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S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :potormac? Would that be tarmac?


Forgive me, not being an english native speaker
Tarmac it is
Tyre get burried in the potormac !?
S2 licensed
I hotlapped So sprint 1, in Xfg tonigth.

In the last corner, that leads to the main straigth, a little bump was noticeable and something happended to my rigth tyre.

What !?? a puncture i thougth, but a chek showed that it was not the problem. The tyre just sunk into the potormac !?
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Ok maybe i worded my post wrong, i went online to get different setups to help me handle the cars, i told the other players i had got S2 today so they are weary around me and i kept my distance from them e.g. on the start line i let them get 5 seconds ahead. i didnt cause an accident.

i can race but im used to racing i the xrt so i adapting different cars.

Is there a server for beginners ?? if not there should be.

Start with low populated servers.

5 seconds is OK, on medium and long tracks. On the small tracks feClub, cadet so1 and so. Be carefull, because the leaders will soon be on your tail

Just be carefull, untill you learn the car and track, and go to the pits, if the packs is starting to lap you. That is very stressfull, getting overhoaled by 15 racers, and beeing unsure of what to do

But keep racing, that`s the only way to learn.
S2 licensed
Quote from JogDive :Hey guys!
LFS DediLink 2.0 is ready for beta testing now Who wants to test the release build 2.0?

-Fixed many small bugs.
-When a game password is set on DediLink server startup config, the "old" password which has been created via insim sync (DediLinkS.bak), will not be set on insim login.
-Added a bans screen on DediLink Client to unban players.
-Removed SSL selection on Server/Client. It was a bit confusing for many users. DediLink works with SSL V2 now.
-Renamed GUI descriptions to make it more clearly.

[Still in testing phase and not beta ready (DediLink Server):]
"Virtual" insim port to make it possible to use X insim apps at the same time.

If you have some new suggestions for DediLink, please let me know

I would like to be at beta tester
S2 licensed
I like the Mrt, and I often look for Mrt servers, when I want to race. I like the medium tracks with the Mrt (AsClub, FeGreen, and so) and I hate the short ones.

The long city tracks, are the best with a Mrt
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :How can it be authentic when it is tasty?
I know a brewery that makes bad beer, but it can't compete with american beer.

It's like football, really. They can't play proper football and so they call a completely different game football. And then can't make proper beer, and so they call dishwater beer. Cultural differences...


The Americans have the fastest beerdrinker, in the world. He`s called "the Fox" (Information from "The Man Show")

Maby it`s because of the "bad beer" that he swallows half a litre, in a second
S2 licensed
It must be a lot easier, just smearing the screen with a big load of vaseline

Or mount some bad see through plastic
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :FWIW, most games for the PC you find in the store here in the US are at Walmart usually for $29.99. After a few months they are usually $19.99. When the next version is out, the old version is often $9.99 Not all of them, but most. FSX, sure, it is much more. But the usual is as I've listed.

Console games are a different matter. They are usually $60.

I'm not complaining or saying LFS isn't worth it. I just wanted to state what it's like here in the US. Vastly different than the UK, where you guys say 24 pounds is cheap for a game.

And, yea, the $0.01 below a whole number for price is ridiculous. I think they believe that $29.99 looks more appealing than $30 and it tricks folks into thinking it isn't as expensive as it really is. It's been like that forever.

U american guys, and your dollar

The dollar is nearly worthless over here - Or its very very low, for the time beeing.
If all Americans gave 10 dollars (extra), then you paied the full price

Now - What about that

I`m looking forward to an American, who can give a good answer to this question !?
Hehe !
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Quote from BlackSheep720 :Would you be willing to pay a donation of 5-10 dollars (about 3-5 pounds), or a license surcharge of the same amount so that LFS could be developed faster, have better features, better physics, real tracks/cars, etc? I certainly would. What's your take on it?

NO !

I put my money in the danish society, trying to strengthen our organisation and spread the news

Never give a man fish - Better learn him to fish, himself !

And hear this, "young guns"

Creativity can`t be bougth, with all the money in the world.
rest where we are, and wait untill next phase comes our way
S2 licensed
Isn`t Blackwood a real track

In my mind it is
S2 licensed
Is this a Moo promotional video ??

(Patience - slow loading)
S2 licensed
It was over 16Mb unpacked

I read the bit about the Danish racing team -
But I have to say. If this was a paper magazine, I would be glad for those many pages. But reading on the computer is much tougher, so I must say as the msot of you. ASS is to big
S2 licensed
Quote from BuddhaBing : To me, that's clean racing even if there are racing incidents.

No !

Clean racing have no incidents, in my book
S2 licensed
Quote from BuddhaBing :Good choice, March Hare. If you like the UF1, be sure to check out the STCC 1b server. Lots of good, clean racing in the UF1 at a variety of the shorter club tracks.

Clean !?

I didn`t see that in there, the last two times i joined that server.

Sadly but true.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I still prefer the ice skating vs speed skating analogy for drift vs race. Depending on my mood, I like the synchronized swimming vs the crawl analogy, too.. although sometimes the drift gang get a bit sensitive and figure I'm being mean, instead of poking a bit of fun

11 is snot running from a kids nose, in my country. Adult movies has an other explanation

I don`t know what 11eleven is - Could somebody pls explain !??
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Why dont the devs allow full S2 for 48 hours.

When installed, it will install a hidden file / registtry edit to stop people re-downloading. This way , people can try out all tracks and cars, take part in some of the races and such.

After 48 from instalation, it is reverted back to demo. 48 hours is plenty of time for people to try out S2, even if they have school/work.

I personally dont support this, as it is probbly easy to bypass the thingy that stops you getting another free trial, but with demo racers saying they want to try out extra thingys, they can have a time restriction.


lmfao !

Does R factor, Netkar, Need for speed, Gtr 2, and so on, do that !?
If you can`t tell the difference allready in the demo, then you never ever will know what you are getting, with a S2 license, anyway !

The three cars and Blackwood is more than enough
S2 licensed
Quote from ChristijaNL :I really dont agree. All stcc configurations were great! And i could mention some others that would be good fun.

You haven`t drove an Uf1000, before you have raced AsNational in it
The long straigth on the back, and on the front, gives a lot of tactically possibillities. That`s "chess" on a track Only much more funny
S2 licensed
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :can someone explain how to use this everytime i go on to it i get so confused
thanks in advanced !
and were do i put it when i save it from the site

Click on the set you want, and save it to the settings folder. (data/settings in the lfs folder)

Open the Lfs simulator, and find the set in the garage
S2 licensed
Physics !!!
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Career modes do not work in simulators, GTL tried, people complained that it was a sim and things shouldn't be locked, and you shouldn't have to work to get them.

LFS is a race SIM, pure and simple, YOU make it fun, it is what it is, a medium for driving around a track, if people don't "get" that, then maybe LFS isn't for them.

I second that
S2 licensed
Quote from BlackSheep720 :I'm sure many people (including me), are starting to get tired of just racing around a track again and again. Even the [TC] and Carribean Cruise servers are starting to get a little old. What are some ways we can make LFS more fun while at the same time retaining the realistic physics engine and gameplay? Here are my suggestions: (What are some of your's?)

- A career mode. You can have your career with an f1, GTR, or other class race team. You can make money, climb up the rankings, basically do things that other racers do in real life. Of course, this entire mode would be online multiplayer to add to the realism of the mode. (note: for this mode to work, there would need to be more tracks. See #2)

- Add in some real life race tracks (i.e Infineon, Nurburgring). This would add to the realism and excitement of the game, and even let real life racers train and practice for races.

- Create a track (or series of tracks) with more than one path through the track. This would make the [TC] and CC servers really fun! (programming issues though?)

Well, that's all I can think of for now. If I come up with any more ideas, I'll edit them in. In the meantime, feel free to post any ideas that you have.

No, no, no !!

Lfs is fine, as it is

Hopefully the devs will avoid everything you mention, and keep Lfs as a true simulator.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mike85 :At the end its not even the phyisics that are most important. The best part is the online racing experience and we can simulate things to a certain degree then it becomes harder to simulate it any better, so the real priority should be to simulate as much different aspects of racing as posible. So its quantity of simulated stuff not so much as quality (but offcourse it should be quality to a certain point). Does that make sense? LOL

Why stop seeking perfection !?

The physics is everything
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :It can happen IRL, I was at Le Mans when one car stopped in for a driver change, went back out and the other guy was much faster, to the point where he was the fastest guy on the track, was unlapping everyone, including the leader a couple of times to claw back the lap defecit. Nobody complained, it's just racing. So long as you've having good battles and enjoying yourself, is the number at the end that important?

I would agree though that if someone uses shift-S after more than a couple of laps, they should actively avoid all other cars on the track. Or if it's an important league, then spectate.

If he goes all the way around the track, and then pits and gets the car repaired - Then he can can attack, because he is still part of the ongoing race I have no problems about that. But wo ever joins an ongoing race, has to be careful, and try not to disturb any of the "legal" racers.
S2 licensed
This nigth, I drove on So long, in the Xfg. One guy came out, because he jumped to the pits, and was about the same speed as me.

He was lapped, but was so close to my car, that it was annoying. I had to concentrate about him, instead of trying to gain a position in the race.

It`s so god damned sad, that people can`t let the race leaders, battle out for the podium, when they are lapped, so god damned clearly
If this happens on my server, I will ban such a driver for at least a year

I you jump to the pits, because of a bad start, then you have absolutely no rigths in the ongoing race. If you do things like this, and rejoin the race - Then the racer have to move over and make sure he doesn`t interact with the ongoing race

S2 licensed
Niiiiice - really nice