Try some other cars, too. They actually changed the entire set of tire models & FFB interactions I think, and things are pretty great all around now. Did a 20 lap race in the 312t @ Imola and felt right at home swinging the ass end around and pounding over curbs even with all of Imola's tricky sections.
Session of Incident: Race
Timecode of incident: 1:41:21 (mpr)
Lap of incident: 94
Your Car Number: 30
Other Car(s) Involved: 99
Brief Description of incident: 99 dive bombs me into the corner, and we tangle and go off track.
It was always in the rules that disconnect penalties would be reviewed. Just too many people in these leagues have reading deficiencies. (Including our gt2 squad )
Can we get a clearer SC rule? I just followed what nearly everyone did last race during the 2nd SC and kept my pace reasonably quick on the way to the pits. Normally not out of place, but it seems Phil approximated the 140 km/h SC speed which meant that I went flying off into the distance. All I wanted was to protect the gap I was building in the pit rotation and come out around my rightful 3rd, and operated under the assumption that it would be like prior races. It's a sticky situation though considering there just had to be about 5-6 seconds variance for me to come out in the lead.
Leaguing, if it's something I can quickly rectify without disturbing other parties on track I'll do it if I think I'm at fault. Otherwise, close calls or something really bad I'll just drive on and let the admins handle it.
Public servers, mostly depends on what mood I'm in with the relative carnage but I usually try to be pretty nice about my mistakes.
Where on earth do you think development money goes in the software world? All you need is a few decent computers and some dedicated workers. If you want to look at ripoffs, crunch some numbers on something like WoW where they're raking in billions per year just to keep some servers running. This... is not a ripoff.
Because I stop paying attention to lockup when I'm pushing. Had 3 or 4 blown tires pushing to catch bigtime up throughout the season after some poorer starts. Been working on managing my tires a bit better early in the stint since then, tend to scrub too much and build up more heat than necessary causing the poor starts.
The same guy who says we 'saved the world' in WWI has no right to tell anyone they need a history lesson. Foreigners do attempt to marginalize our participation in WWII, but at the same time so do we and so does everyone else. Truth be told every country put their full might into the effort so squabbling about who did what is kind of pointless. (And besides whatever you think of the USSR, they played a HUGE part in victory with their strength in resources both human and natural.)
And the idea that we should act unilaterally as 'world police' is entirely laughable. I think you may have been brainwashed by our defense industries. Trying to say that Obama will lead us to Marxism is quite insane. Trying to lay the blame for the tit for tat going on in Poland/Russia with missiles on Obama's feet is absurd beyond belief. And trying to say a volatile market that drops on pretty much any major news is Obama's fault is ridiculous. You're telling others they need to broaden their views, but I think you need to open your eyes a bit.
I'd like you to not assume that people who don't agree with a war have no sense of sacrifice or duty. Our 'bleeding heart liberal' family has served in the Civil War (Union), WWII (lost a couple here), Vietnam, and now Iraq. And if you want me to, I can probably go and get my brother post-Iraq to look you in the eye and tell you we're losing the war and that it's another 'nam. I'm so tired of this 'real america', 'country first', and whatever other delusional pseudo-patriotic rhetoric the Republicans can come up with.
Don't try to apply your language standards to another language? The continents individually should properly be referred to as North/South America or the Americas as a whole, and United Statians or something along those lines doesn't work as a construct in our language like it does in yours (clumsy and heavily ambiguous spelling/pronunciation). Besides Americans being a much more useful construct for referring to citizens of the US in every day usage (especially in English) than referring to the whole of the North/South American continents.
As some Brits are saying, UK works as a place, United Kingdomans (etc.) does not work as a reference to the populace, and citizens of the UK is unecessarily verbose. It's not an issue of pride, it's an issue of common sense, and I don't know why others in the Americas have a stick up their ass about how we use our language.
PS - I don't come from gringolandia but I don't really care what you do with the specifics of your language.
Homosexuality involves consent, pedophilia is basically rape. No comparison. And what do you care about what homosexuals do anyway? It has no effect on anything you do or the validity of your marriage whether they're married or not. Laws are supposed to regulate situations where someone's rights are breached by another, not apply overreaching control on how people live their lives on a day to day basis. We've turned into a very nosy society regarding how we treat each other through regulation.
And for future reference, if you're running an endurance event please don't post the tracker address in public areas. The existing tracker methods are pretty fickle when it comes to high load. There's a good chance we would've destroyed it anyway with how many people are involved, but having people that don't need the tracker on it doesn't help. Don't mean to be mean or single someone out, but it is something anyone who enduros in lfs should be made aware of.
Could be true, but the weight distribution itself is the important factor. And the FZR has a pretty much spot on optimal weight distribution for a touring car with the changes of the last patch. (Before it was a bit too ass heavy.) With a half tank of gas it's running around 60% rear now iirc.
A lot of leagues dropped any sort of extra balancing between the cars and it was a pretty bad decision IMO. Patch Z didn't really change the status quo at all, and now the XRR's just that little bit slower relatively. It can be competitive with the FZR on some tracks (places like westhill that are dominated by smooth sweeping corners), but it doesn't really have any tracks to its advantage anymore, just disadvantages and equivalencies vs. the FZR. (And I have a fair amount of endurance experience in both.) I'm really looking forward to taking the FZR to south city long for MoE after getting reamed there in the XRR in IGTC. The XRR just doesn't have the ability to put its power down as well from slower corners or over bumps and racing my ass off just to keep up with an FZR that's barely pushing gets quite annoying.
The MR + NA combo is really a double whammy when it comes to tracks where traction is key, and the FZR's ability to get away with some crazy stuff over curbing helps massively elsewhere. While the XRR's advantage of stintability isn't all that great TBH. It carries less fuel which gives it a couple tenths extra early on, but it can't really run its tires more than a couple percent longer normally. And now that people are used to the new shift dynamics having the gated gearbox in the FZR isn't really a hindrance anymore at most tracks. They're fairly well matched in top end now at least, and the XRR still has a slight advantage in some high speed corners, but a similar advantage at a slower corner (which the FZR almost always has) tends to be worth a lot more.
Aye, if anything VHPA's just a great setup aid, but it won't create your setup for you. I use it for things like quickly adjusting a set around a new weight distribution if we're running ballasted so I can test several different weight distributions in minimal time, or for making all relevant adjustments when I need to make a basic adjustment like springs where one change will have an effect on most of your other settings. It's also good for people like me that suck at damper tuning as a visual aid as to 'when I do this, this will happen.'
Not saying midrace joining itself is bad, but please for the love of god stay completely out of the way. You have no rights on track joining several laps into a short race, and you definitely don't have the right to jump out of the pit lane right in front of me.
I'm not saying it will be easy and I'm not claiming to understand all the variables behind it. But... you have two realistic options as to reducing costs. Either turn F1 into a completely spec series, or implement a budget cap. Any other 'in between' and the teams will just shift their massive budgets around to make the best out of whatever advantage they can improve on, and nothing will change. Very basic logic, but pretty infallible, and I'm pretty sure the fans of F1 do not want to see a spec series or else we wouldn't be watching F1.
How hard is it to just simply put a budget cap on teams instead of doing things year in and year out that hurt the sport itself and do nothing to alleviate spending? (When even the 'simplest' person could tell you why these ideas won't work.) These aristocrats don't have their heads screwed on right.
You don't think Massa might've liked a chance to come back through the field and get some points back? You don't think losing the clothes off of your back because of some completely incompetent pit work and then getting penalized for it hurts? As long as we have regular rotations of stewards and an unclear rule book, there will be inconsistencies. I don't know why people don't realize this, especially anyone who competes in leagues in LFS. Handing out a penalty is almost never a cut and dry thing in racing.