LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
i have a problem, every time i try to load a file for handicapusers he says:

"startindex cannot be larger than length of char"

or something like that. i used the name like it is in said in the config file.

There is a bug when you want use a handicap file, sorry

Fixed for the next release

i have another bug, but i will post it later, its a bit more complicate to discribe

now i have got time

the following Problem:

we had 3 Lappers synced and in 32 hours, in which they should have tracked laps, we had to restart one of them about 15 times, because it just crashed without any sign of error. (wasn't always the same)

we had a maximum of about 40 drivers on the three servers. Textmessages of the Lapper were all deactivated. It sometimes crashed, when there were just 10 drivers on track.

Would be cool if you could fix that too Gai

Greetings CommanderMAS

Edit: what i forgot to say is, that we are using 2 synced lappers since a long time and they don't have that problem.
Is there any new 64bits release of lapper available for LFS patch Z ?
I just need to know how to change the text gap that appears in the middle of screen. Could i configure something in lfslapper.ipr to align the text to the lft and not such big? It appears in the middle and i can not see the road. If someone could help, THANKS
I solved the problem with Yisc[NL]
pitboard, thanks yisc.
Quote from AYRTON (EUS) :
I solved the problem with Yisc[NL]
pitboard, thanks yisc.

I'm glad I could help you without actualy helping you
Further I like to say that an improved version of the Pitboard is under construction.
I've found several bugs in the current version and I've added 2 new options.
Those can be used in league races.
Admins can set a pitwindow and the number of mandatory pitstops and the Pitboard shows the number of stops you have to make and the status of the pitlane.
In order to get this working a new version of Lapper is needed which I received from Gai-Luron and will be made public in the next couple of weeks.
I'll keep you posted about this.
Attached images
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

There is a bug when you want use a handicap file, sorry

Fixed for the next release


wicked.... any idea when that will be at all?

I was hoping to tweak a few things to add in a couple of handicap buttons. Should I wait?
hello !
this message is for gai luron
my english is limited

tout d'abord, bravo pour ton travail !!!

ensuite, j'ai un petit message d'erreur, du a LFSLapper v 5.714, a chaque fois qu'un joueur se deconnecte : IS_MTC - could not find destination
je na sais pas ce qu'est IS_MTC ce qui m'empeche de lui donner une destination !

je te remercie par avance de ta reponse

bonne journée
I am waiting for that new lfs lapper and pitboard , thank you for developing that things that make the game more real. I am reall happy, thank you gai luron and yisc and more people for developing that thing. Next project release hope it will be an external analog gauge for velocity and rpm, just joking . Keep on whith your actual projects.
Testing Lapper 5.715 + Pitboard 1.40
The latest version of Lapper (5.715) combined with my latest version of the Pitboard (1.40) can now be tested on the following server:


Mode: S2
Track: AS2
Laps: 10
Mandatory pitstops: 1
Pitwindow: Lap 3 up and including Lap 7

Have a go at this server and tell me about problems you've found or things that can be done different/better. Happy testing everyone.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :The latest version of Lapper (5.715) combined with my latest version of the Pitboard (1.40) can now be tested on the following server:


Mode: S2
Track: AS2
Laps: 10
Mandatory pitstops: 1
Pitwindow: Lap 3 up and including Lap 7

Have a go at this server and tell me about problems you've found or things that can be done different/better. Happy testing everyone.

where can we get the new lapper?
Quote from StableX :where can we get the new lapper?

You can't get it. It's a private version. Updates will be made public in the next update of Lapper by Gai-Luron.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :The latest version of Lapper (5.715) combined with my latest version of the Pitboard (1.40) can now be tested on the following server:


Mode: S2
Track: AS2
Laps: 10
Mandatory pitstops: 1
Pitwindow: Lap 3 up and including Lap 7

Have a go at this server and tell me about problems you've found or things that can be done different/better. Happy testing everyone.

It's looking very good Yisc
What are the new features? Is there a var that count the nummer of lap's from the car at the lead?
Quote from Tim NL :It's looking very good Yisc
What are the new features? Is there a var that count the nummer of lap's from the car at the lead?

Release notes:

|Changes from v5.714 to 5.715|
1. Fix Bug when synchro of multiple PB instance in the same directory

2. Fix conversion float to string in parser eval "=="

3. Add new var $LapsDone -> Lap done for the current player

4. Add new config var and event

$PitWindowStart=2; -> Begin allowed pit start at this lap ( included )
$PitWindowStop=4; -> End allowed pit finish at this lap ( included )

Event OnNotPitWindow() -> Triggered when a play do a pit on not allowed window
Event OnBeginPitWindow() -> Triggered when a player enter in the pit window allowed lap
Event OnEndPitWindow() -> Triggered when a player exit off the pit window allowed lap
Hi ! can someone help with the new Lapper bcz i`v been running-it for about 1 week and and its full of bugs and I don`t have the knowledge to fix them all, so can somebody post a good running LPR file. Really appreciated

might be a stupid question but here it goes.

ive tried to add this handicap thing to my lapper but cant get it to work.
the best progress i get is that u cant leave pit at all.

can someone explain it simple(post code)?

EDIT: just saw someone else Q,is it a bug?
Quote from Easy_Mike :hi.

might be a stupid question but here it goes.

ive tried to add this handicap thing to my lapper but cant get it to work.
the best progress i get is that u cant leave pit at all.

can someone explain it simple(post code)?

EDIT: just saw someone else Q,is it a bug?

There's a bug when using a file to set the handicaps but otherwise it should work just fine.
In Lapper you have 3 possibilities to set handicaps.

A handicap on a specific car:

$HandicapCars = "XFG:100:10,XRT:50:10";

This means that if you want to go on the track with a XFG you should have set 100 KG extra weight and 10% intake restriction.
If you want to go out with an XRT you should have set 50 KG extra weight and 10% intake restriction.

A handicap on a specific track/car combo:

$HandicapCarsTracks = "XFG/BL1:100:10,XRT/AS1:50:10";

This means that if you want to go out on track BL1 with a XFG you should have set 100 KG extra weight and 10% intake restriction.
If you want to go out on track AS1 with a XRT you should have set 50 KG extra weight and 10% intake restriction.

A handicap on a specific user:

$HandicapUsers = "@Gai-Luron:100:20,gwendoline:100:30";

This means that when user Gai-Luron connects to your server he can only leave pits (with any car he like) with 100 KG extra weight set and 20% intake restriction.
When user gwendoline wants to leave the pits, 100 KG extra weight should have been set and 30% intake restriction.

So to go short, on the server you set the rules for a car , track/car or user and then the player connecting to your server has to set those values in his/her setup-screen. I hope it's clear now.
Pitboard V1.41
I'm very proud to announce yet another features for the next release of my Pitboard.
Version 1.40 already had some nice addons and some bugs fixed but version 1.41 is even better.

Today I started working on the safetycar feature and after 3 hours of building and testing it, it's finished now.
The admin can start a control panel by typing: !sc
Which will bring up the following taskbar with the current status displayed in green.

(See Image3.gif)

The admin can set the status to the following options:

SC OFF = Pitboard runs on normal behaviour
CLOSE will close the taskbar

(See Image1.gif / Image2.gif)

The Safetycar button is displayed on the desired position of the receiving player so the position of the Pitboard doesn't matter.
When you've chosen to switch the Pitboard off, normal chat messages will be displayed with the same text as display on the Pitboard.
Attached images
a feature i like to see (i might missed it)
is that in handicap i can(with your help,thx) set the lowest intake restriction to lets say 20...but u can leave pit with 25?
thats a feature i would like to see..that the value u set.in this case 20% is the only accepted one.

it is possible i guess.
Excellent Yisc! that´s a very nice innovation. You are beating yourself up.
I have a question. Who drives the safety car? Sorry for my ignorance.
Quote from AYRTON (EUS) :Excellent Yisc! that´s a very nice innovation. You are beating yourself up.
I have a question. Who drives the safety car? Sorry for my ignorance.

Safetycar will be used in league races where it's driven by one of the admins I guess.
Some features won't be used for casual racing but are useful for leagues.
I've 2 more big wishes on my list on which I'll be working in the near future.
Excellent Yisc. Nice feature. Top notch job
Pitboard V1.42
It seems I can't stop myself at the moment, so this morning I started working on again a new feature for my Pitboard.
Work is almost completed and everything is tested, so I'm proud to announce the option of comparing your split- laptimes to the ones of the leader.
At the moment the leader is only updated on start/finish but this will be changed to the other sectors as well.
When set to compare times to the leader, you also receive message about lost/same/gained time compared to the times of the leader.
Last thing I have to do is to match the colors for losing/same/gaining time.

I have to point out that the comparison is done to the latest lap of the leader so if your x laps behind you should be aware of that.
Attached images
i was in a server with lfs lapper ofcourse and i saw a anglemeter in the leftside of the screen. i want that too for my lapper but i'm a noob in programming so can anyone help me??
Attached images
LAPPER 1.jpg
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LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )