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S2 licensed
Well that was half really fun and half an absolute wreckfest :|

I'd like to protest [SR] Riddick for:
a) Deliberately wrecking me at T6 on lap 1
b) Deliberately wrecking Arska at T2 on lap 2
c) Deliberately wrecking Provost at T7 on lap 2 AND T1 on lap 3
d) Deliberately wrecking the leader T1 lap 4

Absolutely childish.
S2 licensed
Thumbs up
S2 licensed

26/J@tko/Jack Atkinson/GBR/L'Equipe Saucisse de Foie
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :JO53PHS pls

Oh my god Rofl
S2 licensed
Quote from Keling :Does the co-driver sometimes just skip corners?

I've had some issues with the pace notes too. I've set them to "Later" in the options which is about right-timing wise for me for most corners. Except once I was doing about 80mph and he told me there was a "Turn 2 left" about 10 meters before the corner. Helpful. I've also had some very dodgy corner calls, e.g. a 5 left that was more like a 2 left...

Is there any way of changing the lock on a game by game basis in the Logitech Profiler? I changed the global to 270 which made it actually drivable, but then I have to keep changing it back as every other game on the planet manages to successfully change the actual lock depending on the car... Most cars seem pretty physics wise that I've tried apart from the Fulvia which felt like a crap rF1 mod.
S2 licensed
My username seems to break the search function - if I type J@tko into the User Name(s) box then it returns results for Jtko Frown
S2 licensed
Scott Andrews racing in FF support for Bathurst 12h - pretty impressive outqualifying a Lambo and a Porsche....
S2 licensed
Is now doing the rounds on Facebook, >60k likes.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :The big fat button in the top middle of the screen? You should be able to pause even during the three tutorial events, though I'm not so sure about the very initial introduction.

Oh yeah! I'd never noticed that - it's a bit too shaded out during gameplay!! :P
S2 licensed
Bob, excuse my possible ignorance, but where's the pause button whilst in-play? I was playing whilst I got to my stop on the tube this morning, and had to somehow try and get off and walk across to the opposite platform, all whilst trying not to crash. Big grin
S2 licensed
I'll try and make this
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :But if you can find a corner at Spa where you get a 1x without going 4 wheels over the white line, please post a screenshot.

Twice I've got a 1x on the inside of whatever the corner after Rivage is called with 2 wheels most definitely on the track. I'll try and get a screenie later. (Although that is potentially with 2 wheels on the inside kerb, which apparently isnt a kerb?!)

Also thanks for confirming that it is the centre of the car that is used for the reference, I was just wondering earlier whether they use the wheels, CoG or geometric centre to work it out.

EDIT: And my other rant regarding off tracks is how the hell on some tracks you can get a 1x on the inside of a corner without getting a slow down, and on others you can get a slow down without getting a 1x?!?!
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :Incs are fine, some road tracks are a bit more lenient with the offtracks than others though.

At Spa they're f**king bullshit. They're not even consistent corner to corner - makes a complete mockery of the SR system. I saw in the forum someone did an average CPI by series, would be interesting to see an average CPI by track!
S2 licensed
Will Stevens to race for Caterham in Abu Dhabi:

I've never heard of him..... :/ 6th in FR3.5..... $$$$$$$.
S2 licensed
Yeah got it for PS4 - first person driving view is awesome but kinda weird.... Binary steering makes it look very strange.

It's also much easier than the last time I played a FPS

EDIT: Is there an LFS crew?
S2 licensed
Oh my god that's one of the most suprisingly good things I've ever driven in a sim! :O
S2 licensed
In b4 Tristan.
S2 licensed
Dat collision physics.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Good god is the website broken.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
My TV is behind me when I'm on my PC - kinda wish the rear-view mirror was an actual mirror and showed me the footie
S2 licensed
Possibly up. but I've lost my helmet.

EDIT: Helmet back.

EDIT2: Aaaaaaaand it's down again
Last edited by J@tko, .
S2 licensed
Aaaaaand it's down again.
S2 licensed
Finally out