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Old !?

Don`t you think, that it is you, young people, that craves entertainment 24 hours a day. You can`t watch a music video, without 500 different clips in it. If you have to watch a whole second at the same thing, you get bored !?

I must warn for a great part of ironi, in the above
S2 licensed
Quote from Neil777 :Well I've had my licence since before xmas but only did a couple of races online.

Anyway today I must have done at least 10 races, only in the UF1 until I get to really know the tracks but I can't say how much fun I've been having.

Being able to drive against real people is the best thing about LFS.


That`s the way !

Learn in uf1000, and the on to the faster, more difficult cars
S2 licensed
Quote from BurnOut69 :+1000 for removing the plates on non road cars. GTRs with plates just look...weird

Yeahhh !

I totally agree
S2 licensed
I got blackscreen three times, in the last two days.

All times I was spectating, and resizing window, to go to inferno for setups.

When I try to come back to the race (STCC) then the screen was black, and did not answer mouseclickings. I had to force Lfs to shut down.

I have tried it som other times to, one in patch V and 2 - 3 times in the other patches
S2 licensed
When I go on my server , as the only person, and I want company - I just choose SO Classic Rev and lx4, rac or fz5 - Then people quickly starts to pop in
S2 licensed
Quote from Horci :Why sould be an STCC setup site? I don't like the idea. STCC drivers have to be self-supporting. Especially who have gold, platinum (or above ) license. But if they cant make setup for ourselves, there are similar setups on inferno. For example, SO Town - SO Long, or any SO set.
Don't know why have to drive with the WR setup, when the driver is just learning the track.

Where does it say, that it have to be WR setups

And gold is not a quality - STCC is much about quantity as well
S2 licensed

Talk about cars. Only solution is = Forced cars.

6 races on each track gives you 2 in xrt - 2 in rb4 and 2 in fxo. That way you migth get people to race their "hate cars".

I would like that much better, than the mixed choice, we have now.

But bear in mind, that the good experienced Xrt racers, are much, much faster than the noobs (like me - Only in rwd) That`s bad, because I hate to be 6 seconds behind pr lap, in stead of only beeing 2 seconds behind pr lap, as I would be in the Fxo. Something psychological there

Also I miss a loft over the points gathering - I`ve mentioned that before.
If I drove 24 - 7 on the STCC servers, one can pile up tons of point, even if I`m just a mediocre racer in the TBO

I to hate the Fxo, even if I`m a FWD man That car doesnt know when to oversteer and when to understeer. It does as it likes.

My favorite, of the three cars would be the Rb4, because one can set it up, fitting everybodys driving style. It migth be a little slower, but it´s so darn flexible in many ways

But if there was forced Xrt races - Off course I would join, if I was on the server - So ! You STCC people sit on a lot of power, when we speak of promoting a cars reputation

Finally - I see a lot of people asking for setups, on your servers. Many of the combos doesnt exist on inferno. What about making a setup site, just for sets to your combos. Then people, who is not to willing to let their set out in the public, could ask them to go there
S2 licensed
I voted Uf1000, and will allways do, even if you ask me again next year

That car have got "soul" - None, of the rest of the pack, is even close to that
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :


Quote from Victor :You could disable signatures. But from a league-promotional standpoint we'd like to give this a try.

S2 licensed
Good idea Fordman.

I have seen one server, Danish i think it was, where kids had the "ownership" of the server.

Adults was allowed, but they had to bear in mind, that the server was for kiddoes I joined for a few races, but driving was hard, and my car spend more time on the roof (uf1000), than it did on the tyres, so I walked away

Maby you can play "catch" with uf1000 You know, cops and robbers stylish
S2 licensed
Black polo and black t-shirt, with coloured logo. But much depends on the pricing, and especially the shipping costs, to my country.
S2 licensed
Since I'm a fairly slow but consistent driver I often pass people when they fall off. This ofcourse means I often end up having faster cars behind me which really want their position back badly, a fairly exciting prospect to say the least.

What annoys me then is the 'lappers' who seem to only have one line and if you are in the way they'll clip your rear or barge you and then drive on without as much as a sorry in the chat.

And sometimes I have even experienced being barged by lappers who are in fact one round behind, that is just so wrong.

And these are not n00bs or newbies but often people who drives close to WR times on the track...that is exceptionally annoying.

If they drive like a noob, then noobs they are

The other annoying thing is that if I drive somewhat slower than the car behind me on say the last lap, then I gotta be allowed to drive a defensive inside line through the curves, it's not my fault they can't haul a proper overlap in time, I have been yelled alot by some for doing this but surely this must be allowed? If I can see the other car in the rearview mirror then I should be allowed to take the line of my choosing, no?

Yes ! - You are allowed to choose the lines in the turns, as the leading car - And you have one move on the straigths
S2 licensed
City is better than Fern Bay
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :If it's stored, it can be altered. And if it went by windows timestamping, there are programs like TouchPro that let you take full control of that.

Maby it can point on an online database

Nay ! Now I`m far out
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :What would be the use of that? Someone could simply copy all values over and pretend it's his setup

I had the same thougth, as I wrote the words. But if the date is one of the information, then he could prove his ownership to the setup.

There is advantages
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Fair enough saying it's already been mentioned, on that subject, does anyone think continual disscusion of topics like this bring the issue into the Dev's veiwpoint more?

I didn`t know that.

Could encryption of the author, be a new idea then
You know, you "stamp" the setup forever, with your name A bit like midifiles
S2 licensed
Do you restart Lfs, after doing that !?
It often solves that kind of problems
S2 licensed
Maby setup could contain more info. Who did them, who modded them, and what they are for !?

A sort of logfile
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Thanks for the kind words guys!

I think the Titanium graphic looks nicest, I think, but nobody's got there yet!

The ultimate rang should be = Iron

In Denmark married ppl celebrates 12/5 year of marriage as Copper.
25 as silver and 50 as gold. Then there are diamond, crown diamond and nearly nobody get to celebrate iron, as the last. Correct me if I`m wrong, but I think it`s 75 years of marriage
S2 licensed
Testing ....
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
I go wide in T1 on As Club, if I are in the top position, in the start. I know everybody will try to "take the narrow turn" there

I loose some positions, mostly, doing that, but usually I survive T1 and lives to gain them back (the positions)

If I are close to an unknown racer (I don`t know his brake patterns) then I keep my car in a position, if he brakes early, where I can pass him woithout hitting him, or I give him a few yards near the turn, to see what he`s doing
S2 licensed
Quote from staticxposition :They should have added a handbrake... cause you use it alot during racing

S2 licensed
I have to say yes !

If I said anything else, I would be lying
S2 licensed
I saw the server, this morning, and thought it was about cruising.

I came in and tried to launch the fz5 - Alland44 tries to steal the fz5 a message then showed me, and I was back in the pits. Then some helpfull soul showed me the !help - That helped a lot. I took the uf1000 out for a drive and some other guy did that too. I came to the end of the pits and twoo arrows were present. 1 pointing up and rigth, the other left !

The other uf1000 took the rigth lane, so I chose the left one. Suddenly the Message "wrong direction" showed up, and I hit the brake, trying to turn the car. Then I got hit by a fast car, and in the same second, he wrote "retard" (He must use that word a lot, since it`s on his assigned keys)

Then i joined the spectators and soon left. I`m not comming back, for sure

As a total noob on that track, you don`t know what to do, and most of all - What is expected of you
S2 licensed
Quote from JogDive :Hey Guy!
a server name change is only possible with DediLink Server. You need to restart the dedicated LFS server process to get this change working with the DediLink config possibilities.

We got a new page at and some guys are still working on it. A Dedilink download is not possible at this time.

I´m working on DediLink V2.0 i bet you all will like it

Please stay tuned for DediLink V2.0 in one or two months

Ok !

Thanks anyway