If you want a compromise between cpu and memory why not using culing method? While driving part of the track data will be loaded (like it's done now) as well as deformation data. So even if you need a huge file containing the data, it wouldn't take a lot of space in memory.
The norschleif example is a bit silly imo.
Another approach would be to have only spaced points of deformation with a radius of action. So with the 3D coordination you just need to join a radius value wich is will result in a gain of space taken by all this data. I recognize that the calculation of the deformation itself will be more complicated because, to be effective, each tyres should have a radius of action too.
Useless for many but i'd like to raise this point: will the AI take advantage of the new tire physic and therefor be quicker? I assume that their quickness is not directly related to the physic model but knowing the limit of the engine is a good part of a good AI.
I also would like to know if the temperature and pressure physic is updated too since it's part of the tyre physic.
How are you planning to do the render? Are you doing it yourself or using a free 3D render engine? If you have no knowledege in 3d render and modeling i suggest you to concidere the idea of using one of those engine. You'll be able to render 3dsmax object since these file format are directly supported by these engines. By that way you may use the render sceens aviable, sligthly modified, to do the job.
Most of them are written in c++ so i should be possible to embeded it into you're app quiet easily. I only used one (irrlicht) and it was in a c# app so i used the wraper but the way it work is quiet similar and as far as i remember it wasn't so complicated.
I'm glad to hear that this tool is still alive. The old one was already good so i'm waiting to see how the new one is looking.
This is an awesome work !! I realy enjoy it but the sound is a little bit too loud. I can't even hear the skid sound. I tryed to fix that myself but the sound is still pretty loud. Wich slider do you recommand me to move ??
I also remarqued that there is a lot of clipping with this sounds. Is there a way to fix that? Is it even a problem?
Otherwise, keep up working! It's a huge work you've done there.
Seems to be a good idea a ctra-like with other kind of cars may raise up again the interest of lfs! I hope you'll get people. I'll give it a try tonight.
In fact it's hard to find the interesting posts between the cell phone conversation and the discution about how and when post ... What was the first topic? mhh, can't remember. It shouldn't be that important ...