I sadly anounce that I have decided to close the team. We haven`t been so active in Lfs the last year or so, and the renewal of our teamsite, made a difference.
Acr keeps showing up, and I am sure this is not the last time we have seen one of the oldest team in the Lfs history on the tarmac.
Richard Torp, many of you knows him, gave me the responsibility for the team. As long as I wanted, I could manage the team. When I left, the team must shut down. The time is right now
I thank Richard for this Lfs historic opportunity, and I especially thank all of my teammates. This have been a GOOD ride !!!
At last I thank all of YOU, for making Lfs worthwhile
And when the update is finished, mayhem will break loose. The ppl in the old countries, will be able to download the new stuff in 8 - 12 hours time
Rfactor because of LeMans and prototypes, but I couldn`t get Nordschleife to work and I lost sound on LeMans. Haven`t touch it for years now.
There are many good things about Rfactor, but they got to have two versions. One without mods and one version that allows them. If Rfactor 2 allows mods - I will NEVER touch it even with a ten foot pole.
iRacing have the best FF feeling these days. It cost some money - But no one say that you have to buy all cars/tracks. Especially the ovals (and cars) are superior. Nobody with a great love for oval racing, should avoid testing iRacing - They only cheat themselves if they don`t
That goes for the roadpart too.
But I haven`t given up on Lfs. I shall return when we see the new car
But every nigth, when I go to sleep, I have a drem. A dream of a simulator which took the best parts from Lfs and iRacing. That would be a combination that would be hard to beat !
NFS is a GAME !
Lfs is a simulator. You can`t compare those two things in my opinnion.
Things go well as long as you treat the two things like that. If one states that NFS is the "mother of all racing" in the Lfs forum - Things are going to get wild.
I have tried some NFS demo`s but never bought that game. I like simulators - HARD simulators and therefore I now drive iRacing.
But you never forget an old "girlfriend" and I still hope to get involved with Lfs again
I am having a severe SIM racing crisis, just now !
Maby I`ll snap out of it - Maby not. This is the biggest crisis i have experienced in 3 years.
I`ve signed up for iRacing for a full year, but are I haven`t touched iRacing for 3 or 4 weeks now. I have driven two races in Lfs and I have signed up for more
I have a Lfs depression, seeing well known racers drop Lfs, and I have a some problems coping with that. But it is also the start of the season. Winter is on my stairs and it is time to do indoor "things".
I reckon that I`ll drive both Lfs and iRacing in a month or so, with the most races in Lfs, and trying to get to know iRacing.
iRacing definately needs some FWD, to get my full attention.
You want gearbox ratios for specific tracks. Am I correct here !?
The problem about gearbox ratios is that they are personal. Also the tyrepressures and camber/casting are personal, depending on your driving strategy.
So I would want everything, but gearboxratios, so I can tune it for my simple driving style.
If you got the WR set, and that gearboxratio, maby you can`t drive it. Today I drove a good set on SO Town. But I couldn`t hit the thirdgear turns in third gear - I had to go round in second gear. The elite drivers has so much speed out of the corner, that they can drive the third gear all the way round ! That`s the difference.
Same with the tyres. You must study wear and temperatures and so on, regarding to your driving style, and not Bawbags
Then you will be faster. Same goes for the gearbox ! Slow drivers tends to make more mistakes, and they will suffer if the gears are to long
So if I get hold of a WR set - I often "gears down" the set. I don`t know the correct term for this, but if overall is 3.15 - Then i make it 3.25 and takes it from there.
And after som races on a track, you can feel where the gear is not rigth.
Then go adjust !