The online racing simulator

Poll : Do You think there should be a mountain drift course?

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Quote from Smurfen :and drifting looks cooler, in my opinion enyways, people have diffrent opinions, this could be discussed for ages.I just love LFS no matter what!:eclipsee_

Thanks smurfen.. I rest my case


Why just "DRIFT"
Quote from Drifter[fin] :Why just "DRIFT"

Did you read any of the posts out of these 4 pages? Look at pages 1-3

A lot of things have beeen said.
Quote from Ian.H :Thanks smurfen.. I rest my case



glad to solve it
Quote from LFSn00b :I like drifting, does that make me stupid?

No, not the drifting.

just kidding!
After reading Ian's posts in this thread, I realised that this looks exactly like RACISM (spelling?) but with drifters...I bet Ian also hates oval racers and Drag racers....
People like you, my dear friend, make the whole RACING community look like a bunch of selfish, narrowminded, speed fanatics, who never listen to other people's opinions...(I know it's not like that - I happen to know a few racers here - great people) furthermore - YOU look JUST LIKE those kids who start threads like this, and watch FnF...only you also believe that being a racer (a majority on this forum) makes you far more superior compared to others...

no ofence people - carry on fighting over a hillclimb course that will be (if will be added) used for racing, and for drifting while in know just cant accept that Drifters WILL use it for drifting...and Drifters KNOW AND ACCEPT that racers will use it for racing
there...I said what I feel like, and on that note - Im out of here...
Quote from squidhead :After reading Ian's posts in this thread, I realised that this looks exactly like RACISM (spelling?) but with drifters...I bet Ian also hates oval racers and Drag racers....

[ snip ]


**obscenity edited out, take a week off, Ian.
Quote from total konfuzion :LOL forget the week.. make it permanent

Wondered how long it would take, surprised it took that long.

If you really wanted to be away from here permanently you would have just stayed away of your own accord.
Be fair Gunn, that would have required some form of self-control
i have an OT question... if you are banned from forums, can you play s2 online while banned from forum?
Quote from Hankstar :Be fair Gunn, that would have required some form of self-control

Ian's an intelligent guy and has done some good things for this community and others, I'm a bit surprised that he's allowed himself to become provoked to this point quite frankly. Maybe he's having a bad week or something? We all have our moments.

Quote from Gabkicks :i have an OT question... if you are banned from forums, can you play s2 online while banned from forum?

Yes the ban here does not effect the game.
Quote from total konfuzion :Please don't let that have any effect. I whole heartedly stand by what I said.. and if someone wants to brand me as a racist, then I'll happily show them just how much a skinhead with an attitude can be racist, no problem at all

With your mastery of the English language Ian, you are quite capable of putting someone in their place without losing your temper or resorting to obsceneties.
This is a public forum though Ian, you can't let yourself get wound-up like that here. You know the culture of the Internet well enough to handle the situation better than you did. Please just take a break from here for a little while and don't let it get to you. As you know, the Internet can be a frustrating place.
LFS definatly needs a mountain based course. Something like Akagi Mountain or something. They do rally based hill climb's up there, so why not on LFS? I've made a layout on FE RallyX Green rev, which uses the undulations of the road chicane to create a small touge time trial+drift course. But to have an actual mountain in the game would be awesome. And i'd doubt you'd have to pay for licenses to put a mountain course in?
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :Ever since tokyo super dorifto came out, all the little ricer boys think drifting is "mad tyte", and wanna sell their civics and get RWD cars to be a "dorifto master".

Im not a fan of drifting by any means, but i dont have anything against it. Some people do it because they really love the feeling, and they think its fun. other people do it because they saw Fast and the Furious, and wanna be "cool".

Yes, id LOVE to have a mountian pass for sprinted driving in this game. A ton of people would use it for drifting, and other people would use it for grip.

As long as the drifters kept drifting on the track for a drift server, or room or w/e, and didnt go into a room where people were actualy trying to set good times, and drive with grip down the mountain pass, then it could work out pretty well.

This would be more for online, just messing around, rather than racing. However, a point to point race wouldnt be bad, either, but the 2 lane roads would cause for a lot of crashes, when there are bad drivers.

Like sombody said, +1 for a touge track, -1 for calling it a "drift" track.

With this said, i think there should be no more topics about a Touge Track.

Also, it should be added to the game

Vote #1 to end "please add a touge track" topics.
Quote from SNOOP [Drift-Era] :For haters of drifting and drifters just for cause they cant drift...

where does this attitude come from?! i CAN drift quite nicely, but i STILL think it requires less skill than racing.

I dont see why you assume we must all be jealous rather than having an opinion?
I personally enjoy both drifting and racing, I can get just as much of a kick out of one as I can of the other. I say bring on the mountain courses, racing/drifting is so much more interesting when gravity is playing a more 'intense' role.
Quote from squidhead :After reading Ian's posts in this thread, I realised that this looks exactly like RACISM (spelling?) but with drifters...I bet Ian also hates oval racers and Drag racers....
People like you, my dear friend, make the whole RACING community look like a bunch of selfish, narrowminded, speed fanatics, who never listen to other people's opinions...(I know it's not like that - I happen to know a few racers here - great people) furthermore - YOU look JUST LIKE those kids who start threads like this, and watch FnF...only you also believe that being a racer (a majority on this forum) makes you far more superior compared to others...

no ofence people - carry on fighting over a hillclimb course that will be (if will be added) used for racing, and for drifting while in know just cant accept that Drifters WILL use it for drifting...and Drifters KNOW AND ACCEPT that racers will use it for racing
there...I said what I feel like, and on that note - Im out of here...

Wow, with a post like that I can see why Ian flipped his biscuit.

You can take a super fast racer and make him a drifter, but id like to see you make a drifter a super fast racer

Oh as for a 'moutain drift course' no, Id prefer to have a few more 'race' tracks or some new cars or better sounds.
Whats up with this new Drift craze?

I really hope there isnt a "4 Fast 4 Furious Tou-Ge-O Grip"....
Quote from Rooble :
You can take a super fast racer and make him a drifter, but id like to see you make a drifter a super fast racer

Some drifters in this community are very very fast racers actually. Any person who practices and understands either will usually improve and has every chance of being very successful. I wonder why you find that so hard to comprehend.
Quote from Rooble :Wow, with a post like that I can see why Ian flipped his biscuit.

You can take a super fast racer and make him a drifter, but id like to see you make a drifter a super fast racer

Oh as for a 'moutain drift course' no, Id prefer to have a few more 'race' tracks or some new cars or better sounds.

Great car control and knowledge of car behavior are essential for both professions that you mentioned. It may take a while, but both situations can happen because they both come from general knowledge of car control.
Quote from Ian.H :Not in the slightest.. I'm very open to (new) ideas.. just not pointless ones and art (in many formats) is something very close to my heart

As for skill, as I say, I used to throw my car sideways (pretty sideways too) when I was 17 / 18 and hadn't long passed my test.. so wasn't very skilled at all.

"Drifting"'s just about being a poser.. nothing more, nothing less.



I know I'm only new but yeah yeah, i really think it isnt about being a "poser" or anything of such like that. Drifting takes alot of car control and grip racing is ALOT easier. I'm not another drift fanboy but i do enjoy watching it and doing it on LFS, this being, its a racing simulator, what about all the people that have "demo derby's" and so forth? I think atleast ONE orientated drift track would be nice!

Nothing against by the way bud, just thought id say that and your post was the one i could demonstrate off.
Quote from Gunn :With your mastery of the English language Ian, you are quite capable of putting someone in their place without losing your temper or resorting to obsceneties.

If that was a sincere statement (which I believe it to be) I'd say that's a mighty big compliment.
Quote from total konfuzion :We'll have to agree to disagree here. I can slide a car around easy as pie (talking real cars here, not in games), beating someone around a track time-wise however is another kettle of fish, and I'm no slouch in a real car either and have done both track days and "silly things" on public roads in my teens / early 20s... I know which is easier, at least to me.. but maybe your point helps to underline Rooble's point about a racer can drift easier than a drifter can race (obviously this isn't the case 100% of the time, but maybe 98%?).

I find this pretty interesting, and I disagree with you. Drifting teaches the basics of car control on the limit and that's what's important. It's easier to teach someone a good line than it is to teach car control. I'm not sure if anyone here watched the Forza Motorsport Challenge that was on last week but there were 6 drivers pitted head to head in a 10 lap race. The drifter came in 2nd out of the 6. He was driving a stock 350Z and the winner was driving a C6 Corvette (Z06 even, I think). Obviously he must have some skill because he damn near beat a car with twice as much power and a driver with more experience racing.

Quote :No problem.. likewise, I'm not having a pop at you here and the questions asked are sincere as I really don't see how "drifting" can be anything but posing.

Rally drivers slide sideways around nearly every corner, yet they're trying to run the fastest time and beat the competition. So, while drifting can be about looking good and having fun it can also be a useful skill in real world racing.

I'm primarily a racer. I think drifting can be a fun diversion, but when I log on to LFS I do so to race. That said, I think a mountain course would be the best addition to LFS as far as tracks go. It would give the drifters a place to ply their trade and yet would still be fun for racing (hill climbs, one on one races, etc). IMO, the most fun races are not the ones that are 20 laps around a circuit, but the ones that are down a long and winding road. The original Need for Speed (before it became all about spinnerz and body kits) had several tracks that were point to point. One went through a city down wide freeways, one went up a mountain side, one went down the coast, etc. I had more fun with that game than any other racing game except LFS because the tracks were such a joy. I'd like to see that same fun put into this great simulator for racers AND drifters.

If you don't think this looks like great fun, you may be dead:
Quote from Cue-Ball :I find this pretty interesting, and I disagree with you. Drifting teaches the basics of car control on the limit and that's what's important.

Limit of what? Jeremy Clarkson can "drift", he's a TV presenter.. albeit a funny one

Quote :It's easier to teach someone a good line than it is to teach car control.

Knowing the line and being fast around that line are 2 very different things

Quote :[ snip ]

Rally drivers slide sideways around nearly every corner, yet they're trying to run the fastest time and beat the competition. So, while drifting can be about looking good and having fun it can also be a useful skill in real world racing.

Big difference.. rally drivers are trying to go fast on almost suicidal tracks in some cases.. they also used to drift back in the 60s.. neither are for posing / show and both served a real purpose.. "drifting" today has normal sized tracks possibly 3-4 car widths in size.. much much much easier

Quote :I'm primarily a racer. I think drifting can be a fun diversion, but when I log on to LFS I do so to race. That said, I think a mountain course would be the best addition to LFS as far as tracks go. It would give the drifters a place to ply their trade and yet would still be fun for racing (hill climbs, one on one races, etc). IMO, the most fun races are not the ones that are 20 laps around a circuit, but the ones that are down a long and winding road. The original Need for Speed (before it became all about spinnerz and body kits) had several tracks that were point to point. One went through a city down wide freeways, one went up a mountain side, one went down the coast, etc. I had more fun with that game than any other racing game except LFS because the tracks were such a joy. I'd like to see that same fun put into this great simulator for racers AND drifters.

Something I'll agree to disagree on. I didn't play any of the NFS series (before or after is was all about nawz on Civics), but used to love Test Drive 2 back in my Amiga days, but the best racing IMO is door handle to door handle.. I personally couldn't care less if I win or lose.. but if I can run almost parallel with another driver or fight infront of / behind for my position for 50 laps, then it's an absolute great experience.

Quote :If you don't think this looks like great fun, you may be dead:

I'll take your word for it.. I don't view flash movies and block anything flash related



Mountian Drift Course
(482 posts, started )