Craigslist message to a mugger ...
>> I was the white guy with the black Burrberry jacket that you
>> demanded I hand over shortly after you pulled the knife on me and
>> my girlfriend. You also asked for my girlfriend's purse and
>> earrings. I hope you somehow come across this message. I'd like
>> to apologize.
>> I didn't expect you to crap your pants when I drew my pistol after
>> you took my jacket. Truth is, I was wearing the jacket for a
>> reason that evening, and it wasn't that cold outside. You see, my
>> girlfriend had just bought me that Kimber 1911 .45 ACP pistol for
>> Christmas, and we had just picked up a shoulder holster for it
>> that evening. Beautiful pistol, eh? It's a very intimidating
>> weapon when pointed at your head, isn't it?
>> I know it probably wasn't a great deal of fun walking back to
>> wherever you'd come from with that brown sludge flopping about in
>> your pants. I'm sure it was even worse since you also ended up
>> leaving your shoes, cellphone, and wallet with me. I couldn't
>> have you calling up any of your buddies to come help you try to
>> mug us again. I took the liberty of calling your mother, or
>> "Momma" as you had her listed in your cell, and explaining to her
>> your situation. I also bought myself some gas on your card. I
>> gave your shoes to one of the homeless guys over by Vinnie Van Go
>> Go's, along with all of the cash in your wallet, then I threw the
>> wallet itself in a dumpster.
>> I called a bunch of phone numbers from your cell. They'll be
>> on your bill in case you'd like to know which ones. Alltel
>> recently shut down the line, and I've only had the phone for a
>> little over a day now, so I don't know what's going on with that.
>> I hope they haven't permanently cut off your service. I was about
>> to make some threatening phone calls to the DA's office with it.
>> Oh well.
>> So, about your pants. I know that I was a little rough on you
>> when you did this whole attempted mugging thing, so I'd like to
>> make it up to you. I'm sure you've already washed your pants, so
>> I'd like to help you out.
>> I'd like to reimburse you for the detergent you used on the
>> pants. What brand did you use, and was it liquid or powder? I'd
>> also like to apologize for not killing you and instead making you
>> walk back home humiliated. I'm hoping that you'll reconsider your
>> choice of path in life. Next time you might not be so lucky. If
>> you read this message, email me and we'll do lunch and laundry.
>> Peace!
>> Alex