Victor Szabo !?
No no no. The guy that played Schumacher there, was Csgului.., sudcs..., zuzuki something.
I think he drives for Inferno. And me, who thougth that Inferno just was about setups, cause I have never ever seen an Inferno racer online. Is Biggie on that team
If you look at the incident, from helicopter view, Esben is 100% at the raceline. You are clearly at the rigth of this.
That`s what we mean about the steep angle, and the T1.
Esben, and the rest of dba think, that you are driving with great risk ! If Esben would deliberately hit you, this is not the place, with a car on the inside, in a corner
Therefore Esben will not appologize to you.
Esben says at the end of his message on our forum.
han skriver JEG køre ind i ham...hhmmmm ja det er jo nok lidt omvendt..... which means :
"He says that I hit him.... Hmmmmmm It is must be the opposite"
A last comment for this incident. Esben Jahn, is known as one of the cleanest and most fair driving danes. I think the only competition he has, Is Richard, here in Denmark
So when you have read, the above, I can tell you, that Esben is allways sorry, when he`s involved in an incident. He`s no "iceman" and only wants to drive fast and fair
Esben does not read or speak english well. I shall translate this for him, in our own forum, but I allready asked him, because they mentioned it, in the broadcasting.
He said, that you came in a steep angle to that corner, as I remember it, but maby tomorrow will cast ligth over the incident
That is a special situation, but you`re quite rigth. Far to many ppl doesn`t care about the ongoing race. I would get very mad, if a newcomer did that on my server and he would get a lifetime ban.
If you get your lessons from the brittish, you would sound like Prince Charles or a cockney. Irishmen sounds like sheeps and the scottish, just like their haggis.
Americans talk through their noses, and sounds awful. You can never ever put you trust in a canadian, many of them are french !???
You could try the Djamaikaaaaan way of english, but then everybody would think you smoked weed all day long
Or let a swede try to learn you english. You could earn a fortune recording that
I would say, find an aussie teacher. The australian way of speaking english is, indeed the nicest one
Lets see, is there any continent or country I didn`t insult
Maby the aussies will let me stay there
I can guarantee, tha Team dba would participate, if it was "mano et mano" and not "teamo pushes teamo".
We on Team dba will not degrade racing, to push each other around on the tracks. Team dba will join every serious race there are, if we are "free to race" on the specified racing dates.
We want to race ! Not play around
Rihard owns Team dba, and I`m the team leader - Now you now :
This is redicoulos, rediculus, rediculous - YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN
My cat is good at "pushing things around" at the floor, if I had a cat
Fun aside.
I really love the oval. I will drive any car there - Even the Uf1000.
I also have participated in bumperraces, the xfg, several times. That was fun, very funny indeed.
But in serious races ??????
No thank you.
When you are done "pushing" - Call us, for some serious CLEAN racing