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Quote from The Very End :Lol, now that would be fun
How fast is the thing? 20 km/h lol?

20 km/t is a good guess. I drive a small Nissan forklist, bhutan driven motor, an it weighs 3000 kilos

I also drive a smaller electric powered lifter, that only moves around 10 km/t But it also weighs about the 3000 kilos.

We are many forkliftdrivers, on my place of work, and we have discussed a 24 hours race around the big factory

But we don`t think the bosses will allow it

And we definately need gocarts in Lfs
S2 licensed
Kimi is WM 2007. Congratulations to Finland with this third F1 world champ
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :TC is simple.

The speed setting is when it cuts in, this only exists so that you can spin the tyres off the line, so the non-rolling starts aren't made unskilled.

The slip ratio setting is the slip ratio of the tyres that TC will not let you go past. The higher the setting, the less TC does. Too low and TC will cut in when going in a straightline. Ideal TC is where you can appyl throttle coming out of a corner and the throttle gets held at the ideal amount. Thus it's faster and easier. Set the value too hgih and you'll be able to apply too much throttle, and then TC will limit the power oversteer. No TC and you'll be able to spin with ease - it's all down to you and your right foot.

The ideal setting varies with load and tyre pressure, so it's basically a case of playing and seeing how the car drives. The FZ50 doesn't need TC at all (unless you drive with keyboard), the BF1 is tough without TC but not impossible, though it depends on the track. High speed tracks like Westhill are fine without TC, SO Town on the other hand would require some serious skill.

This was nice
Thx Bob
S2 licensed
Quote from scipy :please people. dont be stupid. lfs is a sim and u cant break the gearbox per say, but that's no reason to use it for slowing the car down, btw you're not actually using the gearbox, it's the engine friction (and not engine compressions as it's popullary belived).

what you are actually doing (if you are using the engine for braking) is hindering accurate brake modulation and balance - i.e. ur not braking properly or on the limit. IF you are braking on the limit, adding the engine friction will only cause u to lock up and lose traction - not a desired effect. the reason for rapid downshifting is the sequential gear change (u have to go trough all the gears from 6th to 2nd), if you are in your real life car, ideally u would shift maybe 2 gears down or even 3 at a time, but not like 6th to 2nd or 1st (well shifting to 1st is best done from a gear not requireing a cross-gate shift - but that's just due to gearbox design). the reason for downshifting is just so that u can be in a proper gear for the corner exist (in the ideal rpm range for max torque bla bla).

next time u use the engine for slowing the car down, remember u are beeing stupid and scipy said so. you are only upsetting the balance of the whole car and not using the brakes effectivley. btw when u downshift u better be blipping the throttle to match the engine rpm with the gearbox rpm - so the car doesnt nosedive - if you are doing that, then ask yourself why to **** would u be doing that if u wanted to use the engine for braking. i am sick and tired of stupid and ignorant people: this actually include real life car mechanics, real life race drivers, my dad, his dad, my friends, their dads, many "street races" i know and most of the sim world. i am also sick and tired of false arguments that my dad gives me: "i've been driving for almost 30 years and i've been doing it like this". <- THAT DOES NOT MEAN U ARE DOING IT RIGHT. the whole car industry prays on stupid people who are braking their engines and clutches by using them for what they have not been constructed.

p.s. i am studying to be a mechanical engineer (2nd year now)
p.s.s. engine braking can be used in snow or ice conditions to make the tire rorational speed lower then the relative speed of the car so that u can keep some kind of control over steering.


A little question anyway

Lets take a F1 car, with thousands of rpm. isn`t more safe to motorbrake such an angine. And definately fatal with a high torque engine, as a diesel engine !?

There is more to move in a diesel engine, than in a f1 engine, when you motorbrake hard

I hope you get what I mean
S2 licensed
Quote from BenjiMC :i dunno if thats what he was looking for. I still have no real idea of how it works but i do know that the slip thing is in regards to the amount of slip the tyres are allowed to have. set it higher for the FZ50 at around 6-8 i think and 3-4 on the BF1. these are just guide lines however, i set my TC pretty high for low interference since i dont like it cutting into my driving so much.

This is a little better !
That greasy hairy thingie - Ehhh somebody call him Alonso, is a master of using TC. Do we have some spanish people here !?

Or did I just offend them all

Joke aside.

We had a vote in the danish Lfs community, about the winner in the F1 series. I voted Alonso, because I think Lewis is really feeling the pressure now. I would like to see Kimi on top of the podium, but that craves Alonso hitting Lewis, and they both must "walk home".

BTW - Most votes for Lewis, and then Alonso, and a few for Kimi.
Soon Kimi will be the racer with most wins, and no championship

My feeling says. Alonso wins, Lewis second, and Kimi will not finish

Again. I still need a little more information about TC

But thx anyway, for caring


Greasy is an old story. Alonso did good, when he cut his hair - For sure !!
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Pits, then pick a setup. Brakes/TC

Your avatar says "DRUNK"
Is that your excuse

I don`t understand an inch of what you are saying
Traction control
S2 licensed
I have searched low and high, on this forum, for a "guide like" thread about this TC.

This smart forum, also presented me with a search, just before i posted this subject. I can use none of them.

Therefore i dare post this request, having searched the forum. Some people have a tendency to scold unlucky posters, because they (the scolders) just did know where the subject has been posted in 2005

I did my homework - I searched in vane, and now I ask. Could a friendly soul explain to me, how you adjust this TC on the Bf1 and the fz50


My idea is : I want to drive these cars safely around a few tracks, using the TC. With that feeling of "success" in my pocket, I would slowly remove the TC, and one day, hopefully, would be able to drive those crazy cars
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
I want some of these (see picture) in S3.
They come in gasoline, diesel, bhutane and electric versions

S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :"The only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him"

I could trust many men, my debt`s - But trust many men my money or my girlfriends - NO WAY !
S2 licensed
Quote from PioneerLv :I am a bit scared about LFS progress.
About 2,5 months without no new updates and features. LFS devolpment can't be stopped!

I really don't want to say thet but: Live For Speed is dying a slow death?

That sentence really scares me!

Any explains?

Dying ??

Absolutely not, mate

I see Lfs as great, great value for my money, and I keep getting even more value for my "bucks", now and then. I also wants something new, but unlike you, I really like the tempo that they make the progress in, in Lfs. I can cope with it. The worst times is when they announce a new path, and you expect it on a certain day That`s nerve wrecking business

Lfs is very, very driveable as is ! And it is getting better in the future !!

I have driven the demo, and then bougth the s1 version. then all the other patches and s2 version That`s a privelege, to follow the birth, youth and the entrance into the "grownups" world. What other games offers you that, and have the same quality as Lfs.

Patience my friend - Patience
S2 licensed
Quote from herki :English

Then I speak basic, comal and Html too
S2 licensed
Quote from kiss me :i speak:
2 words in russian
and i have a chinese guy in class, so hopefully soon chinese

American doesn`t count. It`s just english with your nose stuffed
S2 licensed
Quote from Hamed Sam :thank's

100? are Sure? my wheel is g25 too but 100 ? it is very hard for steer!

about first question: in world record(xfo in fe1) reply menu > test drive i'm very comfortable

by that setup , i have same setup but in hotlap ,steer and somethings are different maybe toe and ...!

sorry , my english is not good.

Are you 100% sure, that it is the same setup !?

And 100 in FF is quite normal, I guess
How many languages do you speak !?
S2 licensed
Being a dane and therefore living in a small country, we have to learn foreign languages.

I speak, german and english quite well. Same with swedish.

My norwegian needs refreshing, as my french do.

Together with my native language, that makes 6, more or less well spoken languages.

What about you big nations - Can you only speak your native language ??
S2 licensed
Quote from Hamed Sam :2: Do U use force feedback in game (fe1 fxr).

if yes 5,10 , or...?

Yes !

FF is a must for serious drivers/racers

I use between 65 and 100, when my G25 is set as the developers advices.

Your first question, I simply can`t understand !?
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :
But you know that with Bawbag on our side, the UK (and particularly Scotland) owns you all


All my envy, towards Scotland, is about all them whisky destilleries

Oh man - You were born in heaven
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :I am not condoning wrecking, but in real life if you are

1. not up to speed
2. not 'aggressive'

you will get destroyed, especially in tin top racing...

what you get is guys who want to make real strong moves, and if you not ready for it, or just wimping around you will get engulfed.

You will notice that the fast drivers, that are blamed for all this, once they are all racing together there isn't any major contact, nor is there much complaint between them. The reason for this is because they are used to it. It's how you gotta's the same in real life.... and that's a testament to how good racing in LFS is.

I am in no way saying to win you should wreck people, but I am recognising the fact the the driver who is indecisive, not aggressive, and non-ballsy enough can cause as much carnage as anyone else. Of course they look blameless, but it's something I see time and time and time again. The driver that is indecisive and unpredictable is the one that can cause all the trouble for themselves.

When your racing someone who you know is fast, decisive, and as aggressive as you the racing is clean, and respectful. Contact may be made, but that happens. that;s how it happens in real life, and that's the way it happens in LFS!

sometimes ppl don't understand how much of a nuisance they are.

I would have to see a reply of your races to decide an opinion on your specific situation.... but sometimes you just gotta turn it on. Be decisive, go for it... that's what makes racing fun...

You are talking BULLSHIT !

The best racers, the aliens, are fully capable to get by, any problem on the road, in a fair and clean manner ! Look at the last BOTT race. Watch the leaders for some laps, and see how they drive bumper to bumper, lap after lap.

Totally fair racing, without bumps and schratces.

Now you will say. yes but they didn`t have to cope with noobs, and can rely on their fellow racers and so on !?

The problem is the big bunch seeing this type of battles between the aliens, and think that they can do the same ! But they don`t have the talent or training to perform that way. Then they hit my bumper, or yours !

If you want to drive agressively, then be sure to pack up some talent too

I can see no excuse for hitting another car in the arse. If you are a skilled driver, then you will notice the other car, is beeinged drivven by a racer, who is not in your standard. And you have to calculate with errors from the front car also.

I can see no excuse for not driving clean and fair, even if one wants to get a little agressive.

Also ask yourself this question : Who do I want to race !?? A fair and clean guy, and let the skills decide the positions - Or an agressive racer, who sends you off the track, most of the laps !?

S2 licensed
I saw 17 laps of safetycar, very early in the morning, here in Denmark. Then I decided to get to bed. I heard that they started racing after 18 laps !?
S2 licensed
Quote from josealb777 :NORDSCHLEIFE NORDSCHLEIFE, this one would be the best LFS addition... it would suits as a long track, and as a real one, like we say in Spain this way we "kill two birds in a shoot" (matamos dos pajaros de un tiro)

I thougth it was the Maltesians, who enjoyed killing birds
S2 licensed
Quote from bass4usall :Any new track would be welcome!

I've run every possible combo in LFS and I need more!!

Check my stats!

I can second to that, but he asked, what do YOU want to see
S2 licensed
Quote from TaiFong :Personally, I'd like to see an extremely long straightaway. Not only would it be fun to hit maximum high speeds, but sometimes when I get bored, I go to the dragstrip and pretend I'm driving on the street - with AI cars being regular people driving along (think GTI vs. FZR). Then I watch the replays and see how insanely quick I accelerate past them or how big of a lead I can catch them on. Good fun. (Oh, and forget I said this, but a straightaway would be PERFECT for playing with LFSTweak) :shhh:

Better like the old Le Mans configuration, with an insane long straigth

We need an endurane track. A long track, with no death traps, and a loooooong straigth !
S2 licensed
I don`t know if this is proposed before !?

A piece of software, offline offcourse, which can load your setup. Then we can tell the pitcrew (Teamspeak etc.) what we want, when we hit the pit. Everything can be altered, tyrepressure, camber, fuel, caster etc stc. When I hit the pit, I press a button to "load" the changes. Time could vary, depending of the amount off changes. (You have a crew, not participating in the race, who changes the car for you.)

And I miss local chatting. It would be nice to talk to one racer specific, and noone else could see what is said

Last, but not least.
Disallow chat when race starts. Only spectators can chat, and no racers is able to see that, if they not press a button
S2 licensed
Quote from Lotesdelere :

Disable chat.
You don't type while driving. Spectators can't even talk to drivers during a race.
This is not realistic.

When a race starts, chat should automatically be disallowed for the racers. Those who spectates should be able to talk without any racers seeing it
S2 licensed
Quote from dropin_biking :Well on BL1, I can usually pull low 1:26 to mid 1:25, it just depends on my mood, and the time of day, and tyre temps. I can manage decent first splits (28.5-28.8) but once I hit the second spilt im a minute flat or a couple tenths faster, and then I'd finish my lap at the mid 1:25, mostly 1:26 near dead on. What should my splits look like? I know the setup is good for faster (friend of mine managed high 1:23's on his computer with his momo on this set) My driving is decent I suppose, but if I had good splits to aim for then I could review my replays and find my mistakes easier.
PS...heres the set if anybody wants it. I find it slightly over-steery, but only slightly. Any improvements on it are welcome.

I think you should upload a replay, so the rigth ppl can see what you are doing They have to see where you make your mistakes
S2 licensed
Great many thank you`s
Just what i needed. I Allready improved 15/100