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Quote from bbman :Since there are a few enthusiasts in this thread, maybe you can recommend something...

I'm looking for a DSLR - I'm certainly no expert, but I have a basic understanding of photography... It's my first, so handling should be intuitive, but above all I would like a camera that works with the parameters I set (in both still and video shooting) without forcing or silently changing other values...

I've been looking at Canon 600/650D, Nikon D5100 or Sony Alpha 57/65... Is there a clear recommendation? I'd first use kit lenses and exchange them one by one with better ones - or should I go for a smaller body first and concentrate on better lenses? Or should I forget the APS-Cs altogether and save up for a full format camera?

I would vote Canon 600D
S2 licensed
Very good pictures guys.
I really like the black and whites ones.

Here is some of my recent pictures :
S2 licensed
Congratulations Greece !
Well done
S2 licensed
Quote from Seb66 :Had to do some simple texture work for a school photography project.. What'd you guys think? My first attempt at this kind of thing. Here's a small selection of them

Your pictures are so small. hard to see precisely, what`s going on.

On my last fototrip, I had the same target as you, in some of my pictures.

I have trouble uploading my pics, but I will recommend that you use HDR (High Dynamic Range) when you shoot structures. I did not, but soon I will try this technique out

My files were to big
I hate to minimize my photos. To much quality is gone.
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
One of the most interesting threads ever, in this forum.

The tyre model is alpha og omega for a simracing simulator and I just can`t wait for a realistic model.

The coding issue :

I still remember what they did with the Commodore 64 and what great programmes that were created on this "breadbox". If Scavier can come close to that quality of programming, I can wait a bit longer
S2 licensed
A sad situation, but the majority is always rigth.
Open your own server and rule

Server owners calls the day, and you can do nothing about it. As simple as that !
S2 licensed
Money can`t buy style.
A lame hairdressers car.
S2 licensed
Economic Left/Right: -3.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.56

I think this was an United
states test. I found much of the questions very strange.
Beeing a Dane, I should have scored -10 and -10, as I am very left wing oriented.

So beeing an American left wing, is just about conservative in my country.

Yes I see "the daily show" pretty often, and I pitty you americans. YOU WILL NEVER EVER FIND OUT WHAT DEMOCRACY IS !!

Fox Tv is very very baaaaad !

This is just my opinnion and should not be taken to serious
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
A few pictures :
S2 licensed
I own a Nikon D200 and a Canon 250, for my old Carl Zeiss lenses.
I have also a Contax RsII and the automatic Contax. I have a Yasicha SLR and winder.
I own a Yashica 2 lens camera, several old boxcameraes, and an old easteuropean KOWA Six camera.

I got a Olympus digicamera and two digis from Aldi.

I have my own development equipment, for both film formats, but I don`t use it anymore, and a ton of lenses, flashes and so on.

At last - My Samsung Galaxy SII has a real good camera
S2 licensed
"I don`t want to go to rehab, oh no no noooo"
She didn`t !!

She had the best soul/motown voice in many many years, and I do not think she would want a rest in peace, That would not fit in.

Have a good party now, Amy
S2 licensed
It`s now three days ago, since this psycopath murdered so many innocent Norwegians. Still my brain can`t cope with, what has happened.

Why kill children ?

The psycopath went around on the island of Utøya, in a policeuniform, and executed young innocent children ?

My thougts and warm love goes to the people in Norway, who have lost family and friends. Denmark is totally on your side, these days.

May it NEVER happen again !
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :This post makes your post about how Android is great instantly invalid.

Everyone knows IE is the bastard child in the internet browser world.. I guess we know what Android is too in the Mobile phone world.

Dusty boy !

I don`t want to attach 1 million gadgets, to surf the net. I just want to surf.

The only thingie i have attached to my surfing, is VLC player.

IE gets you there. All the others get`s you a headache

And I told you - I have tried them all !

They failed miserably - Very indeed !
S2 licensed
Quote from Eldanor :I think people are overreacting with which happened today.

My opinion?

It was the last stint of the stage, it's not like you are starting an attack in the middle.

Samuel and Menchov are 3rd and 4th respectively, and there's a tour going on.

Vinokurov started the attack, and Contador followed, then Andy broke his chain. Bad luck, it's not like there was a great one to one fight going on when it happened.

Well, Armstrong says it was a bad move, Bruyneel says Contador did correctly. We can have different opinions, but I don't see the "OMFG-did-you-see-what-that-dirty-bastard-did?" situation people are discussing about in the media.

BTW, the same discussion is happening here in Spain, and there are dirferent opinions, it's not like we all are laughging at Andy or something like that.

LOL, at least in summer, you can bet!

Pssst !

Andy started, and Vino was the only one who could "answer".

Then the chain feel off, and then Contador attacked.

No honour in that !!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Yeah I do

...To be honest its tough luck for Schleck, in other forms of racing if your car/bike/etc breaks you can't expect everyone to wait for you, so why in cycling?

You are no Spanish people
The crowd BUUUUUUHED Contador, when he stoled the yellow jersey - I want to now if the spanish people feel proud of that !
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Clearly you don't see the fact that Android sucks. It's clunky as hell. Not to mention very ugly.

I think that my HTC Desire is much, much more beautiful than the Iphone
With flashplayer, and the possibility of changing the battery and memory !

My Desire does multitasking and have a 1 Ghz processor and Amoleds - Things that you will pay much money for, in the newest Iphone.
I rest my case !!

And Iphone owners hide their phones in a rubber thingie !?
And covers the glass with plastic protection - HUH !!
S2 licensed
I have tried them all, but why choose the next best, when you can go gold.

IE is the answer
Tour De France
S2 licensed
Do you spanish people feel proud now !????
S2 licensed
I think that ppl that buy apple gadgets, are a sort of modern cult. None of them could ever see the faulth that Steve makes

Android RULES !!
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :Sometimes referees can make the situation worse with unjust sending offs, yes, but imo first half red card would have stopped Holland doing what they were doing in a way no amount of leniency or "enough!" hand waving ever can.

To their credit they, for the most part, did much less of that sort of thing in the second half, perhaps because they knew it was far more likely the red card would be shown, and in the end is that not the point of the red card? If a ref will not show one, then that sort of madness only escalates, and it certainly does nothing to keep players calm in my opinion.

Iniesta, Xavi, Messi and co wouldn't last long for Barca if they were faced with a first half assault like that every week from players who thought it was highly unlikely that they could be sent off in the first half of the match.

I just have to answer this. I watch the spanish league as much as I can. They play HARD - Really HAAAAAAARD !

Sometimes it looks like this worldcup match.

They really hate each other in that league !??

But when they play ball - It`s the best football in the world. man I can´t wait to see barcelona with Villa on the team.

Madrid and butterhair (Ronaldo), you will suffer this year

Zlatan - Look for a new club
S2 licensed
Quote from Nobo :Actually i think Toni Kroos is the bigger football talent, but Müller is a fighter, running running running

Greenland - CHOK
You watch football up there
S2 licensed
Oh no !

I just cheked out some Danish news medias. Now we have a danish octopussy and a psychic cat !?

Both picked out spain
S2 licensed
Quote from ADX.14 :Congrats Spain. But my real champion is Paul the Octopus. From now on he will called "Paul the Great".

I wonder why the match result of Spain vs Paul.

Aha !

I wondered who this Paul was, everybody is talking about. He was in the danish papers a lot

Paul die krake.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Well, I'd rather see him play for Barcelona or Madrid than for stupid Bayern, tbh.

I like Bayern

I have 14 german on my shift, from North Germany, and they also hates Bayern !?

When they played the Champions leauge final, they hoped that they lost ??

Where I live, we only had one danish tv channel, when I was a kid, and that is a looooong time ago. 2 east german channels and the three west german channels. We watched a lot of german football, and it stays when you grow older.

Bayern, ManU, Ajax and Barcelona I like very much
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Müller is officially the best scorer of the tournament now.

Hard to believe that he was playing in the 3rd german league only 6 months ago.

Müller is one of the biggest talents out there. Can they keep him, when Barcelona or Madrids is coming for him !?

And germany certainly was the surprise of this championship !