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S3 licensed
Race; Servers: Main
Lap : 28
MPR : 56:27.61
Car(s) involved : 36 (J.Holmes), 88 (S.Lee)
Location of Incident : Turn 11 & GP Straight
Brief Description of Incident : Blocking (Weaving), Avoidable Contact -
Car 36 runs wide and runs into Car 88 on exit of Turn 11, 88 loses position into the corner. Entering GP Straight, Car 36 proceeds to weave 3 times (right, then left, then left) with Car 88 in draft and pulling alongside; blocking Car 88 on 3 attempts and making substantial contact on the final block.


Race; Servers: Main
Lap : 30
MPR : 1:41:55.21
Car(s) involved : 19 (D.Widowiarz), 88 (S.Lee)
Location of Incident : Turn 3
Brief Description of Incident : Avoidable Contact -
Car 19 dive bombs into the hairpin, making contact with Car 88. Car's width was given but attacking vehicle failed to arrest speed to the apex.

Additional comments:
1) Incident with Car 18, I do not uphold need of penalty for him. Just bad luck. We love each other it seems @piro Tongue

2) What the hell was that Joe, why the need to weave like a dick on the straight just because I've been defending my position and making you frustrated? Low level move, you were so close to being wiped out from your idiocy, and wiping me out of my 7th place - didn't expect blocking like that from a top driver like you. Should've dumped you when I had the chance.
Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :small bump here. im having both up and downshift issues with any sequential gearbox car now. XFR was seriously a drag to drive on as1, when you cant downshift... so.. i went on board in fbm. cant upshift proper and cant downshift properly. which makes it almost impossible to do, well.. anything really. especially driving some okay times. i simply cant do that with fbm atleast. which is sad as its actually fun to drive it. even with kb. but the gears on all cars almost. actually except the GTR cars. all others do something weird . well thats my experience atleast.

on downshifting, it works if i do so while braking. then it downshifts.
but if im not in a braking, it simply doesnt shift.
also i have to use clutch on upshifting to get it to shift.
tested this in FBM.

You might have problems with Button Rate or your wheel/pedals. Doesn't sound like the issue I'm mentioning, but if someone can chime in on your new issue maybe it may be related Tongue
S3 licensed
Quote from k_badam :Just download the file on that post to see it Wink Banana was relatively popular back on cargame just because it had a funny name Big grin

Tongue Name's been added in!
S3 licensed
Quote from k_badam :This is just Aston Banana iirc

Damn, the pictures are all gone. I'll rename as Banana if someone has confirmation - I'll rename it to Aston Banana by MRc (modded) or something.
S3 licensed

i hope im not glitched to run redbot's skin again Tongue
S3 licensed
Qualifying has begun, please make your way to server. - set a lap to make it for the race if you hsve not partaken in any previous LRL events.
S3 licensed
Race day has arrived, today 23 May! Round 2 kicks off with Free Practice at 1445 UTC. See you there!
Nova's Layouts Part 21
S3 licensed

Green Plains Karting International

Thank you to those who suggested tracks! Some of which were impossible to do, whilst others (ideas) were actually quite cool. Then it stuck me - why did I not think of making a karting circuit?

Presenting the Green Plains karting circuit, a fully-fleged MRT-based kart heaven with fast flowing corners and several overtaking opportunities and a unique pit. Have a go in tossing the smallest and most nimble vehicle in LFS around or take something bigger to tame on this tight, flowing track.

Have fun!

Recommended vehicles
Every other car!


The reward is in the passion

Check out my TC Layoutting series!
Join Apex Online Racing today!

AA™| AOR Nova
S3 licensed
Quote from IsaacPrice :Regarding the penalty for Joe for his unsafe rejoin, I don't think he should have got a pen for that. He had to use the momentum he had to quickly get out of the gravel otherwise he would have got stuck.

As one of the cars approaching the incident, there was a clear view of a car stuck in the gravel as soon as we came through turn 3, and a yellow flag on the entry to the corner. Could also see what was going on via the minimap.

So, although he probably should have reversed off the racing line before stopping, given the general driving standards in the series I'm not sure it really warrants a pen. He had just got taken out of the lead of the race afterall Smile

It's kinda like Vettel + Stroll incident, where one incident leads to another. In speaking, yes I don't think the penalty is warranted but then again he did pull out and stop right on the racing line, whereas like you have said it would have been better to reverse off the main line. In hindsight a lot of things could be done but I guess when you got wiped out of the lead with by a out of control lawnmower the only thing on your mind is to get back on track.

Just one of those things, really.

Think the decision made by the crew was right and justified according to the rules but just feels very harsh given the situation Joe was in Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :

Could there be a LFS-official VOB mod for the FZ5, which would have a version with Safety Car lights and controls? It would make league racing a little bit better without the need to verbally/chat out unlap instructions.

Also, a little off topic, but is it possible to have an update that allows drivers to enable Pit Limiter on open-config (X) layouts? Currently the way it is set, it only enables on normal tracks but does not on X configuration as it doesn't recognize a pit lane.

Just two small suggestions, hope to hear some news!
S3 licensed
It's race week! Prepare for the action on 23rd May at the Mid Town Ring on the Server link - Layout Racing League server!
International Space Shuttle (not clickbait)
S3 licensed

S3 licensed
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :i have one question as it seems noone answered it yet.
does AA use lfs lapper now or is it still ario ?

and no im not going to apply to AA team after these comments as it would be already decided to not like that fact from other team members.
it clearly shows here i wouldnt be welcome so why should i even bother filling it out. however will stop by now & then as AA always was good servers to race at.

Yes, we still use Airio, however our members Rane and Firestarter work on it to improve some of the features, or at least utilise all of its existing ones. You can view this on our Multiclass server

We hope to race with you on track, sad to hear you have had a bad experience with someone in our rank, but if you head over to our team page at we will gladly help out.

S3 licensed
intergalatic space shuttle

S3 licensed
Quote from vinsu :CC

Quote from dekojester :BCC

I have put together a "default" NDR Skinpack for GT2 skin upload use - this will be useful for Drivers who are unable to find a skinner and are not able to edit or make their own skin.

Attached below are all skins for the 3 GTR cars in (slightly lighter) NDR ocean blue with the appropriate branding.
To make the skins race-able, please download them in either the JPG image format or the .psd format; .psd only if you have Photoshop.

If you do not have Photoshop (which is probably why this would interest you in the first place), download any of the following applications - Pixlr, PicsArt Mobile, Desktop, Microsoft Paint or any suitable editing app. (Edit: Thank you DriverLT for suggesting an Online Photo Editor , this works too . Load the JPG image and put a text-box with your approved Car Number in white over the GT2 Challenge Car identification decals (the red boxes). Then, upload the skin to LFS via "Car Skins" (under Account).

Please be reminded that this skin is free access. Please edit and upload the skin yourself. You could even download the image and edit it on your phone if necessary.
Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
Quote from vinsu :Sorry, but I dont know how to make this... Only I know is power on and try to drive

If you don't know how to make a skin, just go to google, type in FXR LFS skin and choose a skin that is closest to default skin (i.e no custom graphics, just pure single color or white). This is mainly to avoid plagiarism of other people's intricate skins.

Then download, open that skin JPG/PNG file in the app and then download the NDR GT2 car template with the car number and windshield stuff. Resize to the skin dimensions using mouse drag and holding down Shift key.

If I recall doesn't allow editing of Photoshop psd files hence you will have to color over the car number using the same red color of the number plate (use the Eyedropper tool on left panel), then just use text tool (T, also on left panel) to put in your number, I'm sure this will suffice.

Then save the file as FZR/XRR/FXR_yourskiname as JPG or PNG and upload it to LFS skin uploader, then upload the skin to this forum as an attachment.

If you are unable to do, just let me know and I'll create a blank car skin with your number for you, but you have to upload the skin yourself (don't have much skin slots remaining for myself).
S3 licensed
Where do we post BC-approval requests?
S3 licensed
Same here, but I think Deko is just collating stuff, it should be out soon.
NDR GT2 Challenge Poster Template
S3 licensed
Attached below is a PSD overlay template containing the elements of the driver info, GT2 logo and the assiociated.
All you need to do is snap a good shot, edit (if you want) and drag it into the Bottom most layer. Then edit your Driver & Team.

Remember to change to your car type - FZR-GT, XRR-GT or FXR-GT.

Enjoy, and hope to see your screenies!

S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Laps will be recorded by insim/Airio in the server yup? So the 2 days of Pre-Qual will be OTOT
S3 licensed
You can do a Counterfeit report through the Report button too. Under Other Legal Claims
S3 licensed
Quote from 5tag :I've seen some extreme rake with some XRG/XRT setups, I didn't know it worked for really quick cars as well. Whatever it does, I don't understand it either. Shrug But that's something that has bothered me with LFS setups in general. (snip)

Well, I've studied it long and hard enough to give a more basic explanation on how rake works in LFS. Baring in mind I'm not yet ready to expose the full details on how to set the car up (as I don't want to giveaway set-up tips), but if there's more interest I might.

Thanks to excellent15 (LLM Excellent) for helping out too during the BuggyRA Round 1 event, and trialing some dampers.

Okay, onto the stuff - (for the set-up itself, head to asterick * portion)

Basically, in LFS, cars have very forgiving rear ends, and thus a very high slip angle. This is good for wheel users, as it can be advantageous with the ability to apply throttle and brake in increments. This can be related to F1 2019, where it has a similar theory on the handling. AC would also fall under this category, and if I'm not mistaken, be even more forgiving.

The opposing would be iRacing, where apparently the rear tends to snap quite quickly and not be as forgiving. LFS would fall somewhere in the middle, although it's still a little too obvious that 4 wheel drifting around corners is the "faster" method.

This would mean, steering using the rear, and using the front for only initial directional change input. Drivers usually feather the throttle and keep a neutral or even slight opposite lock, while allowing the rear to "steer" and pivot the car through the corner. With the slip angle providing ample grip for this action, it's worth the most time around places with quick changes in corner direction, or corners with long amounts of on-throttle (but not full throttle) periods. Such places are WE1 SC2, South City (in general) and perhaps Kyoto.

Most WR sets are catered to this particular driving style and method, and drivers have to adapt to the handling capability of LFS, instead of being able to be fast using their own driving style (which in reality, no one style is quickest, it depends on set-up heavily too).

For people like me, I'm more of the "by the book" or traditional style, where I don't ride the throttle mid corner unless I'm exiting, and most of my input is done mainly through the steering of the front and the rear just assists (at most). LFS doesn't really promote this driving style, although it's doable. The sets just don't feel right to me (or us, whoever is having the same issue).

The way I set up the car to basically exploit the handling model is using rake. No, not a little bit, but a lot. The basic assumption here is : more rake + softer rear suspension + slower dampers = higher front grip with stable rear and gaining of top speed.

First thing I do is raise the rear a ton. Value of ride height reduction should be close to just 10-20%.
This leaves the rear very high, which, on slow corners, is very stable, but on faster corners, or corner exits and braking are not desirable. I counter this by lowering the stiffness of the rear, till the rear drops enough (this is where I won't dive into great detail too much).

Once I get the rear low enough while still maintaining a notable amount of rake, I bring back the bump damping and increase the rebound damping. Highest I've gone on the rebound damping is 18, which put me around P12 out of 30 for top split in Buggyra R1 just half second off lord Isaac Price. This value changes per track and I've only just gotten to understanding it. In layman terms, the low bump damping combined with the soft spring rate allows the rear to squat on corner exits and at high speed, which cambers out the rear tires at fast corners, providing stability, but it rises under braking to provide good mechanical grip (which is the niche of the set). The high rebound damping is so the rear does not raise too quickly, which will unsettle the car and some times give axle tramping/wheel hop.

At this point I usually take 2 clicks out of front wing and 1 from the rear as the set isn't really wing dependent at this point, but the contrary may be on continuous high-speed tracks.

Last on the agenda is the rear anti-roll bar, which is altered to taste but usually at least reduced by half of the original value (of a comparable "normal" setup). This is so the tires don't break traction too much and also to work in tandem with the damper settings.

In terms of the front, I usually leave it stock, perhaps lowering the front 2 clicks and bringing forward the bump damping abit, and lowering the front ABR for a little more bite.

For cars that run LSD (not locked diff), I usually bring the values to 30/70 and lower the pr-eload to completely eliminate rear sliding. For most people that is where the bulk stops and they do not do this step. However, it had gotten me P3 in RTFR BF1 qualifying and P4 finish for an FO8 event.

Well, there you go, I hope it has been informative enough 5tag, most of this needs good understanding of suspension set up in relation to that particular set - the normal ways of setting it up won't get you far. It needs some brain cells to grasp what the damping values and height do on the car and what effect you want. I just hope Scawen doesn't patch this like.... tomorrow, just because I've figured something new Tongue

All being said I am definitely looking forward to the handling model update and I can only pray that it will be altered to not promote rear steer (mario karting as I call it) and head towards a more traditional handling that relates more to irl.

Last edited by MicroSpecV, .
S3 licensed
Quote from MicroSpecV :#88 S.Lee
Air Attack Newsroom Racing/FZR

11 May updated

Updated skin

(Corrected upside down wing, stretched number)

Sorry for the plunge of skin updates - didn't have time to vett after each edit - found out the wing was upside down and the car number was stretched. Now corrected. Final as of time of post
Track Corner Legend
S3 licensed