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Quote from tinvek :its a pity the two can't get together so the setup database is the same on both so you can use whichever site you feel most comfortable with.

I discover the wheel. You copy it, and then we join forces ???

I think NOT !!
S2 licensed
Setupfield !
S2 licensed
I`m quite satisfied with the present tracks
We need more development to the cars ! And rain, and snow and night and so

It`s NOT about the tracks !!!!!!!!!!!
You got it all wrong
S2 licensed
Grats to you Michael, and the team also
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :beeeeep beeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep lol in holland

Way to home, big holdup there lol!

The only place the turks don`t have the home advantage, must be in Turkey. They have all left that country !
S2 licensed
I bought Rfactor to get Le Mans track and the nordschleife.
The nordschleife chrashed my pc, and I lost sound of the car in the second try on Le Mans.

Its nearly 6 months ago, I last started Rfactor.

To much trouble

If you like pain. REALLY like pain I say. Try to get into an online Rfactor game
I rest my case
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :That was very dramatic.

I would have liked to see a penalty shootout with the "new" turkey goalkeeper.

Me too
He would have taken no penalty. Only chance was them missing the goal
S2 licensed
I just watched the last 5 minutes or so, but I got all the entertainment

The goalkeeper, in both ends, didn`t look to good
S2 licensed
Quote from hardcoreobscure :... except some of our players are overrated imo, such as Lampard and Owen.

Ehhh - Gerrard

You can have the rest of them, if I can keep Gerrard !!
S2 licensed
Turkyie against the chechs - No thank you. To boooooooring
S2 licensed
Quote from Blas89 :Marry him!
LoL Keep Going.

Alan Alda ?
I think not, but I`ve got so many, many, many great laughs from M.A.S.H.
But I would certainly wed "HOTLIPS" I love her !!
S2 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :Have you something against happy people?

You got it quite right
I like spanish football - Especially Getafe. Wonder why

And the negative "gay" part, is that the spanish is so good footballers, but they don`t show it in the national team !? You probably got some of the worlds best players !

No - You GOT some of the worlds best players
(But not the best team)
S2 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Bi-motorsportical

I like your comment and your avatar !
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :I like drifting, I can drift, I like racing, I'm a clean and fast racer, had/have WR-s. What am I?

A joke !??
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :No, they are by far the best team judging from the matches so far, but still.

Would you rather play against Italy/France or Romania if you have it "in your own hands"? I know what I would chose.

I would choose Romania, if I would have a chance to win

Spain is GAY. They will never ever win anything. But the dutch will !!

I certainly hope that the dutch wins this cup. Please !!
S2 licensed
I can`t drift either. And I`m proud of it
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Holland would be stupid if they win against Romania, tbh, because then there is the possibility that they have to play against France or Italy in the semifinal again. And there is only one answer when you have the choice between Romania and France or Italy.

They beat the world champion and the "runner up"
Do you think that they fear anyone ??

Oranje, oranje, ORANJE !!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from jertje :you Keep Telling Yourself That

S2 licensed
Quote from Ovidiu23 :We'll win without the help of Holland.

Bahhhh !

Get a striker first

Sweden will reach the cup. I hope
S2 licensed
Quote from BBO@BSR :I 100% agree.
He usually only looks good (sometimes) against such great football nations like:
Liechtenstein, Malta or San Marino

You Germans are hard at your own players, when you loose
Germany certainly looked good against Poland, but not so good against Croatia.

Let`s see after the next match !
S2 licensed
Quote from de Souza :Meh, we are even losing to Venezuela lately. To be honest I don't think Brazil makes entertaining matches, Argentina is much better on that matter. And well, the dutch team is really a joy to watch.

Heh that match on the world cup was insane... For me - if things stays like this - the only team that can beat Netherlands is Portugal. In fact I'd bet on Portugal for the championship, specially now that Scolari will quit after the Euro2008 (going to Chelsea).

Brazil is allways a joy to watch

The argentinians lacks the zaaaaaamba
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :If our current "defense" has to play against the Dutch offense, we will lose at least 0-5, believe me.

But we won't get that far anyway.

I think that the German team is the next best. I really do
It`s a young team, but at team one have to fear !

Ballack, Podolski, Klose - HUH !!!!

Awesome !!
S2 licensed
Quote from Gil07 :If we play Portugal they'll start their wind-ups and rolling on the floor, etc again like they did in the last matches against us. If we have to play against them it will be very hard

Portugal will be no match against the dutch team
Your strikers are many and effective !

I have never seen so superior football, as your team have performed in the first 2 matches. NEVER !

Holland is the team to beat, to become champ, 2008. And I really can`t see the team that can do it.

Again dutch people. Thank you for making this championship worth viewing
S2 licensed
My fear is, that Germany survives, and meets the dutch in the finals

The only medicin against dutch super soccer, is the German discipline

Man, the dutch have changed football, since "Total football", and they are still one of the most entertaining teams. Next to Denmark and Brazil, Holland is my absolute favorite !!

Please dutch football players - Win for the sake of soccer/football (or whatever you name it) !
S2 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :Khalid Boulahrouz is being the best player in his possition IMO

What is he playing ?

Darts ???