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It`s not just demoservers, which contains bad drivers

It only take one, or two rotten apples, to spoil the races for many

I have an idea, about ppl, maby young ppl, playing need for speed, and other cargames, and they behave in the same, way, in Lfs.

Yesterday I was on a CTRA server, with about 8 ppl. I was hitted in the three first races !? That`s some of the most protected servers, so the problem is overall in the Lfs community. It will first stop, when we get cars, that can really go broken - Then they`ll learn

I sometimes visit the demo servers, and the ppl "out here" are sometimes better drivers, than the "chosen few"
But there are more wreckers - Real wreckers out there - That I give you. But there are many capable drivers too !


And I think that the demo as is, is very very good. Boy would I like to see other cargames/simulators do the same thing
Xfg oval set
S2 licensed
Anybody who have such a set, and is willing to share it
S2 licensed
Quote from wabbit :I guess you could also say, its when you make the best of a bad situation. For example, your in a league race driving a rwd car. Coming into a corner while fighting for the position in front and trying to keep the guy behind where he currently is.

You might get tapped or have braked too hard or had to steer quickly avoiding the car in front... upsetting the car, while you could take the safe way out and maybe loose a position, in that split second you decide to make the most of the "out of control" car, counter-steering & adjusting the throttle which when coming out of the corner has kept your position or better while avoiding touching the cars around you.

I love a good slide as much as the next guy, its just i mainly only race in league races. Its taking what I've learnt from those fun drifting sessions & using them in the heat of the moment.

You need drifting to survive !?
You lost me at the start mate
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Beat me to it.

It's one of those laws:

* White men can't jump.
* FWD cars can't drift.
* Women are illogical.


You are quite wrong, in your last statement. Women are not illogical, they are multitasking

Some times they can`t control all them tasks - That`s why they seem illogical

And not many men survives such statements ! Be glad you did

You did !?
Didn`t you ?? (Survive)
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :I just erased all the parts that didn't matter.

haha !

I can assure you, that we danes loves to use the "smiling" smileys
Our primary Lfs forum is full of them, and they make the young guys sick

Quote from Falkowski83 :

Here is the thread with the video and the magazine.


I just watched the video !

G R E A T stuff

I will go to the danish forum, and present the link for the danish Lfs racers.

Thx for the link.


Done !

Link presented in two of the leading Lfs forums.
S2 licensed
Quote from Falkowski83 :Relax bud! This is not a complaint or anything. I never cited those names, and never, not even for a second, wanted to say that they use these kind of disrespectul things! I know for a fact, as in Brazil we have drivers that can compete equally with anyone in the world (see Mogar, Carlos H Wrobel, IgorBK, LKP2005), and I know that they just are that good.

And well, that is not a personal rant too, as I'm fairly happy with my times (normally I'm always able to be only 0.7s to 1s slower than wr times).

This is just a concern with things that can occur, and this topic was made to see if anyone know how these cheats actually work. My concern is due to the fact that I'm the manager of a well respected league (LFSBR - Brazil), and we are dealing here with TV exposure, countrywide magazines and prizemoney.

Face this as prevention, not as accusation.


I am very relaxed. You did notize the smileys !?

I just know that the last time i saw someone mention speedhack, things kind of exploded in my country. To many saw speedhackers, everywhere

It`s just like ufo sigthings. There tend to be more sightings after a newspaper has published one event Suddenly they all around us

So we learned the hard way, that there are far more aliens in Lfs, than there are speedhackers

Most "speedhackers" are racers lagging That I have seen a lot of times

Btw !

That event with so much media covering !? Have you published anything about it here, or somewhere else on the internet. In english, because my portuguese isn`t to good


In fact, all I can say is "Garota de Ipenema"
S2 licensed
Quote from Falkowski83 :Hi folks,

I made a search, and saw that a lot of this matter has already been discussed.

But I never found any explanation on how to discover if somebody is using the speed hack (S2).

I'm not talking about guys that go to ultra-high speeds. I'm talking about the subtle users, who only use it to improve acceleration, and perhaps 3 or 4 more km/h on the end of straights. That would represent a time improvement of about 0.3 to 0.8s per lap.

Can anybody who know this hack in depth explain how to find these subtle cheaters?

I have driven 155.000 km`s online, and only once have I seen a cheater. That was the STIG thing, not so long ago.

I think it`s "dangerous" to start roumours about speed hacking, and other ways of cheating, when the problem is so minor

We must not end up in mistrusting Bawbag, Flotch, blackman and all the other aliens They are skilled persons, with a speical talent for Lfs. It can seem impossible for us mortal people, to drive that fast - But they do it every day

So take it easy, and don`t cry wolf
S2 licensed

I thougth it was a sunday. Don`t know where I got that from.
I work late every monday to thursday, and can`t participate in this race

Sorry for that Lep

I can see that an other dba racer Martin S has showed his interest on the danisk site
S2 licensed
Pretenders "Brass in pocket"

Am I the only person, who thinks that Amy Winehouse, got the same looks and voice as Chrissy ?

(I do like Amy )


Video here : ... tenders---Brass-in-Pocket
S2 licensed
Enya - "Orinoco flow"
S2 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :Gary Moore - Still Got the Blues <<-- and they wonder why he is one of the best blues guitarists let alone Guitarists ever...

i wish i was him and pioneered the finger taping technique

He is far from being the best blues guitarist
But it depends on the type of blues you like
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :What absolutely does my nut in is when your in lthe lead of the race and some noob comes out of the pits right in front of you then boots it trying to pull away thinking they are faster than you, slowing you down through the corners etc, when theres a blue flag.
most of the time at blackwood and ive got a noob infront i slow down through the chicane and get a better exit then out brake them on the sweeper at the bottom, really does my head in though If you want to race me wait till the next race and show me what youve got .

That is a special situation, but you`re quite rigth. Far to many ppl doesn`t care about the ongoing race. I would get very mad, if a newcomer did that on my server and he would get a lifetime ban.
S2 licensed
Quote from southamptonfc :With the BF1, like in real life, the blue flag should mean get out of the way pretty much immediately. That's realistic with the BF1 and different to the traditional blue flag in racing.

You make space by leaving the raceline, WHEN IT`S SAFE to do so
S2 licensed
Quote from Albieg :For instance, modifying the way an executable file works to get an undue advantage.

Ok !

You have a point there

Did you watch the Mrt WR on the oval !??
Do you find this WR ok ??
S2 licensed
Les Humphries Singers "Mama Loo"
S2 licensed
It looks like nearly everybody cheats in Lfs, these days
Look at the Mrt Wr on Ky Oval - Is this the way you ppl drive your cars around the track ?

Bumperdrafting, pushing each other around the tracks, are allowed in cups, and races !?

When you point your finger at the guilty party, then 3 finger points towards yourself

Cheating one way or the other - What`s the difference ??
S2 licensed
Quote from [CYP]Karlikcz :Hi guys.
I like languages.
I can learn and practice you on Blackwood GP for your better PB with XFG.
I can tell you all I know,
the ideal line
speeds in ideal line
brake points
how to wheel in curves
how to use gass and brake when need it.
My pb 1:33:35 long before

I would like to practice my english by voice program. (ventrilo ; skype)
I wanna hear true english, I wanna speak english fluently
We could use some text for pronunciation.

English is not only one language I like.
I like russian, japan, (thai) and slovakia
I don't know russian and japan .. :-D
If you wnat to teach me, I appreciate that.

My time for your time

I don't know why I forgot....
But I can teach you Rally too .. . Look at my lfsworld position .


If you get your lessons from the brittish, you would sound like Prince Charles or a cockney. Irishmen sounds like sheeps and the scottish, just like their haggis.

Americans talk through their noses, and sounds awful. You can never ever put you trust in a canadian, many of them are french !???

You could try the Djamaikaaaaan way of english, but then everybody would think you smoked weed all day long

Or let a swede try to learn you english. You could earn a fortune recording that

I would say, find an aussie teacher. The australian way of speaking english is, indeed the nicest one

Lets see, is there any continent or country I didn`t insult
Maby the aussies will let me stay there
S2 licensed
Quote from CasseBent :If you really feel that way, you're incredibly ignorant. Just because someone is a mod or admin on the forums, you want them to ditch races to help out people that will most likely wreck anyway? Hell, they might even wreck other people. With a crap set they're at least crashing at the rear of the pack.
If I ever was to be graced with someone asking me for a set, I would also wait until I crashed or finished the race. There's nothing arrogant about that, just because you might be able to type and drive at the same time. I can't, I'd most likely faint if my nose started to itch in the middle of a race.
Your comments are just ignorant

U can`t be danish ?!

Danish drivers is covered by vaseline, sitting in leather seats, caring about nobody
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
And the worst thing is.
A guy/girl comes to the server - Ask for a set in the middle of a race. They tend to ask in the middle of the fastest and most difficult corner.
I send the set, and they drive one or two laps, and then leave again ?

That`s annoying
S2 licensed
I seldom ask the aliens for sets
I know I can`t drive them anyway

And I`m lying now - I often ask Partyboy for sets, because his sets suits me well

And don`t do this :

Alland44 can i have your set ?


My point was - Only a handfull of drivers, can drive the real fast sets anyway
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :Nascar is that racing series where they race too heavy cars, with very old tech engines, around circle track (ok oval), but racing on circle track is not nascar it is oval racing, I don't know anyone who would call racing uf1000 at oval to nascar, that would not make even sense, uf1000 is not heavy at all.

Nascar is completely different compared to other track racing where actually there is some turns other than left turns. In Nascar there is so much happening under surface that to understand why it is interesting you would need to study quite bit of time, some watch it and think it is crap because they except it to be racing like european circuit racing is.

Well, what you like or not, don't ever call oval racing Nascar, unless you use Nascar cars and rules

Huh !

I know that japanese people, like to play a game. It`s a machine, sitting on the wall, and they have hundreds of them in every gamehall.

Then they put little steel balls in, at the top, and do something with them, on their way down. This is the japanese fruitmachine and nobody else, than the japanese, knows what`s going on

And japanese people has the highest IQ in the world

Could it bee, that US of A, has got the same kind of situation, with oval races, football and baseball. No one in the world understands what`s going on in that games, and the high IQ is for the asians


I don`t want to put the americans down, but someone "over there" elected Bush for president
S2 licensed
Quote from Renku :RE-start feature has to be removed completely. (RE-start - restarting an ongoing race.) Only exeption is when ALL racers on track vote for a restart. And yes, even server admins couldn't RE-start the race.