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Quote from TFalke55 :that's why there are multiple divisions for this very championship to make sure everyone gets a spot Wink

exactly Wink we now have a litmit of 5 divisions (150 + 50 VIP places), but if we find more admins, then we can easily make even more divisions Cool
S3 licensed
Thanks guys for the replies, much appreciated Wink Hold on, something is brewing Wink
Looking for a commentator / streamer for a global league
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In English language, 10x 3hour events (qual+sprint+90min Endu). Do yo have what it takes? PM me for further details Wink
True global leauge feasible?
S3 licensed
Hello LFS planet Wink

I got backing from a large sponsor, who would be interested in running a true global LFS league, with some really interesting prices. Do you guys think its possible? I raced the League of Nations back in the days with a lot of people from around the world, but know that there were some issues with racers connecting from Australia to European servers... What is your experience with racing on servers with higher pings? What ping is maximum for you to enjoy a race without many lags?

Looking forward to hearing from you guys, I'll keep you posted on the development Wink
S3 licensed
Quote from ORION :I'd say a lot of people stopped racing in LFS because they grew old and gray, got kids, got jobs, and simply don't have the time anymore! Big grin

exactly Wink and the new kids are more likely to be dazzled by shiny graphics and "I want to drive the McLaren GT3 @ Nurburgring" than to care about realism...
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :nope, no there's not.

Imagine writing to your favorite band and saying "I love your work but you haven't released anything for a while. I have a couple of tunes that I reckon you might like to use. It's a good middle way"

Well if the band has lost its glory and almost nobody listens to it compared to the old days, then something that causes a comeback is in order Wink
S3 licensed
First of all thanks for all the opinions Wink Don't get me wrong, I love LFS since the beging, I never wanted the devs to hire me, I only wanted to help them make this sim better. And while I do get, why they don't want LFS to be moddable - to avoid the hassle with getting the right mod, so you can join a server, I also think more content would bring people back. As someone said, LFS is so refined in many aspects the other sims are not - the ease of use, having short races with no hassels etc. it would get people quickly addicted. I tried a lot of other sims and in a lot of them its really frustrating to get some racing done.

But there is always a middle way to get some content created. Hats off to Eric for the top job done, but I think there are more talented people, who could also add some nice content - so let people mod a play whatever they want in singleplayer, but for multiplayer, the devs + maybe community would choose best car and track say each month, which would be added to the online available content. Don't get me wrong, I like the tracks and cars, but some new ones would be nice Wink

For the rake effect. Yes, it does something, but its hard to tell what - apart from moving the CG and the height of the wings...
S3 licensed
Well, I'd say no comment from the devs means all is still the same... But I still hope that some day... (pls sooner than later Wink )
S3 licensed
Quote from VirtualGarage :...

my words, wrong account Big grin
New life into LFS?
S3 licensed
Hello devs,

I've been with you guys since the begining, but I am sad, that the majority of people has moved to different sims. We will run a public wide LFS league in the Czech Republic, to search for young motorsport talents for a race team I worked with for some time now. They participate in European Truck Racing, Dakar rallye and are now starting their career in GT cars. So I hope this will bring back some of the life back into LFS.

But the main aim of this thread is a bit different. In the past 10 years, our motion sim company evolved a bit, from having 1 simulator to having 12. We opened a Racing Centre for people to do some serious simracing, but everyone wants to drive real cars on real tracks. Me and my partner love LFS, the physics, the feeling of the car is still unmatched and so is the netcode, so we would love to use LFS for our public events, but without the real cars and tracks it's a no-go. The same story goes for real life race drivers, who come to us for practice before their next race - they need to be on the track of their next real life event.

Are you still decided on that "closed" development mode of yours? In the last years I worked for some of the top teams in the GT field - Black Falcon Racing, Grasser Racing, Emil Frey racing and maybe could open the doors for you there. (BTW being a performance engineer I noticed that in LFS, on cars which have underfloor downforce, there is no change in it if you play with ride height - IRL this does a lot and the "rake" angle is a major part of GT car's setup) I have also experience with 3D scanning which could help Eric bring real cars into LFS. The same goes for the race tracks, for 14 years now I have the FIM Sporting Steward and Clerk of the Course license, have been in close cooperation with people managing various race tracks and it's all about the people. I bet it's not only me who wants to see laser scanned racetracks like Spa or Nurburgring in LFS Wink

Looking forward to hearing from you guys Wink
Last edited by Chaos, .
S3 licensed
can "Professional LFS driving" be taken as a reason for issuing a long time visa? if so, i'm moving to NZ right now ;D
S3 licensed
Quote from BreadC :this is general lfs...

you should of posted in Technical Assistance

and with a better thread name... something like "low fps with win7" ...
S3 licensed
Quote from menantoll :Remember that we are only hearing one side of the story here. On top of that we are hearing a side of the story comming from someone who feels hard done by in the deal.

True, I've put a lot of effort into getting the deals, but with no outcome.

Quote from menantoll :
I'm willing to bet that a look at the correspondance from both sides would change the whole look of this thread.

Don't know, but I will not quote the emails.

Quote from menantoll :
Without seeing the email you sent them asking for a status update this means nothing. Also based on the way you have written in this thread I can't see it being the nicest of emails. We all know that the devs have got bogged down with tyre physics etc. and an email asking for an update on something that they likely put on the back burner could have steered them towards saying "lets just not bother with that then"

It was the people from Buggyra who had to ask, to get an answer from the devs. And yes, the devs say in the mail it is because of the tyre physics and other things.
Quote from menantoll :Finally you are saying you didn't even bother asking them about the Skoda so this thread is really just another "whinge at the devs" thread with a "lets wind the locals up" thrown in.

No I did not bother, because from my previous experience it would be useless. And yes, as I said before, my aim was to stirr things up a little.

boothy> 9.9.2008 I made the offer, 27.10.2009 they said they will not make the truck.

no, I will not give a link, read my previous post for the reasons... The only thing I can give you are these 2 photos>!/alb ... 82921&id=111081706057
S3 licensed
No, my point is to poke the devs a bit, to get moving a get things done...

I don't think this makes LFS a big failure, I still hope that the devs will come up with something which will make LFS a star again...

and I will not promote the mod, one> because the people from Skoda Auto have not yet said it could be made public, two> this is not the place for that...
S3 licensed
hotmail> the thing is, that 3 times I came up with an offer for the devs, 2x they turned it down right away and the last one, the truck, they at first said yes, I've sent them a 3d model of the truck, but after some time, the guys from Buggyra started asking on the progress and after about a year of the thing being in the status "yes, it will be" it changed to "no, sorry" ... How do you think we looked like infront of the Buggyra guys?
So when we got the offer from Skoda Auto to model the Fabia RS, we did not ask the devs, we went straight to rF and made the mod in 3 weeks to a complete satisfaction of Skoda Auto... Would you have gone to the devs again after such experience and with such a deal?
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :DevilDare: What offers have they turned down? Perhaps the truck, but I guess that a proper truck simulation would involve chassis flex and perhaps few other modifications which they just didn't feel like doing at that time.

chassis flex and what cought the attention of the devs, was making a proper simulation of the brakes, because brakes management (see cooling) is a huge factor in truck racing...

and aside from what rockclan said, I arranged that they could make the racetrack in Most ( ... todromu/parametry-okruhu/ ) for free, then the Skoda Octavia and then the deal with Buggyra, which when they turned down, i decided that this was my final attempt...

So we turned to rF, because we were able to make the Fabia mod in 3 weeks...

And yes, I'm sad, that it is not LFS where the Fabia is...
Skoda Fabia RS
S3 licensed
Just to inform you guys.

In the light of how the development of truck racing in LFS (I prepared a deal for LFS with Buggyra (the last years European Champions in truck racing)) went (the devs at first liked it, but then decided the time was not ripe for trucks to make it into LFS). We now finished Skoda Fabia RS (with full support from Skoda Auto) for rFactor.

Well, this all could have been for LFS, but the devs have their policy... No bad feelings from our side involved, just stating things the way they are...
S3 licensed
could this zombie idea make it at least partially (oval with lx4? please...) into the new patch with updated physics? It would be a nice touch...
Last edited by Chaos, .
S3 licensed
Quote from wild :I think we should wait until it's officially released to see what the Developers have done with the track, I'm pretty sure it's not 100% finished yet.

true, but we don't know if they thought about this, since it's not a bug
Add spectators to Rockingham
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Looking at the screens of Rockingham I noticed the spectator grandstands are empty... Understandable on an exclusive testday, but raceweekends? What about adding some spectators? I think on league races like the MoE, STCC and a lot of other well known leagues, the grandstands would be full
S3 licensed
Quote from hazaky :How about the PublicTV permission? Because im not on "ordinary" user. U know - its my music production channel/user. So, myea ... maybe just someone else would upload it.

PublicTV is ok with any mirror as long their watermark stays visible...
Quote from Bob Smith :A nice bit of coverage there. Chaos, is it you not being a presenter, or just the Czech language, but your talking was just like this wall of noise. Is it not normal to stop to breath when talking?

Still, a nice promotion, nicely biased to avoid mentioning any other race sims, especially those that also work with the 301. Perhaps it's just the translated text but it might have come across a bit misleading (that to use the 301, you have to use LFS).

well, I guess it's both but I was talking pretty fast, to get as much information as possible into the time we had... about the other sims for 301> at the begining Jaroslav said that LFS is not the only game working with the 301, but as I look at it now, I could have translated his sentence better, to make it more clear... he said> it's a state of the art piece of hardware on which you can also play LFS among others.

btw. a plea to an english native speaker> please, are there some big mistakes in the subtitles? could you please write where and how the correct version should be? Man learns best from his own mistakes Thanks!

thanks guys for the appreciation
S3 licensed
Flame> thx, but why didn't I know about it sooner?

both are the same file... and i dunno, the second link shows their page and then directly offers me to save the file...

I'm sorry, but I can't make a better mirror, because I'm "camping" with the 301 at the racetrack in Brno and the wifi in the paddock has only about 5-10kb upload...
Live For Speed & Force Dynamics 301 at PublicTV
S3 licensed
Hello everyone,

at the begining of April this report about LFS and FD301 was aired by one of the Czech TV stations - Public TV and I promised I'll do the english subtitles. So here they are

note> We use custom textures at FernBay for better contrast, because the 301 uses a projector, so be calm, no new FernBay for now.

The reportage without the other parts can be downloaded here and here (400MB hires, if slow, use other mirrors).

LQ version megaupload mirror. - Thanks to TV[cz]
Hires version mirror. - Thanks to Renku

any reuploading is fine as long as the PublicTV watermark stays visible...

The subtitles for this version can be found here.

Last edited by Chaos, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :It's called closed beta's.... which are all tested out in Germany. Probably because they are dominating the LFS community.

this video is from the Czech Republic and we got the Scirocco solely for the purpose of shooting this TV report (premiere will be on saturday 11.4. at 18.30 CET, here (czech language, sorry, but I think english subtitles will be around soon ). It will be about LFS, how organised races are made over the internet, that it is possible to race with people all over the planet and about the connection of LFS&301 since the 301 works best with it from all the other simulators
Quote from Amynue :Do they have a desert mod and some custom tarmac textures or we are going to get some Fern Bay update in 0.6A?

Those are textures from the LFS Database, big thanks to the authors of those, we use them because of the added contrast... on the 301 there is an overhead projector with only 1024x768 resolution and during the day it was hard for people, who don't know the track, to find their way around as it was dark>tarmac, dark> grass, now its dark>tarmac, light>grass/sand...
Quote from Byku :Nope, it's power to weight ratio is much better than XFG, but of course it's much worse than TBO class.

true, its slower than the TBO class and easy to drive since its fwd has abs and traction control...
S3 licensed
nice points guys, reconsidering this i would say that "one of the reasons, why the cars flip" are the too stiff suspensions...