I don`t think that time is the key. It`s the combination of track and car.
If the combo is easy, as fox on Ky oval, you gotta have more laps, than Rac on As Cadet.
When I drive a good combo, with lots of good racers, and tigth figth - I do not feel the time passing. I have sat and wondered, many times, when a race is finished "Man, did there just pass 25 minutes here"
I think that the hardest corner is the first soft right turn on As National - That corner is very very difficult to "hit perfectly" in most of the cars.
If you could mark out to points on a track, a + b. Then you lap the course and now you should be able to take control of the car, after it passed point a. When it passes point b - game pauses, untill a button is pressed.
Then one could train certain corners over and over and fast ! No need to go all the way round to try again, and if you press the car and crash, then you will have another go by a press on a button.
Been there, tried it. Did one myself a year ago.
It is too long a track for uf1000.
Cut it bewtween the "heads "and make a rounding there. Then there would be more intense traffic. The problem with these big tracks, in banger racing, is : If hit, you totally loose orientation.
So if you cut in half and .... etc - Then it would still be named something with bone - But this time you`ll get banned for it
Yes I have been a member since 2004, and have known Lfs longer than that. I just recently started to use the forum, because of the new patch (With Bf1) and the many testpatches. So I am rather new here.
But I can`t answer a person, calling me a fanboy !??
Do I not have a rigth to speak freely ??
I think my answer is 100% not OT, and I cannot read all those threads, you mention. I started on the international forum, just a while ago, but all you people can do, is hunt new people down.
Why can`t people just say their meaning, and keep shut if they have nothing to say. I don`t understand this forum, where everybody hunts everybody, just for beeing rigth.
Could it be because it is an interesting subject, that people takes up that discussion, over and over ? - Did you consider that ?
Maby you should rewrite it to fan MEN. This maby is one of the biggest differences between Lfs and all the other "sims" out there.
This sim (Lfs) is been driven by men, all the others are boys "playing" arcade games, with not much reality. I have tried most of the car "sims" out there, and put them away again - INSTANTLY !
The day I saw the Lfs demo, I was convinced on the spot, that this was the Sim, I should buy. Lfs is so much more, than the simgames out there - Totally in it`s own class - Therefore, you can`t compare Lfs with "games".
I was setting my server, for the national championship tonigth, and tested with some AI drivers. Suddenly the message shows "AI2 pits"
I hurried saving the replay and watched what happened.
Ai 2 was smashed and was driving along the fence on Fe Green, and drove in the pits. Here he randomly parks for a moment in a yellow box, and the message flashes up
It`s in danish, but it`s true (The pit message)
The track becomes secondary, in a tigth battle. Take the uf1000 and 23 racers. Ofcourse you have to take the track in consideration, but you have to race the humans very intensely. If you lead the pack - It`s mostly keeping all the other racers behind you, and especially the nearest one. In this case you drive wide, and not the optimal line.
So racing is all about figthing the other racers - Not the track, because then it is not racing anymore. If you have no opponents, you can`t race !!