Next wednesday there will be a small event with rental karts on a pretty nice circuit at Vantaa, anyone finns LFS drivers joining? Will be much fun, I think.
There will be 16 slots which 10 already filled (me and my friend are joining).
Such interesting experience. First 30 laps taking care of tyre temps, last 20 laps taking care of tyre wear. Very intense one and the grass was so close all the time.
sorry short vid, just for promote future events no actually my connection was lagging (which affected also some bump draft operations), too laggy mpr for longer video.
That was actually more entertaining what I expected. I did some really noob mistakes like going wide at critical time, or lifting too much and losing draft. Anyway, great experience, and would love to have such races more. I am surprised Rony did not announce how many drivers went under WR
Check "Show also empty servers" and you find more race servers...with S3 you may see also some empty Rockingham servers
If want some action then check
The sign up information (wich type of signup or signup at all) is one parameter in a "Season". What if we had an "Ongoing Seasons" page? It would list all ongoing seasons of any league. In the columns you could find more info like "league", "sign up type" and maybe even the Season's description.
That thing that is above the server list. That no-one uses. Is there anyone who has ever used that chat?
Why not make it similar to rFactor chat: It opens automatically when you go to the server list. Meaning everyone who is browsing the list, is also visible in the chat. You can immediately see other people searching for fun and you can instantly chat with them.
Not all leagues do use LFS race calendar. I don't know why.
But nowadays it is like that. Also in other sims you need to put effort to find all the leagues and communities spread around the internet. Too much opportunties, too much information. And everyone wanting everything quickly without efforts, this is the world today.
When I organized 9397 Racing events some months ago, I spammed all channels around internet with my posters, still there was people visiting my server and they didn't know anything about my events. Nowadays people don't bother to find out. We are a world of greedy zombies chilling around half sleepy and half awake.
But I agree that the Leagues section needs cleaning.
The "problem" mentioned by NumberTwo is also real. Tho I would not call it a problem, its just a fact. As a new player its difficult to join a league with experienced drivers. But this is also the same in all simulators. What can do? Moderated demo servers are a fantastic thing in LFS, something you don't see in other sims.
But who would create racing series for beginners? Who have motivation for that? And what kind of rules could tell who can join such serie? Would be nice if SimRacingSystem supports LFS. But it doesn't organize even AMS/rF2 events it supports them. Because lack of participants. (Hmm I think MRc organized some demo events...respect!)
I think the current situation of LFS user base is much better that it could be. No place to cry. LFS could be dead and buried years ago, but is it not. Lets enjoy it. Btw tonight there is LX6 event at South City.
I agree! However it doesn't give the big picture about the curved straight. In that shots it gives an impression that the pink car goes on the yellow one. If the straight was absolutely straight, that would be true. But in that specific case no-one takes such driving line that yellow car took. But time to let this case in history and look forward
Nice report again Nova! I'm sure these kind of reports raise the interest to the series. And I know it takes time to write such ones. The MPR was great to watch from the start to the end. Last lap fight for podium positions was epic! And GT4 was once again running that hilarious setup, I laughed so hard while watching it, because he drove it really well and did serious job behind the wheel xD.
Have you seen the next track (lmaoring) that is loaded on the server? Made some laps yesterday, its amazing and so fun with XRG. It doesn't look special at all, but when you drive it, its really juicy.
I don't see any racing incident there, just stubborn attitude to "race" by pushing on others lane. Just don't get how this happen by a league member. But wasn't so surprised of it after all, actually was expecting something to happen already in t1.
Maybe not worth penalty, but at least a warning.
Eh...he was the only that could have avoid it because he caused it If I was not there, he would have choosed the natural racing line pointing towards right side, but as Nova said, he tried to defend something that he was already lost. And on top of that, after the race he thanked me for "squeezing him".
Reporting Azyer (AzyerGames) for dangerous driving on lap 5 (mpr 7:34), he having plenty of space, tries to squeeze me ending up sideways. Mpr shows it all; his wheel was wobbling right and left while the track was straight.
In case it was a lag hit, I attach here my mpr which shows the sequence from my point of view (1) pushed by Azyer into wall 2) bounce from wall back to Azyer