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S2 licensed
Quote from joen :That was only for the test version that was released earlier today. U20 is now final, so that's not necessary anymore.


I just saw Scawens warnings :-)
S2 licensed
Where do I find patch 19??

Scawen writes this
S2 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :the official U20 patch is out so it shouldnt be like that now

Yeahhh i just read that. But I also read that you HAVE TO install patch 19, before going to u20.

Just in case :-)
S2 licensed
just got it now.
Came here for solution

I got the u18 version.
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Read my previous 2 posts to put that one in context and you wouldnt have to ask that question. To put it simply, no.

I will admit that it's ambigous to purely read that one post. I am very solidly against DRM, but what I am saying is that I can see the occasional very specific use for it.

I try !

It`s hard job, for a not native english speaking person, to keep up with all the postings. I should read them all, I know - But I have to eat and sleep to (And drive som Lfs !)

So forgive me if I miss out on some thing, sometimes. It`s not on purpose I guarantee.
S2 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :Nobody is forcing you to buy those copies of Windows. You did so out of your own free will. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Vote with your dollars. If enough people stop buying then things will change.

It was the dx10, which lead me to the other part, about ultra capitalism
I`m not out to blame the ordinary american, but your way of capitalism is outta control

I hate when Nvidia or Ati comes up with a new Gfx too - This means money out of the pocket, soon.

Someone, somewhere, must be able to use what we have got now. It isn`t that bad

So no thx to dx10, if it means a new investment. And if Vista contains this dx10, no thx to that too.
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :This message of defiance was aimed as much at the Soviets as it was at Berliners, and was a clear statement of U.S. policy in the wake of the construction of the Berlin Wall. However, Kennedy was criticized for making a speech that acknowledged Berlin's status quo as reality. The official status of Berlin at the time was that it was under joint occupation by the four Allied powers, each with primary responsiblity for a certain zone. Up to this point the U.S. had asserted that this was its status, even though the actual situation was far different. Kennedy's speech marked the first instance where the U.S. acknowledged that East Berlin was part of the Soviet bloc along with the rest of East Germany. The critics felt that Kennedy had given up the moral high ground and given in to Soviet pressure and that he needed to be more idealistic, and that the Soviets did not have the power to change the legal situation solely with bulldozers and guns.
Isn't Wikepedia great? Isn't this now totally irrelevant to the LFS forum?

Yeahh !

East meet west - FWD meets RWD - Who cares !
I`m a jerk
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :What, the sleepy, I'm bored bit?

Muhaha !

You`re awake ! I`ll give you that.
Try once more, and learn from JFK !

He was a clever man.

(Shit, I wouldn`t write more ?)
S2 licensed
Quote from 510N3D :theres some truth in it...reminds me on the good old Oval vs. Road Track Conversation There are ppl that love only RWD and ppl that only love FWD. But, there are ppl that like both. And there are even ppl who cant make a choise and some guys think RWD are for mens only and FWD is for woman. I had a lot of disscusions about that and those who cant make a choise may think this "RWD are for mens only and FWD is for woman" - Statement is true. But who cares, i dont and they miss something (maybe alot in many ways) thats for sure.

I just love this :
...We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too....

I have only one more thing to say in this thread :

"Ich bin ein Berliner"

And guys, and one girl. Think about what I just said !
S2 licensed
Quote from wsinda :Put on some shabby clothes, go to the poshest street in your home town, sit down with a sad face, next to a sign that says:
"I have no money to buy an S2 license. Please help!"

Maybe some rich LFS fan will walk by and save you.

S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Personal preference, like I said I'm not trying to push it and I don't want to get into a debate on that (again ) I must admit the examples you've given can be infuriating, but fact of life is it happens.

About a year back Alan Cox (linux kernel) said that the current hardware DRM implementations aren't being as harsh as they could be, and were being used in UN computers to stop Windows being pirated and sold on the black market. An example of the atom bomb (sorry, I mean DRM) being used for a good thing. I certainly don't agree that it should be placed in every computer in the world, but getting rid of it completely is equally a bad move in certain circumstances.

Regardless, most coders and techies dislike DRM, so theres clearly something wrong with it.

Are you employed by Microsoft ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :If you think Vista is evil, it is only softening us up for the next step where all of your desired content resides online and you run some generic program locally to access the network. Not even the OS will reside on your PC if Microsoft have their way. Ok, so there is a valid anti-piracy argument and I think most people can accept that, but in the future you will have to trust some invisible software that you have no control over and the potential to monopolise online services and content is obvious.

I'm all for a whole new OS and even an alternative Internet, if it comes to that.

It`s not about piracy. It`s all about freedom.

I have got 2 windows 3.0 - 1 Win 95 - 3 Win 98 and 2 Xp licenses. Bougth fair and square. Bill Gates wants to control the computers of the world, that`s the simple answer to that. Every two years, one have to buy a new OS, from this greedy company. I`m feed up with this way of capitalism, and if that is what americans have to show the world, they can step down as "ruler of the world" because you have failed 100%

What you americans call capitalism, I call GREED ! As simple as that
S2 licensed
Quote from Nick_ll :If I remember correctly, FWD was invented by a french engineer, and it is used because it is safer, because for most drivers on the road, understeer is easier to control than oversteer (because for one thing the average driver sucks).

RWD is seen as more "logical" because it allows for a better, more even weight distribution. That is better, in particular for racecars as it allows for a more even tire wear. Now that doesn't say FWD is no fun to drive at all, but I do believe RWD is more fun personally.

You make me sleepy - Goodnigth to you !
(I`m bored)
S2 licensed
Do some workout, and maby you`ll gain the power in your arms, to control the fxo
S2 licensed
Quote from PartyBoyU :we cant be very fast its imposible, with wheel u are faster everywhere on the track thats my opinion

You are absolutely wrong

I have seen to much of your mousedriving, to believe you

You can have my MOMO, if I can have your mouseskills !!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :rofl i agree about the fxo. once you get used to the fxo its fun to drive tho...


I kept quiet, because i wouldn`t make any more noise.
They know where to kick those RWD boys
S2 licensed
Quote from cpachmann :By then, a game that scratches perfection not only in a graphical manner but also in its physical attitudes.
Could that be the future or only a dream?
What do think about it? What capabilities could the game have?

Every update of this microsoft crap, forces me to buy another gfx hardware. When I think back on, what was possible on the commodore 64, the gfx bussiness is going backwards. (Relatively spoken)

Damn - I hate to upgrade my gfx every 18 month.

Vista ?
Now George Orwell is rigth. But I double it, because "Big brother is REALLY watching you"

Linux looks better and better
S2 licensed
Start playing pro poker, with the few bucks, or catch Bin Laden, he`s worth a dime. But you could also give bush to Bin, he pays the same amount in reward.

Which one would the world miss the most ?


Forget about it - OK !!


I saw an old show with David Letterman. He showed a clip of Bush telling a man to loose his sunglasses, because the sun was not shining.
That man was blind !?

Is this a real story ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :Guru? I state my choice, it is very simple to understand. Why should I explain the differences between drivetrains just because someone doesn't understand my choice? Did I call anyone a lowlife? Do I even care what other people drive? You make it sound like FWD lovers have an inferiority complex. That wouldn't be my problem either, if it were true.

I just noticed one more RWD racer, telling the world that he hates FWD.
Sometimes one have to ask - Why ?

Why is it that so many RWD drivers tells ME, that my ride stinks ?
Because that is what you are doing
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :fundamentally fwd cars are inferior if things like weight and power are the same as a rwd car of same class. of course there are many amazing fwd cars that are fun to drive but originally fwd were made to save costs in production... if i remember correctly.

Lot of the cars - Let`s take the fz50, would kill most of the drivers, trying to race it, if this was IRL !?

I like a fast controlable car, doing what I ask it to do (or nearly so)
I would die, or chrash badly, if you put me in a fz50, and made me race cadet

Has every RWD racer a death wish ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :Oh but I don't enjoy FWD cars. So your argument confirms my choice as valid. FWD is simply inferior, not my fault, I didn't design them. I've been driving for 25 years so I think by now I know what I like. I don't need other people to tell me how to feel about it, but thanks for the offer.

Tell us why !?

I`m a little fed up with these RWD guru`s, which only can drive the RWD`s

It`s like someones, want to pinpoint an elite - The RWD drivers, and all of the others, the lowlife FDW racers !?

And it seems like the FWD drivers are more likely to accept a race with RWD involved, but RWD racers can`t even think of driving the RWD cars. Allways this comment "I don`t drive RWD cars"

Sorry I jumped you in this matter - Just one to many sacred RWD drivers picking on the mob.


By the way - I don`t enjoy RWD cars, because they are so hard to handle - But I don`t give them up. That`s the difference.
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :im actually gonna take a step back and think about this one

that does sound like a good idea for LFS to hard program limits for split times; i mean, lets say for example split 2 in the BF1 (just because i dont recall the 2nd split times in BL for any other cars) if you have a split <35 seconds.. which even that would be rediculously fast, you should automatically be kicked or spectated


It would be better to analyse the torque. A given car can`t exceed a given value. Maby a programme could analyse that !?

I don`t know if I am expressing myself, in a understandable manner - I mean, measure the power. It`s a given value for each car !
S2 licensed
I have driven many many miles online. Never ever have I seen something, that made me suspicious. At some time, there was a debate about speedhacking, in the danish Lfs community. After that somebody saw ghosts (it was only ordinary lag and a very good driver)

That`s the nearest I have been to the subject.

Nobody can cheat, using a sort of speed hack. Most hotlappers, now precisely the max speeds, for a car, on a given place on a track. On Asclub, in some cars, I would be very alarmed if a driver suddenly did 2 km`s faster, down the straigth.

I don`t think it will be possible to cheat many hours, if you race against the "pro`s" of Lfs. They would blow your cover instantly. Those kind of guys can tell from your driving, whether you cheat or not.

It`s nearly impossible, and you will get caugth, if you cheat - So, just don`t do it ! It`s as easy as that
S2 licensed
I just started driving all the boring cars. xrg, xrt, lx4, lx6, rac and fz50

I drive some of them more than the others, so xrg, lx4 and rac are kind of favorite RWD cars for me, just now. I do drive the normal FWD cars, but not so often, because my Lfs time is limited.

The cars I drive the least, is fox, fo8, Bf1 and the "big" gtr`s - Those cars are the most "boring" cars in lfs, and I don`t think I ever will try to learn to drive them. There is no fun at 250 Km/Hour - Just speed !?
S2 licensed
I use a seat from a ford transit. Gas damped and a lot of adjustment possibilities. (It sure isn`t a racing seat !!)

After many hours of driving, I must admit, that I can feel the part ending just after my back

But my shoulders and neck hurts too, and my fingers can`t open them selves - LOL !

Why do human love to hurt themselves in such a way ? I don`t know, but mostly I don`t feel the pain, when I`m racing well - If I don`t race well, you feel the pain more intensely