapse??? The fire supposidly made the supporting floor structures fail and gravity took over, yes? It's impossible to create billions of watts of energy just from gravity collapse.

Then do the math yourself. Or post a link to a page where it is done. You won't convince people by typing extra question marks.

Quote from Boris Lozac :* Well, that's exactly what they wanted, not to damage the other nearby buildings and kill even more people (it seems they had some simpathy left after all) not to mention the importance of nearby buildings...

This is typical of conspirationalist thinking: just bend every fact into the direction of your conclusion.

Q: If it was an inside job, why did they have to kill so many people?
A: Otherwise the world wouldn't be struck with terror.

Q: If it was an inside job, why didn't they kill more people?
A: The plotters have some compassion left.

Q: If it was an inside job, why did it look so much like a controlled demolition?
A: Because it is a controlled demolition.

Q: If it was an inside job, why didn't it look exactly like a controlled demolition?
A: Then the world would clearly see that it was a plot.

Furthermore, all that the conspiracy theorists do is shed doubt upon the "classical" explanation. I have not seen any positive proof, like "mission accomplished" messages to Bush, or confessions from someone who was in the plot. (Of course, that only proves what a cunning conspiracy it was. :rolleyes
S2 licensed
Quote from U4IK ST8 :So you believe that floors falling on top of each other caused some of the steel to melt?

So you believe that the molten metal was steel? And not another metal that melts easier, like zinc (from galvanized steel) or aluminum (widely used in any office building). Were the reported puddles of molten metal ever analyzed properly?
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Just watched Zeitgeist for the first time (i know, don't shoot me). Now, i won't coment on the first part, but parts 2 and 3 are really mindblowing, much more believable info then in Loose change...

If you took the time to watch Zeitgeist, why not take some time to read Conspiracy Science, a website that tries to debunk the movie. Or just see where Google takes you if you search for "zeitgeist" and "debunk".

BTW, kudos for your stamina, watching the whole movie. I could barely stand it for 5 minutes. Then my propaganda detector sounded, my baloney detector went berserk, so I had to stop.
S2 licensed
I got 4 (mistake in the last bar). Not bad, considering I've been staring at my monitor for a whole day, and the letters are dancing on my retina.

Worst scores are around 1400. Completely random (press "Score Test" immediately) gets you around 1000 points.

Or is this a test of the quality of your monitor?
Last edited by wsinda, .
S2 licensed
A big lottery here once advertised that its payback rate was 70%.

I can do better. I'll pay you back 75% of whatever money you enter. Guaranteed and fully legal.
S2 licensed
Glas Goggomobil Coupe 250

EDIT: I'm at work right now, so I can't search for a new pic. First person to post one wins.
Last edited by wsinda, .
S2 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :Matra 530 or M530A?


Your turn.
Last edited by wsinda, . Reason : Added pic
S2 licensed
It's not from one of the big French names of the day (Renault, Peugeot, Citroen, Simca).
S2 licensed
Not a Citroen. Not an Opel GT (which isn't even French), though it is similar: small sports car, same era (late '60s - early '70s), and pop-up headlights.

The license plate is Californian, but apparently some Yanks do have taste. Um, i mean a taste for European cars.
S2 licensed
No, it's a French car.
S2 licensed
Quote from wien :I hear the CGI scenes with Mecha-Hitler are awesome.

I hear the CGI scenes of Tom Cruise smiling are awesome, too.
S2 licensed
Another solution would be to let LFS convert replays into a portable, physics-independent replay format. The new format would not contain every detail from the car's physical state or the driver's input. It would be more like a movie, except that you can view the race from any angle you choose.

Apart from being independent of the LFS patch number, this would have some extra advantages:
- The portable format could be frame-based, making it easy to do smooth rewinding and scene selection. It would be a good tool for movie makers and race stewards.
- You could convert both SPR and MPR files to this format.
- You could let demo users view "licensed" races, without having to worry about cracks (because the conversion is one-way).
S2 licensed
Abarth Simca 2000GT

Here is a new one:
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :The big band theory requires no God

Correct, but it does require trombones, saxophones and white tuxedos.
Quote from lerts :instead of considering the object falling i consider the ground going up

That's why we all need strong legs, to help push the ground back down.
S2 licensed
I think I'll wait until there's a Chrome add-on that hides ads served by Google.
S2 licensed
Neither Ferrari nor Alfa, because it has a rear-mounted engine. (Proof: air scoop behind side window, big lid with metal clasps.)

Is that the Porsche logo on the side panel??
S2 licensed
Quote from BurnOut69 :The fact that those jokes exist does not mean they're typical, and again, Im glad they are NOT.

They are typical of the kind of jokes that you hear after some shocking event, like terroristic attacks or natural disasters. In fact, the one that lerts translated was an oldie: I heard it first when the Challenger space shuttle exploded.

Or this one:
Q: What did Al Gore do after he heard the death toll of 9/11?
A: He demanded a recount.
S2 licensed
Quote from CasseBent :He did post them though, you can't deny that, so technically that doesn't prove if he read the post(s) or not.

Zeugnimod said that BastianB didn't read the posts properly. (Which proves that you didn't read his post properly. Technically.)
Quote :Fact remains that lerts ruined the thread, by clarifying, to absolutely no one but himself and the voices, that the elephant story wasn't true.

It takes more than one person to ruin a thread: the one who goes OT, and the ones who react to him. You have heard about ignore lists, right?
S2 licensed
Quote from BastianB :why? Is it me posting jokes about some girls which lost their legs at some bomb atack. Is it me going other peoples nuts with posting absolutly bullshit about religions and stuff? Is it me destroing funny threads with my totaly dumb theories?

No, it's you spouting ad hominem attacks.
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :Only a religious person would find a way to be offended by this joke. The intention of this tale is just to tell a story with a surprise twist at the end. It's amusing because of how it is told. Long build up, building predictability, then surprise, and then "probably wasn't the same elephant".

I was sort-of offended by the joke, because it was disguised as a true story. I'm far from religious, but my first reaction was shock about a human suffering a terrible fate. It would have been a better laugh if it had started like "Johnny was hiking through the bush when he saw an elephant ..."
Quote :Don't start reading anything into it which is not there.

It was there. It did not start as a joke. The story was deliberately filled with made-up details, to make it sound like a true story. So much so that it needed debunking by Snopes.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Superman, Invisible Man and WonderWoman aren't jokes as such, but fiction characters. A slight but important difference.

Nope. There is an old joke (in several variations) about these 3 characters. Lerts only said he doesn't like the joke. I'm not going to repeat the joke here, Google can find them for you.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dizzydarryn :what does this actually mean

You must tell F1PerfView where you have LFS installed. You do this by opening the "View" menu in F1PerfView, selecting "Options". A dialogue window opens.

Select LFS as the primary sim. Click "Browse..." and go to the folder where LFS is installed.
S2 licensed
Quote from janipewter :1) Will the "throttle blip on downshift" and "throttle cut on upshift" options make a re-appearance in any future versions of LFS? I drive in sequential and they were invaluable driver aids, not to mention I'm pretty sure that a lot of modern race cars with sequential gearboxes will cut throttle on upshift too...and I'm also pretty sure that some Ferrari's with the flappy paddle boxes will blip on downshift.

It's not likely these options will come back. The aim of the devs is to create a realistic racing simulator. The cars are still manageable if you lift your right foot and watch the revs. It just takes a bit of training.

Most of the race cars in LFS have throttle cut on upshift. The only ones where you have to lift the throttle are the FBM and the MRT. The road cars don't have this, because they were modeled after saloon cars from the 90's, when the feature was uncommon.

Modern supercars have this, plus a bunch of other gadgets that help to keep reckless drivers on the road. If your aim is to go as fast as possible on public roads, but still be safe, that's OK. But the aim of a racing sim is to be better in controlling the car than your opponents, whatever the limitations of the car are. Even the underpowered, low-tech UF1000 allows for close, exciting racing.
Quote :3) ABS - as above. This should be an option on some/all cars, if not on all servers then at least cruise servers? Also, I race with a gamepad and the brake button is not proportional - it's either on or off. I can either set the brake balance low so it doesn't lock, but then it takes forever to slow down. Or I can set it high and just lock up all four, and have no steering control. Cadence braking does not seem to work very well either.

The "brake help" option is still there AFAIK. It prevents total lock-up, but doesn't give you optimal braking. It's there to ease the learning curve. BTW, mouse drivers have the same problem of on/off braking, and they seem to manage well. However, it might take a bit more training than in many other sims.
Quote :5) Not really LFS related, but I've just been reading a thread on here about burnouts where some guy mentions revving the pants out of his car in neutral and then dropping it into drive, and some other crap about overdrive too. I kinda agreed with a member who didn't have a clue with "overdrive" was, I've never heard of it either.

Here is a Wikipedia article about overdrives, though that may not be what they were referring to.
S2 licensed
Be sure to have the path to your LFS install configured in F1PerfView (menu View -> Options).
S2 licensed
Quote from BastianB :[not to be repeated here]

Lerts may have issues but so do you, Bastian. Can you please try honest criticism, instead of personal attacks? If not, just put lerts on your ignore list and you'll feel a lot better.