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MOD #4 Formula RC11 (Mercedes W12) Raigs (Engine note re-adjusted by myself)

Mod link :
Engine audio attached
Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
Upcoming Event - Long Beach American Street Classic (Indy Virtual) by LRL/NDR
S3 licensed

Ever wanted to try your hands on an Indycar here on Live for Speed? Now you can! This event will take place this Saturday, 16th April 2022 on the renowned Long Beach circuit, raced just last Sunday by the actual Indy series! Have a go at taming the streets. Signups remain open below! (Car number and name only, no skins required)

Layout Racing League 2022 Round 0a Long Beach American Street Classic
Supplementary Regulations:
Signups (For round 0a ONLY):
Event timetable added for round 0a:
S3 licensed
Perhaps for each event listing, if the event is passworded, there can be a sentence saying "Read forum for attending" or something like that? Or "Event is Private - read forum for details"

Quote from Eclipsed :Yesterday I realized there is a downside of the new events list. In RTFR I always set server password (always same) so it's not visited by random populated server jumpers,who have no idea what's happening in the server - voting for start,asking to unlock other cars or change track,sometimes behave like #$%&. They had no clue it's an organized event.
Server password is always easy to find and it's posted together with basic information as insurance that people should know where they join. Since password was also posted in leagues section,it was automatically added on join button of events list - therefor anyone could join the server with single click,which means that again people can join without having read at least some basic information - unexperienced user would even not understand the idea of an event.
So I removed password from leagues section and added link to forum section explaining that info and password can be found there.

I'm telling this to point out the possible problems with new events list (besides in post above mentioned possible misuse) and hope to start some brainstorming how to improve this.

S3 licensed
Round 01a Media - Promo

S3 licensed

Round 01a Media - Long Beach American Street Classic
S3 licensed
Been out of LFS for 2 months just enjoying what life has outside Sim Racing. Have to say I now see why people might not want to attend leagues in the long run - consistency and results...

If I was not capable of reaching points, and had a busy schedule, there would be little incentive for me to continue racing. At least, that's the train of thought I have. There are much more things out there to do.

I believe the way forward is reliable stewarding, regular broadcasts for PR, interesting combos (to circumvent the lack of tracks at the mo)... and a (consistent) set of ballast to bring the field closer together.

That being said, ballast is a hot topic on its own so we have to find other ways to retain the participant rate. Hope someone else shares my point or is able to shed an alternate perspective.

Also with that being said above, Layout Racing League is heading into its 4th season. The first races always had close to 30 racers, but we've been able to maintain close to 20-ish throughout the season. I'm hoping that stays the same this year... New tracks, Indy events and classic combos from Season 1 remain, I really hope LRL S4 can hold its own this year. Props to Jp and Jp2 for sticking with it Smile
Urgent mod request - due early April 2022
S3 licensed
Ahoy modders...

Is anyone so able to make a 2022 Indycar carmod? Deadline will be by early April. Will also accept body-only mod over the existing FO8 chassis and engine, and can be with or without aero screen. Mod quality will not be judged upon harshly, as long as the looks are decent and it doesn't bug out (i.e spaz out or shapeshift when impacted).

Unfortunately there will not be a monetary incentive, but your name and effort will be mentioned during the event of which the car will be used in.

S3 licensed
Also, stay tuned for more whacky flash server events! LFS Plinko soon, anyone? Tongue
S3 licensed
Quote from michal 1279 :I'm not Scawen but I'm aware of the effect you mentioned - the slipstream effect has infinite height, so vehicles above each other do affect the aero of each other. You can achieve some incredible speeds this way, as cars do "steal" the slipstream from each other and keep boosting together. I once went 700 kmph with BF1 using this technique.

Eh, unlimited height? Is this the same as if you drove above each other with one car inverted on a wall ceiling?
4/2/22 Server end
S3 licensed
Thanks to the 50+ guys who came to try their hand on piloting in LFS
Server should still be up as long as there's one guy left. Otherwise, see you next time!

S3 licensed
Server will be opening shortly, earlier than the anticipated timing! 1615 UTC (now), opening shortly! See you there on "LFS Scavier Airport Server"!
S3 licensed
MOD #3 BIS-Plane aka Bismark by Pedro (with modified setup)

Flying tutorial (Rudder, Pitch and Engine control):
S3 licensed

Flying tutorial and how to steer and manage pitch is here!

Also, airport server will go up in 2 hours!
S3 licensed
Just under 3 hours before the Bismark "flying academy" starts! Buckle in! Tutorial on flight below !

The Bismark requires a long distance set up to traverse the far end airports. To steer using front rudder, input direction is reversed. Hence, to bank the plane to the left, you have to steer right, and vice versa. Steering is sluggish and slow, so when you make an input, wait for the plane to respond.

When the plane leaves neutral level flight and starts to lose speed, it will propogate in the roller coaster manner. When that point is achieved, you are able to use differential throttle and brake to maintain pitch of the plane. Brakes will lower the nose, while throttle will raise the plane slowly (it will dive down first).
Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
The world-record set (able to make end-to-end Wide Grid) is now available from the OP attachments.

Default set will only make it halfway, in the middle airport.
S3 licensed
Edit : With feedback, the far end airports will now have dual air corridors for back and forth. You shouldn't smash into oncoming planes now.

Fly a plane today in Live for Speed! Limited time promotion only!
S3 licensed

LFS Scavier Airport Day 2 will (hopefully) be open later when I'm back from work at 1615 UTC! Now with ability to make round trip from one end of the map to the other, and back , with the Bismark plane!

Make (or steal) the World Record set up and fly long distance, or try airport hopping along the way.

Stay tuned for "LFS Scavier Airport" server later today!

Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
Aston mega-schiefe track and P1 + GTE classes!
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Draggo :I remember that in the old layout objects system the objects were track dependent and it was possible to "activate" more objects on a given track. The question is whether it would be possible to use both systems at the same time, old and new, to have access to selected elements of the track, such as trees, bushes, buildings, etc?

Damn. I would love to see this implemented... For us layoutters, and even more so ones like me and Michal who devote time to creating scaled and close replicas of real tracks, using 40 objects just to create a grandstand or a building object is way too much. The object limit either needs to go up, or there needs to be these "standalone" and "basic" object items like trees, tent, spectator stands or buildings, so we don't waste parts aimlessly.

Even creating Long Beach was a stretch at 2400 objects, I barely made the grid and pit start points work.

And also, side note, the current 0.25 step increment in height, rotation and length is also too limiting. Even kiddo game like Roblox has the ability of infinite X-Y-Z editor movement for individual objects, so I don't see why LFS can't do the same in the future. At least I hope it can, if not, LFS Editor is missing a huge ball here.
S3 licensed
Servers are OK right now, thankfully! Pings are stable as before (from MRc fbm server at least)

Also, apparently some one or some thing took initiative to counter DoS voldemort server .. not sure if that'll result in anything but just thought you should be aware of that

The following is very accurate depiction of cyberwar summary
Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Yes, there has been a heavy and sustained attack.

Sorry, but someone wanted to spoil your fun this evening!

Currently still down, 2nd day running Master's back up. Just asking though, during the attacks, are you able to get access to your server console terminal (to the i3D master server) for a force IP swap? Or totally unable/unadvisable?
Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Timoonn :Nah
I was on this server too, for many hours, we were only 3 players who survived, good pings, no time out. regular drivers doing lost of kms, normal behavior.
At the beggining of the mess many players got kicked out, tried to connect but most got errors or time out. Dunno why I was able to connect without problems and a normal 40ms ping.
After a moment, noone tried to join anymore for 2/3 hours but we continued to enjoy the server normaly.
When I disconnected, I couldnt reconnect on any servers.
Now I can connect again.

Another solo guy, again another cruiser?
S3 licensed
Still down, if anyone's lazy to log onto to check Tongue
NRGCL Vol 26
S3 licensed

The Anvil by Nikopdr

A layout job is best done with a cup of coffee and some spare time. My buddy Niko made this one a while back, and it's been spruced up to be able to handle more serious racing. Take your modded cars around this undulating circuit with fast, flowing turns and tight infield sections.

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The reward is in the passion

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