Or it could be a syncronised botnet DoS, who knows.
Oh well, we could wait it out until those dipsticks realise they can't play online either, then they'll probably come to whatever senses they have and stop the attack. Lol
Thing is, (with speculation, of course with everything), if it is indeed derived from the Arab/Saudi highway drift thing - They have to learn. It is not the same as traditional "classic" drifting. It's ridiculously disruptive; the incompetant swaying side to side at speed and basically disrupting the traffic and at certain times, wiping people out.
And then when confronted nicely, their lack of english capability makes it a PITA to converse. And even if they understand, they do it again.
and it doesn't just occur on TC - CLC, even non cruise servers like our Demo GTi, or league practice sessions (Heck, I've seen a person arab drift in a FZR).
If they don't seem to learn (even after non-aggressive means) then sure, I guess bans are the only thing else left. They need to understand that servers have their rules, and that you can always go to one of the multitude of Drift servers or pop open a local LAN to drift with friends.
Then some child has to take it up a notch and ddos the framework and make everyone pissed - and not even they can play the game. Talk about brainfarts, lol.
[useless assumption] so you attack the entire game and community just because of some people?
I doubt pinpointing multiple locations is all too hard either, if lets say... its coming from several of you guys
Or they could choose the easy way and stop, and handle the issue with TC directly. There are much more reasonable ways to settle disputes rather than bring the game you are playing down. What do they gain? Oh yeah. Can't play either. Smart.
Car body shapes and grills (ectra) are all patented and cannot be directly copied, so having real cars isn't an option. (FBM/BF1 don't count, as they were contracted to and with LFS to promote stuff)
And I don't quite think cars are the main thing lacking in LFS, no? Probably tracks is what is lacking... and graphics would be the lowest on my priority list but it seems perfecting things that don't matter is the road LFS is taking so I won't put hopes up high for anything big in the next 2 years, besides probably better shading for a section of bush we almost never notice travelling at 250kph...
I think KATT is followed by "HIGH PERFORMANCE SPRINGS" for the bottom slogan thing that you can't read. I'm pretty sure about it, can someone second this?
Check current skins, I'm not sure but I think there is a default XRR skin that has KATT in it. If I recall it says High Performance something something, but I might be wrong.
Not sure if we do have default liveries in LFS featuring KATT either, I might have gotten mixed up with the slogans of another "fake" company on a skin.
I'd just buy S2 at the moment, S3 isn't a need unless you definitely want Rockingham. Because besides that one track, that's basically just S3 at the moment. Not saying S3 won't have new content in the future, but that's all it provides currently.
LOL sorry just caught back up to this thread. Well burnt, Rony.
@awesome Well, if you're not up to speed in terms of skill, no wheel will make you faster than your sidewinder. I listed the DFGT because its a pretty good industry standard - it can do whatever you ask it to do in today's modern sims, really. If you wish to splurge on a G29 or Fanatec, go ahead. But I'm telling you its not worth it right now.
In perspective, if you are just starting out in guitar, you won't jump straight into a 11k Gibson Custom shop Les Paul would you?
With your sidewinder, its kind of like you using your old granddad's guitar from the 90s that's worth 10p - something to get the feels on. Then you make a small, but noticable leap up to something better, like a Epiphone (or DFGT in this case).
Get a used DFGT, it might be a step up, unless you are using a old DFGT already (wait, 20 years? idk).
They go for something like 60 pound in used market if you have negotiation skills. Got mine for something like 68 i think after conversion. Save up a little bro.
There lies the other problem then - have you ever thought of getting a new wheel? Older wheels may lag and have compatability issues that make driving on them not as a fun experience than today's wheels.
Use default LFS textures, turn all graphics to basically lowest, close all other running app in windows background. Celeron is not a good processor and with your ram and other specs the current FPS is really just the max your pc can give. I had a Pentinum core laptop and it could never go above 115 in any setting. Just limitations each computer has.
Like someone pointed out before - No need to make more different editions of one single car. We look forward to new cars, not some weird different configuration for the same cars we've run since UM first joined
Get someome to go into the server and kick you out, or the server host will do it remotely. If that doesn't work, like Rony said, the server needs to be reset and rebooted.
It happens when there is a failure/desync in the connection between the server host, LFS hosting system and the user's computer. You physically are booted or out of the server but virtually your account gets stuck in the server.
This is not to be linked with actual disconnection or latency issues direct between the user and the LFS. that just causes your normal DC or JOOS.
This is at least what I know and think is happening. I may be just talking shit lol