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Quote from jtr99 :Allan, I'm not an American, and I totally see Gimpster's point of view. I'm not yet in iRacing, but I will be shortly when a new system arrives, and the reason I haven't been frequenting LFS for a couple of years is very well summed up by Gimpster's comments. Sure, iRacing is a financial commitment, and if it doesn't turn out to be worth it, I completely agree that LFS is the almost the only other game in town, really, so I might be back.

But my point is that Gimpster's not alone. I think there's a whole demographic out there who will lean towards trying iRacing for the exact reasons G. outlines.

My answer is totally directed to americans

Hallelujahhhhhh !

And keep paying every month to the "sacred" one
S2 licensed
It`s fun to watch every american choose iRacing over Lfs, but they elected BUSH for president !

Can they be trusted ??

Ironi, mates - IRONI !!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Gimpster :After spending some time in iRacing and having loads of time in LFS I can honestly say that the two are not comparable. Its not because one is far better then the other but has to do with the fact that they each represent different aspects of this genre.

LFS is and will remain the best sim for getting togeather with your friends and racing door to door with the least amout of fuss and a high degree of fun. It has great accesability, ease of use and just works well for what it does. I will always remain on my hard drive for when I just want to have fun.

iRacing is a more hardcore oriented sim aimed with asperations of blending the world of real amature and profesional racing with that of simulated online racing. They are very structured, comitted to the attempt of turning sim racing in to a legitimate form of motorsports and they are off to a good start, and I feel their future is bright. Since I can not afford to field a real car in even am ammature class this is the next best thing for me.

At least that is how I see it. If the general racing enviernment, racecraft skills and driver respect I have found in iRacing were still the norm in LFS I do not think I would be in iRacing, but LFS has evolved in ways that have shifted the comunity in a different direction, which gives it new character. Not a bad thing but I miss those old days...

You have seen the light ? - Hallelujahhhhhhhh
Go with peace, my friend

Remember to send money, every month !!
S2 licensed
Quote from pie :You've probably heard of the upcoming game… most beta testers of the game are loving it and the physics should be 'spot on'.
I’m very curious how LFS will stand out against this sim.
Both have their cons and pro’s.

+ Real cars with great physics (maybe the best around!)
+ Laser-scanned real tracks
+ Great looking!
- Expensive
- The game is still missing a lot of features…
- uhm… did I mention expensive? ;-)

+ Great physics
+ Very smooth online game play
+ Great stats and stuff on LFS World
- No much real cars (still are great fun to drive)
- No real tracks

How do you think LFS will do in future?

I’m definitely gonna check out iRacing when it’s available… but the game must be VERY good in order for me to pay this much.

Ask yourself :
"Which racinggame/sim have I played most the last years" ?

I`ve got Rfactor, Race 06, Gtr2 and a lot of other racing games. I would reckon that I`ve played Lfs 99,9% of the time

iRacing must be very good, to take Lfs place, in my house. I will try out iRacing, to see what all the fuzz is about, and judge it myself

So my list is :

And no other, untill I`ve tried out iRacing.
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I rekon if Germany win everyone will be dissapointed, they seem to have put the least effort into the tournament, perhaps its arrogance. I think Spain will take Germany to pieces, especially since they will most likely start with Fabregas now Villa is injured. Stroke of genious replacing Torres in that game, he was being marked heavily and made the defenders tired, they didn't bother marking the other guy (who I have nicknamed Dodgy Geezer) and he found space straight away and took advantage of it.

I really hope Spain win the final by a big score, 5-1 should do the trick.

I say again :

Football is 22 men chasing a ball for 90 minutes, and Germany wins in the end !

Spain is normally weak in the WM and EM cups ! When did they last win anything !? Germany is the underdog in this final, and that makes them DEADLY !!


If you seek arrogant players, then try the spanish team - It is full of such players.
I really, really hope that Germany wins this cup . DEUTSCHLAND !!
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Shame to see Turkey go out, I was dying laughing when they went 2-2. Playing with a half-strength team against Germany too, amazing.

They're the heroes of the championship for me. Real spirit.

Yes !

The turks was the figthers of EM 2008. No doubt about that
S2 licensed
Russia or Spain, can`t stop the German team. But I will wait until sunday, with my gratulations
S2 licensed
Quote from jonny__27 :I have seen some different opinions about what exactly is LFS, so i decided to create this thread to see what you have to say about this.

Do you think Live for Speed is to be considered just as a videogame, to play in your free time, or is it more like an intense training, driving sim?

In my opinion LFS is nothing more than a game. Simply driving a few laps per session (too much time in front of the screen is no good for my health :razz and just having fun, but always racing and respecting others around me, so you won't see me wrecking, for example. I believe it's not to be taken seriously, as if it were a full-time job, because honestly i don't think i can get any productive work from it. Although i know LFS is also used for serious purposes (for example i once saw the BMW Sauber F1 drivers training in it) i don't believe the same applies for the 'average person'.

If you call Lfs a game - You have simply not understood anything about it.
Your loss, not mine
S2 licensed
Quote from BenjiMC :Put it this way, one caveman sat in his cave cold in some bear skins. While another caveman went and discovered fire.

I can`t comment on this matter, because I stated the last comment was my last. Sorry mate
S2 licensed
Quote from Bawbag :And what's setupfield....GP1???? Sorry but that's just plain fanboi bollox, same with alland, what crap.

On about stealing ideas and stuff, what happend in WRC when paddle shifters started getting used, you didn't see those teams complaining when others followed and made them better?

Apart from the fact that there is other setupfields for differn't games which have been around for a long time aswell, it's so stupid that you guys could even think of calling it copying.

Even though I don't use either of the setup sites, from what i've saw of them i'd say the new setupgrid is better, the layouts and mostly I guess is the freshness of it.

My name is Allan D 44 - Not alland (alland44)

"Some birds feed on dead meat, and some birds hunt for fresh meat. I like those birds who hunt for the fresh meat"

"If one walks in another mans footsteps, then you can never ever overtake that man"

Let this be my absolutely last comment to this matter
S2 licensed
3 dutch people have congratulated the russian win !

That is sportsmanship guys

Nice to see

With sam, it is 4 !
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :Yes, here in the UK we have quite a few sayings regarding the Germans too. Unfortunately i'll probably be banned from the forum for life if i post any of them

Huh !
I was not even a teenager, when the UK won a title the last time
Im nearly 51 now

Forgive me, please -
S2 licensed
Quote from Clownpaint :Someone had to do it.

Steal an idea !
Bravo !!
You are my hero !!

Add some sarcasm to my last lines
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :7.4 litres of Detroit iron is equivalent to about 2 litres of proper engine. If you want to talk about specific power output (not a diesels strong point)
then the diesel looks pretty rubbish, the CanAm Porsche 917/30 produced well in excess of 1000bhp in race trim with a 5.4 litre engine.

If you're going for specific output though the diesel is fairly hopeless at 151 bhp/litre, most big bikes (and bike engined cars) will beat that easily and standard road cars are getting ever closer to it. True high power for capacity comes from petrol engines, the BRM V16 was producing over 300 bhp/litre 50 years ago and the BMW F1 cars produced over 650 bhp/litre.

F... the engine, and love the power present !
Who cares what produces that force, as long as it is present, and useable !!

I lsimply love the Audi diesel engines
S2 licensed
Quote from Frank H :This would be a fun car I think, alittle more grunt, but still not like the XFR. Similar to the difference between XRG and XRT, but for front wheel drive. (and some more diversion in the TBA segment)

Thx, but NO thx, Frank
Don`t touch the xfg !
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :God awful game for 118 minutes, but utterly fantastic thereafter, pure drama.

Well done to the Turks, you were damn damn lucky. It's the Germans next, so lets hope the luck lasts

We have a danish saying :

"football/soccer/fussball is 22 men chasing a ball for 90 minutes, and the Germans wins at the end"

Danes are clever people
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :OMFG Turkey pwned Croatia at the last second omg lol xD still cant believe what just happened xD I think Turkey should get "Best comeback of the year" award

The 1 - 1 goal was UNBELIEVABLE !!
This is not the first time they did so - This is the third time. Very well done Turkey
S2 licensed
Quote from csurdongulos :where in my two sentences above did I imply that there are no good sets at Setupgrid? I was just pointing out that your post had nothing to do with the question the poll was about.

Anyways, I vote for equal.

You got the initial idea, as the man who discocered the wheel. Both are easy to copy, and they do that.
S2 licensed
Quote from csurdongulos :i Agree That It's Old And Boring, But How Does That Affect The Quality Of The Setups?

I Wonder How Many Of The Voters Really Understood What The Poll Was About. :d

S2 licensed
Quote from Biohazard :how lucky can a whole team be?!

How lucky can Germany be ??
The will play Turkey, with three key players off (yellow cards)
And many injuries.

I will say. Congratulations germany, you are in the final now !
S2 licensed

You deserved that win
S2 licensed
A "real" racer, gotta have a wheel

It`s like icing on the cake, and jelly to the beans


When ever one get`s a new wheel, it takes times to adapt to that ! Even if one have used wheels for years.
S2 licensed
Quote from BBO@BSR :I had the same thoughts.
It must be the lack of practice or the lack of talent if you got beaten by mouse user.

And I can't remember seeing a mouse driver finishing on a top position, driving in on of the "bigger leagues" or endurance leagues
(where it is also usually forbidden to use KB or Mouse) or in any other league I have driven over the last years.

So it's good that people who can't afford a wheel (or are disabled) can use it and get a taste of LFS.
But I also must say that you only get the real feel with a wheel and FF effects.

So mouse users are no big deal imo.

Pssst - Partyboy
S2 licensed
Quote from Astro [ BJRL ] :In my humble opinion, mouse and keyboard drivers can not be considered real LFS drivers ? Or racers, for that matter.
I try to imagine them sitting in a car with a mousepad and driving the car using mouse.

Easy on the judgement, dear John.
We can`t set standards, at this present time, for what a "real" Lfs racers is

Racing with a wheel, sitting on a stool, must then be worse than racing from a cockpit, with racingchair, and so on.

View must also be taken into consideration, and a lot of other small things But I also think, that a mouse makes Lfs more a game, than a wheel does, and I would guess that keyboard and mouse steering, will be dropped, as this simulator developes.

But maby one can have the reald hardcore simulation, and a more arcadelike part, for people without wheels and pedals.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod ::headbang::banana::drink::laola:

Sorry, I had to.

I told you, that you have got a good team