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Quote from mrodgers :Ok, I'm sorry for off-topic, but I can not believe that this thread did not go off-topic and stay off-topic after this was posted. Did no one watch that video? I was seriously watching with my mouth hanging open in awe!

I watched the video, but I can`t join you in the awe and mouth watering.

I thought it was a silly thing to do. Why hide the racing simulator in the floor. My simulator can be accessed 24/7, and I would choose to hide my kitchen or living room, like he does, instead.

And I saw NO SIGNS OF LFS on his screen.

That guy is an idiot !!!!

Doing all that fancy pancy things, to play with Need for speed ??

S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :To find a Swedish guy that speaks Norwegian is ****ing RARE! They normally don't understand anything in Norwegian!

Norwegian is written the same as Danish almost 100% but the Danish people speak like they got a potato lodged in their throat. Swedish people are a bit hyperactive in the way they speak, they sound like Norwegian farmers but if you can speak and read/write Norwegian you can understand 40% of Swedish text at LEAST, and you can understand almost everything in Danish (when written, cos remember they speak very weirdly) and you also get a bigger understanding of German with Norwegian, as I have found anyway.

Now you got a problem with 5 million danes, my friend.

Danish and Norwegian, is not the same language, and Danish is not spoken with potatoes in our mouths. I can tell you, that most danes understood, the old Norwegian language, but the language they speak up thre now (new norwegian) NOBODY, that concludes Norwegians as well, understand that

The norwegians once were danes, but after a war, they slipped away and are now speaking a form of encoded danish.

A native danish speaker, would say, that norwegians and swedes, are trying to drink alcohol and sing, at the same time.

The only hope to understand either of them, is to get really drunk, then you are in sync, and can understand some of the words they are saying. But where does it leave YOU, my friend !?

I can conclude, that you are drunk all the time, since you find it easier to understand Norwegian, the sung/drunk spoken language, than the vikings native tounge = Danish.

I have heard that vodka is cheap in your country. Now I believe that statement
S2 licensed
Quote from senn :here's a tip, don't give a rats ass what controller you use, stop advertising useless BS and taking up even more of my precious screen space. Do you think ppl who use a mouse are gonna put "MOUSE" into their name? wtf is wrong with ppl.

Why on earth, did you think this matter was worth a thread ?

I think I will change my name to AllanG25, just to annoy YOU !!
S2 licensed
Quote from cougar7005 :must admit im really enjoying using the r220 ok it doesnt have ff or the kudos of the more expensive wheels but i enjoy it and at the end of the day thats what its all about

This wheel are interesting. I know one of the fast danish racers uses this wheel, and it is certainly something one should consider, if the price is rigth

What does a R220 cost in your country, and what does Momo cost ?
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :Sidewinder FF if ur on a budget. Built to last, I bought a second hand one off ebay & it lasted me 2 years (b4 I got angry with it & twisted the wheel so hard it striped the gears)

Not a bad first wheel in any respect.

I had a lot of troubles getting it working in Lfs
Sometimes it worked, most of the time it didn`t, and Microsoft stopped backing the software up, years ago.

But as a first wheel, and if you are not sure about Lfs, then it is quite OK !

For the people that have seen the "brigth light", they should go to the momo or DFP
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :There is nothing wrong with the MSFF wheel. I've had mine for many years, it's driven more miles than any car I've owned (at least 200,000miles) and it still works great. The win 98 drivers work fine in XP and i haven't had any problems getting it to work in any game/sim I've tried.
The occasional clean and a squirt of WD40 has kept it going just fine.

The only negative is the lack of rotation (270)

I would recommend it above any alternative as a first cheap wheel, followed by the DFP if your buying new.

Don`t get me wrong. I was very happy with my Sidewinder wheels, when I never had tried FF.

After Momo, Dfp and the G25, It`s impossible for me to drive without FF. I have given all my old wheels to friends and the Lfs demo, off course, so I often retry the old times without FF at their homes
S2 licensed
Quote from beefy696969 :i know that, but even when i spectate and watch them race, they are still hitting higher speeds then I am. I can watch the race leader constantly be in front so he is not bennifiting from any draft at all and still run those times.

Setup is everything in this game, well almost everything, you still have to be able to drive.

I`m no oval specialist, but if you want to go fast there, you have to train, over and over. Find YOUR raceline, that you are happy with, and take the progress from there.

If you hotlap, use the widest tires (R3 or R4), heat them properly, more than you normally would do. Then make a "Pick up speed" lap, you can see how this is done, if you download hotlaps, and carefully watches them.

Then you can go for a good time on the oval. Do not carry much gas either

Normally non oval racers believes that oval racing is easy. Man, nothing can be more wrong than this ! To set the fastest lap on the oval is so hard, because you can`t make the slightest mistake, witout loosing valuable time.

1/100 of a second is much, when we speak about Bf1 on the oval, so don`t let the close times fool you. Oval racing is an art, and as all arts, hard to master

I`m no oval freak, but I sometimes like the challenge of taking the cars round Ky1. Oval is the mother of all hotlapping
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :The setup guide, like almost everything else I've done, really needs updating. There relationship between 'optimal' frequency and mass is debated, and only a guideline. There are situations where it is not very useful. And if the relationship is indeed linear, that does not mean the gradient is 1. I'm using about 2.6Hz for the LXs (IIRC, I'm not at my gaming PC). I think the 2Hz base it's a bit soft for racing in LFS, especially at the smoother tracks (i.e. not south city). Also having the rear frequency slightly higher and using the ARBs to keep the balance as wanted can bring benefits. The suspension analysis in VHPA is probably the most simplified part of it, I'm hoping to add a lot more in there over time. Wish I didn't have a bloody job sucking all my time. Man has to earn a living somehow though.

Back to the questions though, there really is no substitute to experimentation and testing, if VHPA is making the process more logical than trial and error than that's about as good as it gets. There is no wonder solution. Happy setup making.

Downforce is an important factor too. F1 cars need to start with relatively high numbers 5 or 6 hz, because of the downforce. This results in 2 or 3 Hz when driving. Does this work in Lfs too ?

The downforce/spring !?
S2 licensed
Arcade: Wonder Woman invisible cars, God's eye view, Linda Blair look completly around, etc. ??

I can`t answer a question, put that way. If you start to take the community seriously, then maby I will take you seriously.
It`s a childish way to manipulate a poll, when one of the answers redicules the individuals, which chooses that particulary option.

The question have been asked before, and the thread was closed, by Scawen, as I remember.

So we had this discussion, and I guess we came all the way around the cockpitview

I must say this is the most worthless thread, I haver ever seen on this forum.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :The FF GP is a baseline wheel that you can get for next to nothing, look for a badly listed one on ebay, if you can find one that's come out of the box for a day and sat in the corner since you can get a real bargain price for an effectively new wheel.

If you can afford it though I'd recommend going to a DFP or Momo just to get the better longer lasting quality. A DFP will offer you little really over a DFP compared to the distinction between the FF GP and DFP.

A word of warning though don't be tempted to go for a cheaper non-Logitech (or MS Sidewinder) wheel because it will soon be in the bin and you'll be buying a Logitech one.

Sidewinder with FF, can be OK, if you can get it to work with Lfs.
Sidewinders have a generel problems with the buttons malfunctioning. The three I have owned, all had a tendency to "get on strike"

But buying a Sidewinder is a lottery, because MS (Microsoft) stopped servicing there wheels in win ME/98. No Xp drivers from them
S2 licensed
I have owned, and still own two of them. The Dfp, the momo and the G25.

As a normal racer, no drift or something like that, I will rate the wheels like this :


Momo feels so much better, than the DFP, in my hands, and I will rate the DFP as a toy !?

But one thing you should know about Momo and DFP. Both have problems withe the pedals. Both my DFP, which I bougth first, and switched into a Momo, when the DFP pedals failed, and the Momo, got "the pedal problem". You can fix it yourself, but it isn`t a good idea, when you still got the warranty on the wheel.

The speeder potmeter, goes wild, and begins spiking. You will not know when you have full gas, if you get the problem, without chekking the meter all the time you are racing.

10.000 different advices are out there, but at the end of the day, the DFP and the Momo have a great risk of malfunctioning.

If you ask me, then save your money, and get the G25 This is far, far better than the "two toys".

Now you will see hundreds of happy Dfp, and MOMO owners, who have never experienced these troubles, I spoke about. They will slaugter me. Forget them, because I had 100% troubles with DFP and Momo.

I had three months with the Dfp. Nearly a year with the Momo, and a year with the G25 Before that, I ´ve got several Microsoft steering wheels, with and witout FF.

Logitech rocks the steering wheel market, as I see it today


Reading my own words, makes me add this note. I put the Momo and Dfp as toys, but I use these markers "" As in "toys". It`s ironi, and humor folks

The ppl with the 1.000 dollar special wheels, will also call my G25 a "toy"
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Way back, i found a Lfs demo, on a cd I borrowed from a buddy.
I don`t know when this was, but I guess it was late 2002 or early 2003. I only had keyboard to play with, so I didn`t get caugth by Lfs then.

Later in 2003, i stumbled over Lfs again and got the newest demo on the internet. This I played, with keyboard, off and on for a few months. Then I borrowed a wheel from my kid brother, and I bougth S1.

From there I got really caugth, and have now driven over 100.000 miles in Lfs
S2 licensed
I go with 100 in the Logitech setup, and 100 in the game. I`m used to hard work, so it is really no problem for me

My back, hurts the most, after a long game of Lfs, but my arms and shoulders could keep on for weeks
S2 licensed
I was one of the guys, who whined about the forced view. I have learned to live with it, and it doesn´t show up, to much, on the servers out there

I don`t know about this clutch thing. I can still drive my favorite cars, so it`s really not that big a problem for me. But I said the same things, as Fordman, on our own forum, a few days ago.

I worry mostly about the many Lfs friends, and racers, that beeing the ones we haven`t met yet The racers to bee !

But I also joined the satisfied racers club, that club that want it a bit harder !!

We have finished this discussion, more or less, in our forum, and we are all looking forward, learning to cope with the new clutch and view.

I can follow Fordman in his worries, about Lfs trying to hard, but it is all up to the devs - No more, no less.

Maby we end up with "all the bling" is only available in pro mode, and it gets easier in the other modes. That would be a nice solution

But for sure - I would want the possibillity, to drive the hard way. But I would also want a possibility to just drive for fun. I think we well get more choices Or I hope we will, so new starters in S3, can grow, with the best simulator, out there !

This is my personal oppinions.
Merry Xmas everybody !
S2 licensed
Team acr wishes every lfs racer, a merry, merry christmas !

Norma Jean/Aka Marilyn Monroe :

Happy hollidays

One extra gift :
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Quote from joen : Just so to stop people making yet another post in the patch thread like z0mG lFS d3l3t3d AlL mAh seTUpZ

Exactly, what did you write here ??

I maby not care so much, but when people write in code, I allways go in "curious" mode
S2 licensed
Quote from Lateralus :For those of you who already have X30 installed, what's Chicane Route like? What sort of laptimes can you do, in the FBM in particular?

I haven`t tested on this track, so much. I visited an online server, around midnigth and saw that the guys there, did very low 1.07.xx times in the front.

The new AI`s did 1.08.xx, and they easily beats me

From this, one can predict a WR around 1.05.xx, maby even in the 1.04.xx`s
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B.B.King in concert
S2 licensed
Quote from joeynuggetz :All this talk about getting this or that in S3 is goofy. By then PC technology would have advanced by alot and any other dev team with more than 3 people can easily churn out something that can beat LFS hands down. This is what the devs should take into consideration. The reason we dont have the most advanced or realistic physics now has a lot to do with what the PC's on our desks can handle. As technology advances, those limitations will be gone and finding a closer simulation outside of LFS S3 is very very possible and certainly guaranteed. So if you ask me, LFS needs to step it up.

You seem to forget the big amount of skill, the Lfs devs builds up, if we say your story is the rigth one
All that experience is not wasted and, can not be instantly accesible to the big teams out there. They have to carefully test, test and test again, to reach Scaviers level of experience

We, the community, is a big part of it all. We test the product every day, and send reports to the devs, if something`s not rigth

This makes up a hell lot of data`s, experience, and knowledge, which no man just can copy, even if he had thousands of the best programmers, out there
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :I expected this behind the link.

U can`t mean this seriously. Connecting Johns song with a brittish GAY band ???

HINT : Take this not to seriously. But connecting Cure with "the blues" ??? U R a mad man/boy/very gay person

A real man delivers - He does not receive (anything, anywhere) I hope I make myself CLEAR !!
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :Here is my take (attached), but listening to it now I think it needs a lot of improvement. Still, the idea is there.

We are planning on a longer remake, any blues muso's should step up to the mic and we can do some bluesy justice to this cool little ditty by Astro.

Yeahhh man !
How blue can this get ?
Awesome "mouthharmonica"

Where is the bass, and the drums. I cant hope for the B3 or the b4. But one is allowed to dream
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Hey!

Don't we civilized people eat Jaffa's with our free hand when mousing?

I can finish a meal, while racing with my G25. I steer with my knees, and I shave and read a paper, most of the time
S2 licensed
I´ll definately chek this server out
S2 licensed
Quote from Astro [ BJRL ] :well - MZWizard, I really wish you hadn't posted that link, but I'll let it go this time as I know you did it in good faith.
I don't like the thread turning into something about ME and what I do, but as stated, hoped to inspire someone.
Not that I'll neglect wishes for more tunes or music.
That piece you linked, is something I did almost a year ago, before obtaining new instrument. It's a Shadows instrumental and I only did it to get used to handling recording software ( I used Audition ) and to play around with tracks.
I would have chosen a different piece if I had the saying, and I know you have most of my stuff.
To set things right. Allan says I did do Johnny B Goode, but is is mistakenly confusing that with Roll Over Beethoven, which too, is a Berry number much like Johnne B Goode in style and sound.


I remembered wrong, but I know that you once was interested in Johnny B goode. That confused me. I ´m over 50 and are allowed to forget something all the time