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Quote from th84 :Yes, I do. T.Haas.

I haven't been on there in quite a while, but I plan on doing so soon.

I allready have found you, and have added you
S2 licensed
And Richard, the owner of the acr skin, allowes us to ride the old acr skins, without the team tag.

I send a great thankyou towards Richard

Once an Acr racer - Allways an Acr racer !
S2 licensed
Quote from th84 :Sorry to hear.

Good luck, Allan.

We are all OK !
I spend a lot of time iracing

But I can never forget my first love, which is Lfs I will never ever leave Lfs for good.

Th do you drive iracing, and if, what name ??
Team Acr| (Denmark) shuts down.
S2 licensed
I sadly anounce that I have decided to close the team. We haven`t been so active in Lfs the last year or so, and the renewal of our teamsite, made a difference.

Acr keeps showing up, and I am sure this is not the last time we have seen one of the oldest team in the Lfs history on the tarmac.

Richard Torp, many of you knows him, gave me the responsibility for the team. As long as I wanted, I could manage the team. When I left, the team must shut down. The time is right now

I thank Richard for this Lfs historic opportunity, and I especially thank all of my teammates. This have been a GOOD ride !!!

At last I thank all of YOU, for making Lfs worthwhile

We`ll se you out here, where ever you are !
S2 licensed
Congratulations with your new home
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Quote from titanLS :Houston we have lift off.

Don`t count on it
No lift off here my american friend.
S2 licensed
Updates in Lfs is max a minute or two !?

The americans send a man to the moon BUT !

And when the update is finished, mayhem will break loose. The ppl in the old countries, will be able to download the new stuff in 8 - 12 hours time
S2 licensed
Quote from titanLS :I know, I'm refreshing like mad.

3 hours and 15 minutes.
S2 licensed
The update have now lasted 2 hours and 48 minutes.

I hate pictures of cones
S2 licensed
Quote from Bryan1 :Oopps, looks like my comment about real cars and real tracks touched a few nerves, good to see some emotion:-)
I finally found a good well thought out mod in rfactor CTDP F1 2006, for me it's the first mod that I can understand the physics and can see changes in behaviour and fantastic art work on the cars.
For me LFS is brilliant and from what I know it runs great on all types of PC's unlike rfactor that almost forces you to upgrade your pc if you want to be competitive. I have to admitt tho that real cars and real tracks are the big seller in my eyes.

Peoples in Denmark, runs around saying they have seen an angel. If there is only one, they go to a place where the walls are padded.

When 2 ore more are shouting the same mistakes, they form a club and are untouchable

I would say that Rfactor racers are untouchable.

Rfactor fannies - Please go to Rfactor forums and let us get some rest from your "angel belives".

I don`t care what you like, or what you drive. But I am not interested.
S2 licensed
I have a good one :

"I drive iRacing now, but I dream about Lfs"
S2 licensed
Quote from Minimaxman :tWhen I speak on MSN like this. tThis is how I can tell I'm a LFS fanatic. tGets annoying after a while. tEspecially for the people you're talking too.

hahaha !

I do that all the time.
The guys in iRacing may think I`m crazy

But when you see others do the same thing, then you know you have met a Lfs mate !
S2 licensed
Got Rfactor, iRacing and Lfs.

Rfactor because of LeMans and prototypes, but I couldn`t get Nordschleife to work and I lost sound on LeMans. Haven`t touch it for years now.

There are many good things about Rfactor, but they got to have two versions. One without mods and one version that allows them. If Rfactor 2 allows mods - I will NEVER touch it even with a ten foot pole.

iRacing have the best FF feeling these days. It cost some money - But no one say that you have to buy all cars/tracks. Especially the ovals (and cars) are superior. Nobody with a great love for oval racing, should avoid testing iRacing - They only cheat themselves if they don`t

That goes for the roadpart too.

But I haven`t given up on Lfs. I shall return when we see the new car

But every nigth, when I go to sleep, I have a drem. A dream of a simulator which took the best parts from Lfs and iRacing. That would be a combination that would be hard to beat !
S2 licensed
Quote from Warper :Hi folks,

just something came to my mind again. Something what i thought about already dozen of times while reading this Forum.

Why do you always blame Need for Speed? Why do you always use Need for Speed as the worst example for something what LFS not is?

I just want you to consider that many of the "older" people here (24 and upwards) were maybe introduced to Racing Games with something like The Need for Speed, or Need for Speed II. Maybe even Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, or Need for Speed High Stakes. Some of the even younger people definitely thanks to Need for Speed Porsche.

Nevertheless NFS is always used in a very bad manner in this Forum. Of course its not a competitor, of course its not a simulation. But it surely is a game about cars and about the fascination of driving a car fast. There was a time where they haven't been any simulations like NetKar Pro, LFS, GTR and Co (I don't want to start a discussion about the "simulation" term, please resist). This was a time where something like Need for Speed really catched many car enthusiasts interest. Actually it was for me the reason to buy my first steering wheel - a Thrustmaster T2. Later I of course realized what bothers me about the NFS series and I searched for replacements. I went trough the EA F1 Games, Codemasters TOCA, GTR Racing 2002 for the F1 2005 (if i remember correctly), GTR (more or less only the Demo) and finally LFS. I definitely forgot some, but these are the main steps, even the sequence I am not sure about.

Of course some of you started directly with something like Nascar 2003 or maybe even Grand Prix Legends but not everyone.

I just want to remind some people that maybe NFS did the job for some of us to get us addicted to racing games in the first step.

Of course NFS developed in a specific direction, into a mass game and feeding the crowd, but its still the NFS Series and not just the games since Underground.

Don't blame a whole country for some silly citizens...

Yep, you are right, I don't have a complete free mind regarding NFS. If I am honest I have some kind of big past with it. Used to have very well known german NFS websites (The Racing Zone and later and worked for EA as the NFS Community guy in Germany. But this was in the time of NFS II to NFS Underground... it all went down with not beeing able to edit cars anymore and the Series to be adressed to a very young mass market crowd. Just to explain myself and the reason why I still catch myself fighting for the Series...

I hope some of you will think about what NFS was for one or the other some years ago...

my 2 cents,

PS: This Thread just brought up this mind again... thats why I posted it now.

NFS is a GAME !
Lfs is a simulator. You can`t compare those two things in my opinnion.

Things go well as long as you treat the two things like that. If one states that NFS is the "mother of all racing" in the Lfs forum - Things are going to get wild.

I have tried some NFS demo`s but never bought that game. I like simulators - HARD simulators and therefore I now drive iRacing.

But you never forget an old "girlfriend" and I still hope to get involved with Lfs again
S2 licensed
21" CRT screen with 2048x1538
S2 licensed
Quote from rediske :sigh!

It was a question, a rather sarcastic one yes. I'm sorry you didn't get it...

A decision is something completely different, for example I'm deciding right now not to post in this thread again and watch the F1 race instead

That`s funny - I was beeing sarcastic too

Keep your tongue in your mouth, then it is not beeing so "brown".

(Just for you - Sarcasm again)
S2 licensed
Quote from rediske :all said, why didn't the thread finish here?

Let me get it right !?
You decide when we are finished "talking" in this thread ?
S2 licensed
And try to beat AI`s, in the MRT, in SO City !
That`s a hard game to win
S2 licensed
I think the AI`s make a good training session. Put all th AI`s on track and leave one space for yourself.

Start last in the pack in the SoCity and try to get to the front

When you can do that, then you are ready to race online
S2 licensed
I try to remember the track I`m driving, so I can prepare for the upcomming turn

I get them right 50% of the time !
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :Ladies and gents, lads and lasses..

We have had plenty of reactions on this. However, when it came to actually helping out, only a few of you showed their guts and participated.

I am sorry to present you the Sissy list

Kaw, Scrabby,Evilgenius
anbiddulph, bose321, pacesetter
jakg, Mcintyrej, Alland
chrisuu01, mateo, Dennis Lind

There's good news though. Some of us were willing to coöperate. Those people are honoured on the Honour list

Rascar13, golfert, dougie lampkin and hrtburnout.

Hey !

I am now officially a sissy
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :What about having a rFactor style set of sliders that adjust the other values based on their position? Like a speed setting (top speed/acceleration and grip), suspension (stiff/soft) and so-on. The first would affect DF settings and gear ratios, the second suspension etc.

The overall setting in gearbox, does just that
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :Anyone here ever go through a phase of boredom with LFS? Anyone going through one now?

At the moment I feel somewhat tired of it. I don't know why, I guess I don't prioritize it compared to other activities. Or maybe because I am struggling to learn mouse when everyone's getting the real experience with the wheel. (Yes I know the solution here. :|)

How do I regain interest in this game? What can I try that will get me back on the track again? It's not that I dislike the game, I just feel like I'm missing something.

I am having a severe SIM racing crisis, just now !

Maby I`ll snap out of it - Maby not. This is the biggest crisis i have experienced in 3 years.

I`ve signed up for iRacing for a full year, but are I haven`t touched iRacing for 3 or 4 weeks now. I have driven two races in Lfs and I have signed up for more

I have a Lfs depression, seeing well known racers drop Lfs, and I have a some problems coping with that. But it is also the start of the season. Winter is on my stairs and it is time to do indoor "things".

I reckon that I`ll drive both Lfs and iRacing in a month or so, with the most races in Lfs, and trying to get to know iRacing.

iRacing definately needs some FWD, to get my full attention.

/Alland44 with the simracing blues.
S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :I was wondering becaus i fount out that there are quite a bit of ordanary guys in lfs that dont realy have car knowlage.
By this i mean when u get to the complicated stuf

My sugestion and possible solving to this is to actualy to provide a stable base setup for every track combo and very car, mayeb that is a bit much but as i found out al the fe combos have very similair suspension setups.
But for the length and the way a certain combo goes the gearbox is always difrent.

So what i would find veryy usefull is to give base setups for al the cars and tracks not all but the importand stuf such as gear ratio base and tyre presdure stuf and supsension base for one long track version and a long version(tracks like Fernbay, Aston, Kyoto, Westhill and leave the rest up to the divers.
So that leaves brakes and stufs to do for your own becaus for me it took alot of times to finally understand what the setupmanual actualy wanted to tell me.
So its kind of for yourself to set the car up in those ways those extra seconds are made by your setup work becaus the sets would not be able to do world reccords for sure
I think this base sets whould be great combo with the setupmanual. to make a good set to be as fast as u can and feel confident in the car

Thanks for reading Chrisuu

You want gearbox ratios for specific tracks. Am I correct here !?
The problem about gearbox ratios is that they are personal. Also the tyrepressures and camber/casting are personal, depending on your driving strategy.

So I would want everything, but gearboxratios, so I can tune it for my simple driving style.

If you got the WR set, and that gearboxratio, maby you can`t drive it. Today I drove a good set on SO Town. But I couldn`t hit the thirdgear turns in third gear - I had to go round in second gear. The elite drivers has so much speed out of the corner, that they can drive the third gear all the way round ! That`s the difference.

Same with the tyres. You must study wear and temperatures and so on, regarding to your driving style, and not Bawbags

Then you will be faster. Same goes for the gearbox ! Slow drivers tends to make more mistakes, and they will suffer if the gears are to long

So if I get hold of a WR set - I often "gears down" the set. I don`t know the correct term for this, but if overall is 3.15 - Then i make it 3.25 and takes it from there.

And after som races on a track, you can feel where the gear is not rigth.
Then go adjust !