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S2 licensed
Quote from Gav190 :

Yeah, right. Glock was actually faster on the last lap than Trulli.

It feels nice to pwn someone with a rock hard fact huh? Thanks for posting that screenie

Anyhow, this was a great season ender and it can definitely be put up there in the top 5 of season enders.

btw, wtf was up with kubica? was he seriously asking for a "senna v irvine"-like smackdown?
S2 licensed
Quote from durbster :Some fairly reliable Solstice laptimes (magazine tests), which might be of some use:

Seems it should be a touch slower than an MX-5 on track, which is certainly going to be slower than an RX-8. The RX-8 can do a 1m50 round Laguna Seca, so that sounds about right.

Laguna Seca laptimes for reference:

Solstice v Miata:
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :yeah, I had that happen to me while I'm practicing to not be doing 3 minute laps around seca. I still hate it, the off track needs to be less sensitive. Classify off track as "4 wheels" not just 2 or 3.

Especially in qualifying it sucks because the lap you're on isn't legal anymore.
S2 licensed
Quote from asbjoern :yea and isnt it spelled "Wheel"?

Seeing as he's english I assume the spelling has changed
S2 licensed
You're probably not focusing enough on your corner exit speeds crommi. Just make sure you do late apexes on corners before long straights and you'll shave off a few seconds.
Last edited by mikey_G, .
S2 licensed
I also like that professional racers like dale earnhardt jr are on the forum, and that dale explained about certain setup options. Racing with them is even better
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :So what? If the leader is not fast enough to pass the backmarker then somehow the guy being lapped gets a hit on his safety rating? You do realise that this is not F1 and a blue flag does NOT mean "get out of my way" but "continue as normal, but don't fight me when I try to overtake".

If the one being blue flagged is nice he can conveniently run a bit too wide in the next corner to make it easier for the leader, but that's not a must.

I know it's not a must, but it's just so damn annoying when I'm having some close fighting and then a backmarker comes into the picture which totally messes up the fight.
Maybe because this happened to me multiple times I've become kinda extreme in my views, and want a f1 kind of blue flag rule, but I do understand that they are not required to move off the racing line.

Here's me hoping that some people's driving etiquette improves
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :There is no way to detect how good someone reacts to a blue flag, so I very much doubt there will ever be any influence of this on the SR.

What about if the backmarker stays 3 to 8 meters in front of the race leader and keeps doing this for at least half the track.
Pretty easy to detect this tbh, even in lfs...
S2 licensed
I hope they'll connect how well people react to a blue flag to your safety rating,which will hopefully make backmarkers a bit less annoying. I'm actually pretty sure they'll do this because this makes ratings a lot more useful and truthful.

Anyhow, I've just joined the 1:03 club
S2 licensed
Yeah, Laguna Seca may not be as challenging as lime rock park, but maybe that will improve the driving of the slower drivers.
The race I just finished was quite ok, but the backmarkers are not paying too much attention right now, and are sometimes dangerously slow through corners.

Hopefully the relative "easyness" at laguna seca will make it possible for them to keep up with the main field, and cause less problems when lapping them.
S2 licensed
lol @ that video. he totally forgot that corner i think (no need to go THAT wide). Btw, thats t3 michael, the left hand
S2 licensed
Quote from George Kuyumji :And we all know that corner is hard

Well, it's hard at first.

After a few times crashing and almost crashing (thank god there's track there of the chicane layout which saved me numerous times ) I've learned that whatever imbalance you have with your car before going uphill will be multiplied by 10 when you're going uphill.
Since I learned that simple fact, I've become pretty solid there
S2 licensed
I just saw this on youtube. and its amazing how close iracing is with reality. It actually wants me to buy silverstone so I can compare it while watching the race next weekend

btw, do the concrete patches also give you more grip in iracing?
Last edited by mikey_G, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :I've noticed that it takes quite a long time to go on the track when i click "ready", tried only in hotlap mode... It takes about 20, 30 seconds...

Also, this error always pops out...

You should also post all the lines containing the word "OutGauge" of your cfg.txt

It looks kinda silly though, udp is connectionless and lfs also isn't capable of making a faux-tcp connection with OutGauge's udp packets.
S2 licensed
btw, the new solstice cup is starting sunday at 0:00gmt at laguna seca. I hope I can fight the lime rock withdrawal symptoms
S2 licensed
for some reason my oval safety rating has risen 0.03 since wednesday, so if the oval safety rating is not attached to the road course SR, then I guess you get 0.01 a day for free?

Anyhow, it looks like iracing has indirectly made some impact on lfs (i'm talking about the new cockpits).
S2 licensed
low priority bug report, can be reproduced

I'm using a clean lfs install, updated it to y30.

my steps to create the bug:
I start lfs.exe for the first time, come to the language choosing screen, choose portugese and then click on english again, click ok to proceed, and then I see the welcome screen in portugese. After I click away the welcoming screen it's in english again

edit: I should add that this only happened with portugese. I checked a few other languages, but i had no bugs there.
Last edited by mikey_G, .
S2 licensed
The auto-balancing seems a lot better today. Yesterday I always had huge gaps to the front and back, but now I've been in a lot of close racing.

I might even say that the quality of the multiplayer races surpasses lfs quality...
S2 licensed
I think such a thing should be in default lfs and not put in 3rd party apps to maintain some integrity (because not all programmers have integrity) with such a system.
S2 licensed
I had an awesome race and the first few laps were quite exciting, but I'm really getting pissed off by the missing replay feature....
I mean come on, I have 4gb of ram, and still it isn't enough to save 20 laps of racing
S2 licensed
I think the "newness" is a serious plus here as almost every lfs player is quite sick of the same cars and same tracks. And if you compare tracks, well, even the south city's bumps aint got shit on lime rock's bumps
I think i'll be into iracing for quite some time, and hopefully some other lfs'ers as well

Quote from thisnameistaken :I'm actually getting slower each time I start this stupid game.

I'm actually getting faster each time (1.04.2x is my pb now), but each race im driving more like rosset, bernoldi, ide, verstappen, diniz (in short, I fail more and more and more...)

This is not doing good things to my ePeen or iRating
Last edited by mikey_G, .
S2 licensed
I'm really starting to get addicted now to this game. Sure, the interface and (lack of) functionality suck, but everything else is awesome

It will be a shame that the next 4 week solstice cup will start at laguna seca because lime rock is really starting to feel like my home track now

Anyhow, off to my last race and tehn to bed
S2 licensed
they will become links 30 minutes before race start kev

and afaik we will see races every hour when the service is busier (and to me now seems a good time to switch to hourly)
S2 licensed
You really need to 4 wheel drift this car and keep the speeds and momentum high. The last 2 corners you really need to be on the limit to win time on the straight.

Anyhow, on the iracing forums there is someone who made a "guide" for the track. It's in the driving tips section somewhere