It`s the feeling of the road - The black material underneath the car, I`m speaking of
I have to see this black material move, to drive the car. Sitting in the cockpit, do not allow you the same feeling, as in an IRL car.
When I choose this view, I get the closest to the IRL feeling, I can get. I have tried all views, and I mean ALL !
I am working on a better view, and are planning to get in the car, when I get the rigth equipment. I am in the market for a projector, which could give me the rigth feeling I seek.
But again - Money is the issue
And again. All the openwheelers, i sit IN THE CAR !
Lx4, Lx6, Fox, Fo8, Mrt, Bf1, so 33% of the cars is ok - Rigth
And in the uf1000, when the top is off - Now we`re really getting somewhere !
No it isn`t - The cockpitview is a poor view, and is nowhere close to the real thing. I`ve been driving my own cars, since 1977, so my statement has a sort of value.
I usually see the tires, in the position they are in a real car. Openwheelers I sit in the "cockpit".
The cockpitview, is the worst thing about LFS, and any other simlike racergame, as you can never ever get the feeling, from a real car. I have seen those three screens setups - They look much much better, but I do not earn enough money, to buy such thingies !?
Force cockpitview on me, and I will drop LFS instantly.
1 lap is enough. But you have to drive clean, to be allowed to submit a hotlap. You can see the hotlap time, if any legal, up in the rigth corner.
The time will be inside the paranteses - Again, if you have got any legal one
You have to learn to control the analyzers yourself, for the best results.
You can watch WR against your lap simultainously - It`s the best way to use these analyzers
Did I spell that word correctly --->Simul...... ?
Hard word for a non english person
I really like the way you work. It`s the only way, following the creative mind and spirit, for the time being.
This method ensures a better product, when it´s finished.
Personally, I have no rush, and I can easily keep driving the present simulator, for a long time. And knowing it`s getting better, is a big thrill.
Take all the time you need (Almost ) and make us the worlds best carsimulator. What !? - Sorry, make the worlds best carsimulator even better ! (That was more like it !)
And good luck with those projects, not containing Lfs - Those projects could last forever
There is way to many wreckers in Lfs, that`s why I`m not driving online so often. I used to race daily, but I`m sick and tired of the growing numbers of bad racers.
This is THE ONLY way, to say I`m sorry, when you just made a mistake, causing an opponent to spinn off.
You`ll meet 1000 Lfs racers, banging into you, and then you read "Sorrry"
They are not sorry, if they keep driving. If you hit another racer, your faulth off course, you have to wait untill he passes you. Nobody does that - They just write that damned "sorry" and think they rigthfully can go on with the race !?
You`re only sorry, if you show it !!!!
If I make a really big bummer - I seldom do that - Then i go into the pit, waiting for the next race, and express my "sorry"ness to the unlucky guy/girl I just hit.
This guy did rigth - I wish more would follow "the rigth way"
I installed the u22 patch, a couple of days ago. Yesterday I tried the F1 on the oval. Ohh boy - When you come close to the wall - The crackles and pops are disgusting. But why did I write it then ?
I have played around with midifiles and soundcards and soundfonts, for a while now. If you use a tool, for editing music, as Cubase ligth - You will experience just the same crackles, when you overload the system. (To many tracks, using big soundfonts, at the same time)
On a smaller system, with a Soundblaster Audigy, using a large piano soundfont - I get 99,0 % of a Chopin piece rigth, untill he really quickly starts hitting the piano. Again these crackles and pops destroys the music.
But in both instances, you can cure "the disease" by turning som buffersizes up and down. Not all systems are the same, especially the soundcards are not. Could it be a solution, to work out a tool which adjusted those buffers and the other thingies, one adjust in a "music system" ? - I recon that there is not the big differences between a music system, and a game sound system - Both have to work hard, and needs to be adjusted some times - Or am I all wrong
It got caugth, when we got the Bmw Sauber. All the speed freaks, jumped from f08 to the F1 - And the openwheel noobs, like myself, likes the closer figths and competition, in the easier driven fox.
I have noticed, more and more improved files, which improves sound and "picture".
People are updating tracks and sounds and ..
Could this be a problem, driving online. I think of - If 23 racers races without changes, and we compare with 23 racers which have updated all their files !?
Could this create lag ? Or be a factor in creating lag ?
I don`t care about mods, or colorfull graphics, as much as I care for racing. In fact you could have all the mods in the world, and let me have the uf1000 and the Mrt. All I want to do is race - And race all my Lfs friends ONLINE ! - Not some crappy ai drivers - But real live people, all over "mother earth"
In the danish Lfs society, the most wanted improvement, seems to be the sound. Not many, if any, complaints over Lfs as it is rigth now. We all know that this is not the finished product, and we can easily wait for the next "level" because the devs seems to deeply impress us every time they do that. (go to next level)
As a racing simulator Lfs has no competition - If you want a sim racer game, with arcade graphics, feel free to choose Rfactor or whatever you want. Every time you write your silly stuff about Rfactor feeling, you insult most of the people in this forum. Go insult some other people, please !
I have tried almost any sim racing out there. As demo or game. Earlier cargames are very cheap.
I bougth toca racedriver online, and played around with it for a few hours. It sits on my computer, doing nothing - A total waste of my money. I got the gtr2 as a gift for my birthday (gets it this week). The game hasn`t hit the market i Denmark yet, but I drove the demo. This is a game too.
Tried R factor demo, and this flop Nkart.
Again. I play toca, I play Rfactor, I play Nkart, I play gtr 2 - But i drive LFS !
As simple as that.
BTW - Have you ever driven a real car ?
Regarding the tracks. I have driven Lfs for 2 or three years now. Lfs tracks exsists in my brain, and are just as real as any IRL racing track.
I don`t think that time is the key. It`s the combination of track and car.
If the combo is easy, as fox on Ky oval, you gotta have more laps, than Rac on As Cadet.
When I drive a good combo, with lots of good racers, and tigth figth - I do not feel the time passing. I have sat and wondered, many times, when a race is finished "Man, did there just pass 25 minutes here"