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Quote from joshdifabio :That tackle by De Jong was just unbelievable.

I feel bad for the Dutch, losing their third final, but I think Spain deserved it after some of the challenges in the first half... really never seen anything like it.

Still, they're quite lucky to have won the tournament after scoring just 8 goals in 7 games. Talk about lacking a cutting edge.

And Torres... pulled his hamstring and then totally fine for the trophy presentation? No chance. :P

Feel a bit sorry for Webb, too! I agree he bottled it but at the same time I'm pleased that we didn't have a final with 11 vs 10 or even nine for the last 50 minutes!

Chelsea will pay 50 milliond pounds for him - Sell I say - SELL !!
S2 licensed
Congratulations to Spain !

Before the final, i was a dutch fan, even if they beat us in the group play
Holland - Go back to playing ball !
Not martial arts

The referee was very very weak, as the standard has been for this worldcup - A big shame
S2 licensed
Are waiting for a new patch, with new cars and new tracks

Will be back when that happens !
S2 licensed
I was driving in a race, when a very big spider chose to "run" over my hands

I let the steeringwheel go and crashed some other cars. When they heard my excuse - Most of them laughed ! (If not all)
S2 licensed
Definately the Uf1000 !!
S2 licensed
Quote from zazzn :Is there a full in-depth discussion as to what makes

LFS good
RFactor good
Iracing Good?

I'm new to car sims and toca racer 3 was one of the best I found for the PC before I found LFS.

I'm just looking for other games out there... I won't try I racing because I wasn't about to spend 14$ a month. Rfactor looks pretty good... Suggestions?

Start out with Lfs !

When you then have learned Lfs, then you could try out iRacing for a month and compare
S2 licensed
I would pay, if it could keep quality and "realism" high.

The price of LFS is redicuolos low and gives new simracers a good value for their money.
S2 licensed
Me like what I am reading
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Slowing down on a straight directly in front of someone.. I believe that's brake checking... but live in fantasy land OK.

It's not cheating, it is legal in many real world racing series, just becuase it doesn't fit into your world doesn't mean it's cheating.

You're suspicious about any nation calling you an idiot?! Then why do you constantly bring out the nationality card in any discussions. First it was that I was a canuck, then it was the "Chinese" guy. You're an idiotic bigot.

I don't see you putting anything rational here so don't bother replying. It'll still be useless garbage being spewed from a DIRTY WRECKING DANE WHO HAPPENS TO BE DRUNK!

Thx again Dusty.

I have never used the words you use. I can not recall that we ever have been unfriendly, but I have positive recalls, when I think of you.

I now realise that you are a very sick person, that needs serious help.
Therefore I will not participate in any further discussion with you. Contact me again, when you are better.

Live well, with your cheating, but please leave me alone.

Get well soon !!
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :My brain probably is very small thanks, but at least I'm smart enough to realize that brake checking is unacceptable behaviour. What that says about your own brain I'm sure others can piece together.

P.S. Why do you haffto bring in everyone's nationalities? You brought in that lizardfolk was "chinese" and now I'm a "canuck"... Should I just call you "Drunken Danish Dickhead"? (No offence to any other Danes.

OK - I will not hit the brake 100%. I would slow down, so you had to find a new solution/cheat. As I stated, I drove with a plate saying "NO BUMP". It would take a real idiot to bump me then

I simply HATE cheaters, I can`t cope with them. Is that a problem, I can live with it !! I would rather quit Lfs than cheat.

And as I stated. I have no problem with drafting. That`s a part of racing and can be very very fun, as I stated in an earlier message.

About the nationalities. I am very suspicious about any nation calling me an idiot. (read = Canada)

I will not comment on the chinese part. They aren`t ready for that, over there.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Good luck getting an apology. I'm sure everyone here will agree that brake-checking like an idiot is well... an idiotic and dirty driving maneuver.

I find it to be pretty correct even. Call idiots what they are.

I pitty you !!!

I forgive you since your brain is so small. Go with god, Canuck, but NEVER EVER try to push my car !

But chances are slim, that we will ever meet in Lfs. Thank god for that !!!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :

I feel so sad when people lack words.

I could report this, or I could wait for an apology !?
I really dont`t find this a correct way of discussing matters, do you dawesdust_12 ??
S2 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :So brake checking someone is better than bumpdrafting?..... Either you haven't thought this through or you have some seriously screwed up standards...

If i see that on someone's car I will never bumpdraft that person.

However, if i see someone i know and that person is fine with bumpdrafting. You can bet I will bumpdraft and I will not let some no skill noob who has no friends or teammates tell me that it's cheating.

Only place where I can see bumpdrafting be outlawed based on principle is open wheels.

Yes, you know what else people do in video games? intentional wrecking. Bumpdrafting is a grey area but if you brake check someone, that's malicious if ands or buts.

Bumpdrafting is a part of closed wheel racing. Does it get irritating that someone is winning because of good bumpdrafting? Sure...but it's no different from having a very good drafting partner. Learn to adapt to different disciplines of motorsports

Good bumpdrafting ??
I don`t catch your point.

Its up to you, if you wanna cheat - You choose to - Me not.

Have a happy life in China mate !
S2 licensed
Quote from pik_d :I disagree, pairing up with someone you don't know bump drafting (and getting a of approval from them) and catching up to the pack 20 yards ahead of us is great fun. It's also pretty rewarding to have pushed a car which at any time could lag into you and cause both of you to crash is the most hilarious of LFS ways.

I bump draft if I can (admittedly even in FOXs, though I welcome breakable wings to discourage this) and it works out more often than not, in fact I can't really remember the last time bump drafting has caused me to crash out.

I've not tried iRacing but I'm not sure if I'm all that keen on some kind of rating based on touches. That seems pretty harsh and very much against the spirit of LFS pick up races.

If the spirit of Lfs is cheating with the openwheelers, then Lfs is absolutely nothing for me, anymore. If you can`t drive by yourself, take a bus or a train
S2 licensed
Quote from Furryappleseed :Cheating? no. Maybe frowned upon by some but not cheating

Drivers do what they can get away with to go faster....

Try to "bump" my car, and I will hit the brakes !
Me and other danes, once drove with numberplates with this text "NO BUMP".

In all computergames, people looks after cheats, so they can win and feel divine. You can cheat all you want, my friend, but you are NOT using my car to do it !

Your way - Why not weld the cars together ???
S2 licensed
Quote from madmat28 :LFS gets the Scirocco and iRacing the Jetta.
Nuff said.

(Here the Jetta is considered an olds people car with not-so-funny gadgets on the rear shelf (??) )

I think I will be tired of riding my Jetta, when you get your Scirroco
Jetta will come the second week of august.

Nuff said !!!
S2 licensed
I`m starting to really hate cones
S2 licensed
Quote from Pablo Donoso :Ok what's the deal with Bump Drafters? I don't get why the collision detection doesn't count that lap as invalid for touching another car when it happens, or does it? I dunno, that's just straight cheating to me.

There should be something to detect when it happens, like a car hitting the rear bumper of another car multiple times in a short time period, say after 5 seconds of it.

The car in front can say hey, he was trying to hit me off the track, if that were the case, they would hit you from the side, not the back. Also the laptime should be invalid when counted as a PB.

The car in the back should also be penalized, say, a 30 sec. penalty, or pit drive through. Yeah the car in back can say he slammed on the brakes intentionally.

All I can say is bump drafting is cheating, go ahead and laugh to the ones doing it, it only shows you gotta cheat to get where others can without cheating.

Just an opinion. Cheaters never prosper, and always get caught.

I think it is a cheat, but they do it in the real world. You must wait untill Lfs gets a punishment system, as in iRacing, where car contact costa a penalty. EVERY time you hit, it costs !!

I instantly leave servers where they allow bumperdrafting, as I like to figth the others mano et mano.

Then there is ordinary drafting, without touching. That I can cope with

Try UF1000 on a track with at looong straight and suddenly you have to think tacticly too. That`s great fun, but pushing each other around is not
S2 licensed
No it is down for europeans

If you buy the Lotus and live over here, it will be hard to get to a server
S2 licensed
The Swastika cross, is an angient Egyptian sun sign.
The little guy from Austria, him that looked like Charlie Chaplin, took it for his own use, they pointed it the opposite direction.

Swastika is indish and means cross with "things sticking out" Or I don`t know the english word for it

The swastika is only a problem, used in wrong manners. Remember guns doesn`t kill people - people does ! It`s the use of things and symbols which can cause problems.

We have a famous danish sculpture. two elephants guarding a gate. The company is Carlsberg, and the sculptures is from many, many years before the other use of the swastika, but no one will carve these marks out. carlsberg beer also used the swastika on the beer labels, but that they stopped doing, after the little guy visited most of europe.
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Quote from blueyy :N23 for president

Ehh, you aussies got a queen. You have to ask the english before selecting N23 for president.

I would rather see "Aussie Jewel" for your president

And it sounds better in a crowd "AJ for president, AJ for president, AJ for president" and so on ...
S2 licensed
Quote from [DUcK] :what's a bawbag anyway?


I would like to know too.

My guess is that it is that Scottish thing, with pipes sticking out of it. You blow it up, and squeeze it. Now you can`t run and hide, because the thing is attached to you. Then comes the sound !?? EEEEEEEEK

The Scotsman then tries to prevent the air from getting out and try to cover up the holes with his fingers. They never succeed doing that

I angent times, they send these Scottish people in front of the attacking soldiers. The enemy didn`t stand the slightest chance and few was lucky to survive that noice.

My second guess is that it could be that thing that the Scott`s put food in. A kind of sheep stommick
S2 licensed
Wow !

In one lap, he shows us all the "forbidden moves" in Lfs, and simracing.
What a talent in growth

Some of them I didn`t even knew !
S2 licensed
"Dear god - Please give me cheatcodes to make my life easy"

Speedhack cheaters deserves lifetimes bans. You knew precisely what you were doing, and this form of behaviour must be punished HARD !

Admins - Do not forgive cheaters - EVER !!
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Sky Broadband is the way to go. Service is perfect never slow (even the wireless technology) and you can pay under £40 a week for Sky television AND broadband service.

Wow !
Sign me up

Only around 2000 pounds a year - A bargain