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S2 licensed
Been away for a couple of years. Were the tyre physics updated in the end?
S2 licensed
Quote from ChristijaNL :“Van Buren will help McLaren develop their 2018 car” Unreal! Grats. Btw Good memories from racing you Dave, Dennis, Yan Smile

That was a long time ago, my friend!
S2 licensed
Very surprised for 10 seconds, but it makes sense. He's not as fast as Hamilton and it is a fact that had Hamilton's engine not blown up in Malaysia he probably would have won the title. For balance, Massa would've won in 2008 had his engine not blown in Hungary. Most deserving driver is the one with the most points - reliability is a fact of motorsport.

Another couple of years burning himself out to get close to Hamilton is probably not appealing and he ends on a high, so good luck to him.

Who will replace him though?
S2 licensed
2013 Ferrari is a hoot. There's a league starting on 24th July if anyone's interested:
S2 licensed
Tried multiplayer for the first time in ages. Much improved.
S2 licensed
Didn't the original GTR have brake fade?
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :

Who is your internet provider, because Britain ( Ok, Your in Serbia but the facts are too awesome to miss, see further down for Serbian IP issue solutions) has sold lots of IP addresses to ISIS, Yes, for Real..... This is not a joke !!!!!!

Biased reporting. You're no different to the media that spin stories.

So you don't like bias unless you do it? At least you had no credibility to lose Thumbs up
S2 licensed
Is that girl with the big conkers still on ISR?
S2 licensed
South City is way too wide, open and fast on the longer configs. Open up the ramp from the back straight of SO4 and then both straights are reduced and a nasty tight turn introduced.

EDIT: Some boss music on one or two videos in OP
Last edited by Storm_Cloud, .
S2 licensed
First the birthday cake, and now this:

He's a real whopper isn't he?
S2 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :

I will also sell my DK2 soon as it has gone up in price when people saw how much the CV1 rift is Wink

You should rent it out to loyal team mates Smile
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :I wonder if the GP Legends version of IoM will eventually make its way to AC if/when it's released?

I would avoid the short course if you're confident Mr Pearson will eventually release the full length version. Due to the shortening, it will probably make the longer version harder to learn as you have most of the same corners, but all the braking and turn-in points will change.
S2 licensed
Star Wars is about family. Rey is no random force sensitive.
S2 licensed
Quote from Storm_Cloud :46/Storm_Cloud/Dave Southword/United Kingdom/Sonicrealms racing

Can I change to 47 please? Found a regulation skin with that number.

S2 licensed
Looking forward to all the cries of "Fix!" from the S2 drivers not selected at random for the vouchers.

I don't give a monkeys - I just enjoy driving FO8.
S2 licensed
47/Storm_Cloud/Dave Southword/United Kingdom/Sonicrealms racing
Last edited by Storm_Cloud, . Reason : number change
S2 licensed
Yes Heson, it was on him when Luke burned him on the pyre at the end of ROTJ - hence the melted quality in Ep 7.

I thought the Ren character was quite interesting and it will be fun to see how he develops from the torn wannabe badass with an inferiority complex.

Lots of complaints that the Starkiller subplot was unoriginal, but it was secondary to the main parts of the film and was merely a device to fulfil certain requirements - cripple the Republic, provide some tension (destroy or be destroyed), show more of Poe being all swashbuckling etc.

The role this film had to fulfil was to set up the next two. This was done as we have the classic two on two in Dark v Light - Snoke and Ren against Luke and his daughter.
S2 licensed
Boo to the capitalists! How dare people try to make money with their abilities in providing optional products and services!

On the other hand, would jumping into bed with their store be that bad? Wouldn't be that much different to putting it on Steam; they get a slice and it could be a bigger slice by having it available directly through (possibly) the next big thing.

I mean, it could do with being finished, but that's another conversation Smile
S2 licensed
Or "currently" means "never" if you take the pessimistic view? I would put my position as "dispassionate" rather than "optimistic". I think the NDA is an indication that there's stuff in there they don't want in the public domain prior to launch or some solid announcement.

Lob a video on the webform as Flame suggests and see what happens.

In the long term, if they are going to make more money than just from selling the hardware then they would have to presumably licence the runtime. That would reduce the available games, but as long as someone makes a decent driving game for it I'm not arsed who it is.
S2 licensed
I don't see what the big problem is. I don't see how this changes their approach to become, as you put it, "we just want to make as much money as possible". Can you elaborate on that, as I have clearly missed the point.

How much difference will there be between 0.8 and 1.0? I've no idea, but you seemed to get up to speed with VR very quickly, so once you do get access (which is not CURRENTLY available to you), I'm sure you'll be on top of the appropriate updates in no time.

I'm sure it's an inconvenience for you and I've no clue as to why they have taken this approach, but it's hardly knicker twisting.
S2 licensed
I don't see what's written in that blog post that indicates they are going to monetise the development process. Version 1.0 is currently limited, which implies it won't be after the full launch.

If we're all for the free distribution of development software, can I have the LFS track creation tools please?
S2 licensed
Needs a bit more than one track to make me part with the money, in fact I'll probably hang on to see what the updated tyre model is like, if it ever sees the light of day.