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Layout Racing League returns for a 5th season this year! Featuring all new layouts mixed with a couple of legacy tracks from season 1.

Some layouts are featured on this very forum thread. You may visit the league page and check it out; an exciting season awaits!
S3 licensed
Nice work! Very aesthetically pleasing design. Layout Racing League 2025 has already fixed its calendar, so perhaps I'll see to this being added to 2026's calendar Smile
S3 licensed
Vehicle information and trivia:

Season 5 of Layout Racing League sees a switch to a single spec car, the Formula Skippy by Kilo46. Like its real-life counter part the Skip Barber Formula 2000, the Formula Skippy is a primilarly mechanical-grip based open formula vehicle with modest power output and a simple chassis design. Focusing on the raw experience of driving, the car has little in the means of driver assists - no TC, no ABS and only a speed limiter for pit regulations.

The Formula Skippy is an easy car to jump in and get going, with a gradual learning curve around its road tires and minimal aero dependance. The car gets trickier to drive at the limit however, with very little in the way of rear tire slip grip when you do get into trouble, and not much front end if you do come in blazing hot, manhandling the steering wheel is a must to extract every last milisecond; shadowing the characteristics of the real Skip Barber academy car. The low power and torque output however means that both wheel, mouse or keyboard racers alike will be able to handle the car with reasonable ease.

Other attributes include low tire wear and heat cycle, low aero wash disturbance and notably, a higher-than-usual fuel burn rate from its inline-four powerhouse, which will mean fuel strategy and refuelling will definitely be an option for most races, as the car behaviour is noticably different with low to max fuel load.

Think you can come out on top? Join us on the 12-race season starting 25th January 2025!
Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
Many thanks to Facu for this amazing pocket rocket of a car. It will be used for the 5th running of the Monaco GP here in LFS.

Layout Racing League returns for its 5th season this year in 2025 - Season opener on 25 January 2025. For more info, visit official subforum at:
S3 licensed
Many thanks to Kilo for the league-specific modifications to this car! It will be used in Season 5 of LRL.

Layout Racing League returns for its 5th season this year in 2025 - Season opener on 25 January 2025. For more info, visit official subforum at:
S3 licensed
Quote from no_one :Hi, I have made a couple of posts on the MRc forum, but this forum gets much more traffic so I posted the replays here too.

I haven't posted in the Discord. I will try that next.

I see Happy has already responded on MRc forum - hope the issue is resolved.
If we (team mods) don't respond immediately don't worry we will, eventually. Some may be asleep, others at work, and a few probably drunk Zzzz . Just reminder that this main LFS website is not the place for private team server reports, unless the team itself has a dedicated forum thread for it Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Quote from no_one :Another bad back marker took out the two lead cars, although he did apologise in Spanish.

Hey, is this on MRc race server? If it is, on behalf of owner HappyD, please lodge formal report on their website forum. It's quicker and more effective that way - , or on MRc's discord at (7 days link).

Similarly, if you happen to race on our (AirAttack) servers, and encounter similar... "not fun" drivers, do use our website or our AA discord at , or even the boys at Born2Race (B2R) at .

Also similarly, for those who are struggling to find server admins online to kick crashers or bad drivers, we are not online 24/7, although secretly I know everyone wishes we had infinite time and could shapeshift ourselves to be at work and on our gaming PC at the same time.

While we're at it...
Quote from Snoop.DriftEra :Seems like you never raced at Ai Atrack GTI server, where they just timeattacking through you and admins support that behaviour among with trolling and stealing other people's skins and names.

We (practically every team) strive to treat everyone fairly regardless of their seniority or ability. Only thing stopping us from being in server to kick/ban people is timing. Sometimes, we aren't there.... so that's where your reports are important. Afterall, you are the one enjoying the demo servers all the teams provide, if by chance we're not there to administrate it, use your initiative.

Now would the subsection mod please lock this thread? Petals
S3 licensed
Quote from Nighty :Not played for a while, still fun, nice to see graphics/track improvements. Even managed a PB after all these years.

Welcome back! And happy new year, very very soon!
S3 licensed
Quote from Viperakecske :super important update it would be

For once gabor isn't wrong on the forums Wave

Meh suggestion but I think this still falls under the general "car engine sounds update" godzillion threads that santa sees annually.
S3 licensed
Quote from subUwU :I didn't bother recording and uploading it, but it was multiple races already that others were complaining of his driving, not to mention he did some weird contact with 2 other drivers shown in the video which were 100% avoidable if he had more patience

He's impatient but more to the point he seems to not know the dimensions of his car. That's causing the contacts and stumping his runs. Don't just move over though, he needs to learn to drive cleanly.
S3 licensed
Quote from subUwU :dirty impatient racer on [MRc] Beginner BMW
Im the FBM with the Renault livery

He seems like a decent fast driver going into low 12s immediately in clean air, maybe he just has bad judgment of his nose/front wing - at least thats what I'm seeing.

The divebomb is horrible though, however it was probably him getting annoyed at you initially weaving and then himself making contact with your left rear. Essentially he got annoyed by himself.

If it were me I'd just continue to monitor his driving versus other drivers and if he does the same or keeps making low percentage moves against others you can just report him to whichever team server you are on.
S3 licensed
Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
Layout Racing League Returns for 2025! - Media
S3 licensed
Stay tuned for official series announcement soon!

Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Antonnio Giovannazi :Snip

Thank you for flavourfully describing iRacing
S3 licensed
Agreed! A tiny track config of an enclosed stadium could facilitate not just ROC style events but also SBTV's yearly Soccar event, or even drift tournaments. If the stadium itself has solid barriers around then there will be zero need to build one from slabs and walls. Plus, the atmosphere would be way more immersive and realistic over lyt objects. How detailed the stadium is up to you guys but I doubt it needs to be that high poly as broadcast or mpr cameras wouldn't be zooming into a bench seat

It doesn't need a new world environment either, just maybe using the LA base world and having config 4(LA4X) with just a stadium in the middle of the grid. Frame rate would be epic Na-na But as you mentioned earlier the priority would be the existing update package... so these stadium suggestions and everything else can just be considerations for minor follow-up updates

Quote from Scawen :I'm not suggesting adding more to delay the release, but as a relatively simple thought for the future...

As it's completely enclosed, I wonder if it would be better to have a tiny 'track area' that is just a stadium and nothing else? The same kind of idea as Layout Square, but enclosed instead of open. Because then the frame rate would be as high as possible, instead of having an entire city behind the walls, that you can't see anyway.

S3 licensed
Quote from MicroSpecV :MEGA Monaco exclusive preview

Many thanks to Fragmaster's Ohnifus and Rex for extensive testing. Track's prepped and ready... see you next year!

S3 licensed
Quote from Migi999 :e.g. Zero Two skins, or literally any anime skin while that anime contains nudity

Well, do the skin regulations mention "suggestive", if no then you're fine. It's like saying you'll put a decal of a random burger shop on your car expecting everyone to know it. Those who know that's... good for their health I suppose Thumbs up

If the material you're plastering over your pride and joy skin contains said nudity or partial nudity (e.g sexual in nature) then maybe reconsider your design. If not I don't see why not.
S3 licensed

Our resident tech wizard man Firestarter will be on the case shortly...
Wall of Fame
S3 licensed
Layout Racing League - Past Champions and Runner-up

2019 Season 1 - 1st: [TC-R] Pete (109), 2nd: [SQUID] SIMOX (89)
2020 Season 2 - 1st: TRR.Trespasser (166), 2nd: [MRc] Michal (110)
2021 Season 3 - 1st: B2R Antonio (104), 2nd: AA™| Sean (95)
2022 Season 4 - 1st: 「マァ」 Luuk (57), 2nd: S1DUS GaBoR (52)
2025 Season 5 - N/A (active)

Exclusive Streaming Partner
Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
Quote from THEFRENCHDESTOYER :Hi Nova. I do a official request for the use of your Long Beach layout for the second round of the LFSES serie

Hi, approved for use in your LFSes LFS France league Smile Have checked your modifications as well, all ok. I will Discord you event banner.
Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
Quote from thegamer23 :"every rider has to ride himself

Uhmm Looking
Mega Monaco - Preview
S3 licensed
MEGA Monaco exclusive preview - the bigger cousin of Mini Monaco... enjoy Na-na

(let's say... 20 emoticon reacts and layout gets released... or for the 5th Mini Monaco GP next year; whichever comes first!)

Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
Known issue, mod desync. Issue with LFS itself and how mods are loaded and synced to players in the server, not network or master server.

Can be confused with crashmod or ufo hack. Affects litetally anyone at random.

JAR had same instance here.

And the other long thread about it

Along with the timeout issues, most certainly some instability in current version. Waiting on reply on both issues... maybe I celebrate 30th birthday... 5 years time 🥱
S3 licensed

C'mon, there has to be some explanation, what's this radio silence... Every single server's like this - totally random people get lagged out just like a DDoS would. Not fun.
Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed

Yes, disabling MPR saving may help, but then that means us server mods won't be able to do our job. So that's not possible.

Additional 2:
"> Something went wrong between you and the server, so you lost connection. As we don't know what that was, we can't really help. But it's definitely not LFS's fault. The only thing that LFS can do to help is if I implemented a thing where you can rejoin a server without losing all your laps. This would be useful in endurance races."

Seeing this is suddenly affecting a noticable amount of players I doubt we all have ISP or connection issues coincidentally at the same time.

In short, I am telling you something's not right. However you wish to deal with that information is out of my control, but I'd (or we'd in this case) would like to see some sort of remedy or at least a true explaination to this. Because I doubt any of the upcoming winter series leagues would like to be in the fallout of this.

concerned lfs player