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S2 licensed
There are many more aspects that could be different than just torque curve.
Different weight distribution and suspension geometry alone could make a whole lot difference in driving experience. But none of those do really matter until the new tire model is done.
S2 licensed
The wheel mechanism is way stronger than you think... it isn't going to fail anytime soon. Especially if you are not using anything close to maximum % of feedback forces. Stop worrying too much about your wheel and enjoy racing. Crashes are supposed to shake your wheel.
S2 licensed
I didn’t know someone can download straight from Vimeo (not registered there) but anyway, there is always a way to download video stream. I was just hoping for even higher quality (less codec compression) than vimeo’s HD. :yummy:

But of course video looks already good so don’t bother uploading it anyware else.
S2 licensed
Nice job! I would prefer less massive crash scenery and more paused intense racing moments (leaned cars , raised wheels, inside tire smoking trail braking, side by side action, deformed tires etc.)
But this was already too close to what I wanted to see

So… where is that HQ video download link ?
S2 licensed
You might need to get at least your front wheels balanced. The offroading into the field might have caused an already installed balancing weight to drop off a rim.
There could be something worse… eg a bent rim or faulty suspension bushings. But better start from the easiest scenario.
S2 licensed
I have to say, I loved your previous skin; but eventually some things have to change The new one is good enaugh for the job.
Thumbs up for the video effort too.
S2 licensed
As long as it is forced against the ground, It always has grip... in the above case it just got past its optimum slip angle.
What I was really saying though is that also the inside tires where slipping excessively. Just the vertical load was so low that couldn’t justify a skidmark. Hence what you saw in game.

The answer on your questions is given by jtw62074 though. So if there is something more to discuss here, you should refer to the last jtw's post.
S2 licensed
Quote from pajkul :
Oh, and probably the most importantly: would you be so kind and explain why the front left tyre is losing grip at TURN 1 during the hotlap, not the front right? The natural thing would be that there's more load on the front left tyre, so it has MORE grip than the front right. Probably this is somehow connected to what you've described before - the higher the vertical load, the lower the friction coefficient. But I can't be sure.

I can't really see what you describe.
In which way you detect the grip loss? From corner entry to mid corner, both front tires are slipping above optimum slip angle.. so they are both "loosing grip". (pict 3)
(press F to get forces view)
I guess you saw at the skidmarks the outside tires make. But that doesn't mean the inside tires are not slipping.

In case you are referring to the grip loss that happens earlier while braking, I think it’s quite obvious that curb rumble strips don't let the left suspention settle, making tire load oscillate from normal to almost 0. (pict 1 , 2)

Todd, I admire your patience in explaining the same thing again and again... Probably 98% of your posts here are about tires and vehicle dynamics in general.
S2 licensed
rfactor is pretty good if you feed it with the right data.

At that point, current LFS tire model is useless for testing settings that could work in real cars. And everyone who has tried to make a setup in LFS, knowing what he is doing and not randomly changing values by feel, can confirm that.
S2 licensed
Amagad he is mad at you guys
Hold your horses captain obvious. People are always going to complain about that kind of stuff… hell even I am tempted to start complaining about the slow progress.
Let the people troll. its fun
S2 licensed
Quote from N I K I :biggie and old blackwood, that's first that comes to my mind. Oh and XRT in demo, we used to have awesome races with demo guys.

That. And generally the aliens (and the competition) of the 2006-2007 era... those guys where unbelievably fast...
Compared to them, there are no more aliens in LFS now.
S2 licensed
Quote from obsolum :That's been suggested time and time again, and Scawen has stated time and time again that that is simply not going to happen



Quote from Scawen :
And by the way we don't "need" to employ more staff so we can release more stuff and make more money. As most people know, the reason for the existence of LFS is because we decided to leave a game company and work in a completely different way. We have seen before and don't wish for the responsibility of employees and running a company, with all that would bring and the inevitable consequences of turning LFS into a full-blown commercial product where money would become the most important thing. There is no problem here, LFS development simply continues, it takes a while but gradually gets better over time, and that's fine! We are quite happy with it!

S2 licensed
Cheating on line isn't that easy. LFS tweak works mainly off line and sometimes on line if all racers and the host have the same tweakd files.
It isn't possible to use lfstweak just for cheating.

It's not that easy to hack lfs, and usualy as soon as something like speedhack gets out, a quick patch comes to fill the hole.
S2 licensed
If he has a D series engine, and concidering the low value of that car, he can use the same bolts and any kind of torque wrench Honda workshop manual gives only tightening order and torque.

It's a pretty safe setup... nothing is really stressed. The only thing that can go wrong now has to do with the possibility of a "bent" cylinder head or block due to overheating in the past. This might prevent the new flange from sealing.
S2 licensed
Quote from traxxion :Not sure if I understand what you mean, but surely purpose-built race cars have such stiff suspension, they are actually much more vulnerable to those speed bumps, compared to road cars?

Yes the stiff suspention makes things worse but purpose built racecars have a lot stronger/rigid chasis and suspention components.

Quote from traxxion :you can use the green area for emergency run off, but those "sleeping policemen" force you to brake so hard, that you actually lose time by doing it.

That would be ideal. But I guess its difficult to have different friction constants for each sufrace in LFS track modeling engine. (Or it's just that current development progress rythm doesn't leave any room for this :ouch
S2 licensed
Having realistic damage physics to that extent is way too difficult for now. Not because it’s impossible to calculate… but imagine what would happen on the slightest lag contact if cars chassis had realistic strength limits. It would be impossible to race at all.

Also road cars would definitely have problems going over those bumps, but I don’t think purpose built race cars would have that much of a problem. Those green areas are supposed to be for emergency run off… what’s the point for that space to exist if it doesn’t slow the car significantly but just destroys its suspension?
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Why unbolt the crankshaft? For the timing belt? Timing belt is just incased in a plastic cover and has a tensioner on it to loosen the belt. Mine just slipped off anyways with a little work. Will probably have to loosen the tensioner up to get a new one on though.

Unbolt the crankshaft pulley I said, not the crankshaft.
I must have guessed wrong that you have a D series motor then.
[edit] or you just didn't have the lower plastic cover?

Quote from mrodgers :Hmm, there was no coolant left in the radiator. No reason to drain.

There was no coolant at all? then how you mannaged to flud a cylinder?
Last edited by kaynd, .
S2 licensed
You sould have drained the coolant before taking off the cylinder head.

Just drain everything and refill it folowing the workshop manual instructions. No need to do a 2nd fluid change.
I hope you where joking about what fluid goes were in the block.

I am curius how you mannaged to unbolt that crankshaft pulley bolt... it's quite a pain if you havn't the proper tools.

Use a torque wrench and follow the right order wile tightening them. (workshop manual again) Applying a thin layer of copper spray on both sides of the head gasket will help it seal safer, especially now because of the cleaned by hand surfaces.

workshop manual can be found here ->
S2 licensed
So if your head is in pain, then just cut it. If this isn't what you are proposing, then what.

LFSworld provides usefull information and stats, without taking account hotlaps. Even the so hated hotlap list is a useful feature that can help at anytime someone know the level of competition at any given combo. So instead of jumping at once in a race, being all over the place, someone could study some hotlaps to learn some lines and know the apox speed he sould carry in varius corners. (not all hotlaps are unrealisticaly driven)

If used right, the ability to download some replays of fast laps, can save for a lot of frustration.

There are other ways to prohibit extreme cheating. HLVC is there for a reason. It could be easily set to make those laps invalid.

Button/macro clutch is not really that great of an advantage… and even this could be taken away just by limiting the maximum speed the clutch can be operated.

Anyway enough captain obvious statements on my behalf.
S2 licensed
Quote from kart-36 :In my view, its just clear cutting :/

In my eyes this is clear cutting too. (see attachment)
And no this isnt "just a litle cut"... this gives you a clear speed advantage in the folowing wide turns.
S2 licensed
In that read me file, the first sentence you read is :

"This is the folder where you should place any skins you make or manually download."

Have you placed skins there since you installed LFS at your new pc?
If you haven't how do you expect to see anything else than the read me file?
S2 licensed
The skins you have uploaded in lfsworld are still there. Log in, go to "my on line car skins" click the eye on whatever car you want and when the skin appears, right click on it and "save image as". Any other skin is still in your old hard drive.
S2 licensed
It’s a combination of lag and physics fail. But mainly it’s caused by lag. It doesn’t matter if you have low ping when the racer’s connection you collide with is lagging. Also unless you can identify and always watch your ping bar in LFS while racing (not that practical), you are not able to know if your connection is not lagging at all.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dac :I am saying they are not good enough (as of yet at least) for you to be able to be good at LFS and then jump out and be as good as if you had lots of RL experience.

No matter how good a phisics engine will be. It will never be the same as IRL... For obvius and mentioned many many times reasons that have to do with how human sesnes work mainly...

Quote from Dac :If what Bawbag et al were saying is correct, then I can easily punch out 30 laps around Blackwood in the BF1, do you think id have the same chance in a RL F1 car? Most certainly not. But would it help me? Sure would, as I know to be a lot more sensitive on the throttle

Now you are the one who doesn't know how to read...
Quote any sentence or any word from anyone above stating such a thing... this is plain ridiculous...

bawbag already said it... you are arguing with yourself.
S2 licensed
Then it was a failed metaphor. Anyone above is stating that proper sim experience helps in real world. No one said it makes you a real racing driver of any kind, instantly.
In many aspects it helps as theory classes would help you learning proper lines on paper. Also eye to hand-foot coordination and vehicle physics understanding are greatly benefited.
But apart from these there are a whole lot other aspects.
If you are able to know where exactly is each opponent around your car in a restrictive 3D environment, then you are definitely going to have increased environment awareness in a real track too. Not because you get the same experience, but because you know now, what you have to be aware of in order to avoid hitting anyone while being able to race him.
Last edited by kaynd, .