The online racing simulator
Richard Burns Rally
(1109 posts, started )
:gnasher: CTD again......
Isn't there the superrally-option so you can reenter from the stage where you left?

I enabled 'allow resume tournament' but I think Don tested it after his alt-f4 tantrum and it didn't work. I assume it only works between stages if you gotta disconnect for a while. Though I'm in the possible CTD boat aswell, because my router keeps rebooting itself randomly. Don't know if I can resume if that happens mid-stage.

Superally allows you to resume the rally in the next service area if you manage to crash and DNF. Time penalties are applied naturally, so you probably cannot fight for the win anymore - but still beats DNFing the whole rally in stage 1.
And again, now for Japan.
#430 - Don
so, joined the rally japan tournament:

stage 1 - Tanner
i hate this stage, worst stage in rbr. the rain didnt help it and i couldnt see the road very well. but i finished without any big mistake

stage 2 - Pirka Menoko (or whatever)
i dont know this track at all, drove it few months ago last time, so i didnt remember any bit of it. Was driving very carefully and when braking into some turn i went offroad and hit a tree in very low speed - gearbox broken and stuck in 1st gear, when trying to return on the track engine stalled - and as you know, its impossible to start it again if you aint in N gear. so i had to retire

stage 4 - Noikker
i knew i had no chance to win the tournament anymore as i was carrying penalty for not finish 2 stages, so i just wanted to push as much as i went really well, had 18seconds lead to Vain after few kilometers, but then 6km to finish the engine sudennly lost all power (and i didnt hit anything, temperature was ok) it had really bad sound and accelerated very badly, hardly reached 90 km/h...

stage 5 - Tanner 2
had to drive this whole stage with the broken engine from last stage, as there was no service park

stage 6 - Noikker 2
went flatout and close to startline there was some bump in road which catapulted me in trees. engine kaput.

so, great rally for me (again)
That Noiker time was definitely impressive. But you need to get an idea of "risk control"...

#432 - Don
i am really curious what causes the sudden power loss, beucase i really didnt hit anything. in the service park i had to fix "head gaskets" (iirc) and then the engine worked

@Vain> as i said, i drove very carefully thru the pirka menoko stage, but just such a small mistake had catastrophic result. after that, i had no motivation to drive carefully, so i just went flatout
head gasket
n : a gasket to seal a cylinder head
I had problems with the head gasket in two real life vehicles. You're lucky it didn't destroy the complete engine.
The engine propably lost compression when the head gasket died, thus the power loss. I'd say the damage occured due to a hot-spotting problem caused by continous throttle/turbo+brake? The coolant-temperature doesn't rise in that case, but parts of the engine block still get very hot.

#435 - Don
i drove some USA stage and there it happend also, near the finish line (so i stopped the car and went to wrong way for a while to show you how slow it goes). Check out the replay
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Hrm. The only thing I see which could have caused this, was that you don't lift on those small jumps/crests. But otherwise
im about to give the rally japan tournament a go. This could be embarrassing
I'll take place in these tourny's asap....right now I'm stormed with work and studying. Being a senior in college and wanting to play video games really sucks lol
Destroyed the car twice

RBR is much more fun driving against real competitors. Thats the most i've driven in RBR and i didnt finish two or three stages. I was fastest in the second stage i think it was at the first checkpoint until i hit a tree
Great Britain and Japan rallies are open till next monday (check sig) so remember to take part in both. I'll do the Japan on thursday and create another rally (what rally comes after Japan? Finland?) too.
Well, finishing it at all is an achievement these days.
I really suggest a secondary league using the MG. So we can rally both at the same time and compete in both classes.
[Edit] Yes, Finland is after Japan.

Not a bad idea, because I was surprised by the amount of DNFs on these rallies. Japan and France rallies are the most difficult ones for me, so I got a feeling the margin between us will grow tomorrow.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :I don't mean to be a pain, but: I don't understand how this works at all. Do I need a plugin or something?

And if I retire from a stage, is that the end of the rally? Sounds like some of you retired and then rejoined in later stages?

Everything you need is here: ... ;p=howtostart&lng=eng

If you retire from a stage you repair what you can on your car and move to the next stage. Or move to the next stage after the service. Im not really sure i wasnt paying attention

In the stages you get split times relative to the others that are in the tournament which is cool. Although i should have used my real name to make it look better
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Hoshit, I got back from my mates and had RBR sat waiting for me. I pissed my pants and killed my car a few times. Pure awesome game.

But damn is it hard to get used to, after playing games where you can abuse the car and keep on ticking, I never knew it was this easy to blow a hole in your radiator, just one jump at about 130KPH and bag, temps go through the roof and my engine dies before I finish. Fun fun fun.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I just did the rally of britain offline. One stage i spun and hit a tree damaging the gear box. The game said i should retire but i just drove the rest of the stage stuck in first at 67kph Luckily for me it was only a 3 minute stage. But then i cocked up my rally on chirdonhead II went too wide around a fast sweeping left hander and smashed the nose into a tree. Subura must hate me.
GB rally was pretty horrid for me. I'm gonna take a stab at the Japan rally next. Great work spankmeyer setting these up and even including a little website for it :-)

Japan wasn't much better but somehow I finished second overall, wayyyyy off the pace of Vain in first place though. I had to "call for help" way too many times and each time is +45 seconds. I couldn't stay concentrated on what I was doing and kept missing the pacenotes. Still tons a fun like always though!
I have exclusive footage of my big crash in Japan (well one of them )

Call was crest flat left so i went flat out. Stupid pace notes. I think someone else in the tournament did the same thing?

Video was made easily using kegetys awesome tool that you can find here
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The hanging door was a nice detail.

Ok I'll do the Japan now...

UPDATE: Nevermind. I hate the Japan rally. [FAKE EXCUSE]For some unknown reasons (maybe Japan has a more powerful gravity) I was bottoming out all the time and RBR's random bumb generator sent me into woods on last stage.[/FAKE EXCUSE] I just lost my temper after first DNF and went berserk. Not that it mattered, because I only got to finish one stage.

I'm off to work now, hopefully I won't be too pissy to clients after this fiasco...
(spankmeyer) DELETED by spankmeyer : EDIT not QUOTE
I've never known a game like RBR for getting under my skin!!!!!

I'm not the fastest driver in LFS but in a 3 way battle there is a certain amount of pressure, but I can cope with that.


I drive one stage of RBR and I'm at boiling point, ready to tear a strip off anyone who tries to talk to me!!! For some reason the pressure is so much more intense. If I go off the road in LFS it doesn't matter too much, but if I go off the road slightly in RBR I almost turn into the HULK, I'm that mad!!!!

Anyone else have these problems, or should I seek HELP!
It's fairly normal RBR behaviour, nothing to be worried about. Just wait 'till you lose a rally because you hit a tree during the last 100 meters...

Richard Burns Rally
(1109 posts, started )