I think autoscroll only at the bottom is a pretty standard feature of similar log tools, though turning it off when the user scrolls is probably OK too (since you can clearly see the option there and notice immediately if the checkstate changes).
It all stems from the ridiculously hyped initial nK PRO release that ended in disaster - most people wrote off nKP right at that point. The few who remained were then thinned out over the years it took Kunos to get his ass up and fix things, which is also the period in time where he pretty much lost any credibility that was left after that release. I think the honest effort by a few dedicated fans who created and maintained the GPC is the only reason nKP has something resembling a community today.
For a long time seemingly nothing happened until a very very delayed patch 1.03 was released that didn't get much attention either. In the meantime it looks like people are slowly starting to forget/forgive what has happened and Kunos finally pushed out 1.1 together with having the long overdue insight that nKP isn't worth 36€ in its current state and with the history it has. This decision could be a revival for nKP as it seems people are much more willing to give it a try for a 20... if he keeps at fixing the remaining issues, that is.
Yes, much nicer . I see the newest packets are now added at the bottom? If so an auto-scroll functionality would be very nice. (I haven't had a chance to actually try it out, so sorry if I'm suggesting things that are already implemented.)
Yet at the same time rear heavy cars can have big understeering problems especially out of corners, since the front tyres generate relatively much less grip due to less vertical load. Generally I find cars with a front-ish weight bias more pleasant and predictable to drive than rear heavy cars.
It's worth it in my opinion. I've pretty much stopped racing altogether but I don't regret buying it one bit.
However I'd go either all or nothing. I don't see the point in buying a different lower priced wheel if your FFEX isn't breaking apart anyway. You'll just end up with a half baked jury rigged solution that cost quite a bit of money too, without reaching anywhere near the quality of the G25.
Just tested it and it seems to be true that it's limited to 200something characters. Though, could it maybe make sense to simply use multiple columns then? It's not like you have to display the properties as comma separated list
Ah right, but isn't the listview able to perform the same tasks (and more) than the listbox? IIRC you can make it look pretty much the same. Of course I don't know if it's capable of handling thousands of items, though. In general I have the impression that .NET win form controls can be pretty shit in regards to performance.
I think the reason for that is if you don't put it as default format then nobody is ever going to use it. That would've been quite a lot of wasted effort and time and surely open standard advocators would've cried foul at this (then it would've been "Microsoft grudgingly implemented this open format but now tries to minimise its spread by not making it default").
If your workplace refuses to roll out that update then you really can't blame Microsoft for introducing the new format, but only the bureaucracy and inflexibility of your IT department. I understand changes are always a risk and need to be carefully planned in bigger corporations, but if you're not even forced to upgrade to the next version and pay for it, but instead can just install a free update...
Software patents are a very slippery slope and pretty dodgy in general. I think the concept of patents is simply too outdated and unfitting for software, considering how it's easily possible that hundreds of programmers solve the same problem the same way completely independently. Then someone goes ahead and patents that way of solving the problem and suddenly nobody may use that technique freely anymore? What a complete crock of shit. Or on the contrary, maybe 100 programmers solve the same problem in completely different ways, then someone patents "solving the problem" which means everybody else has a patent infringement even though the technology and methods used to solve the problem are completely different.
The US patent office seems to be rather prone to giving out trivial patents, like in this case IIRC a patent for software that can automatically read/generate XML documents (which is an open standard, btw) with no direct XML code editing required from the user. Hell I can write program that violates this patent within a few minutes. That's like patenting "boiling an egg". Yeah screw you cooks all over the US, you're going to pay ME now for using such advanced and novel techniques! Also that patent is from 1998 if I remember correctly, which is a time span that might be OK for mechanical devices but 20 years validity for a software patent is ridiculous. That's many many generations of software.
Yeah I think so, but ironically enough they only implemented this open format (docx) because other people cried for a open document standard. Though my knowledge of the details in that regard is hazy.
.docx documents can be opened in 2003 if you install a compatibility update. They even managed to anticipate this and leave open a backdoor that makes the 2003 Office tell you you need to install this update to be able to open 2007 documents.
I probably used the wrong word when saying "I never need to recalibrate." With that I meant I never have to change anything in LFS or in the Logitech Profiler or anywhere else. I just have to physically get the wheel hardware to recognise its full motion again (mostly it's just the pedals actually).
If that is actually the problem you're unhappy about then you can't be helped I guess, since it takes less than five seconds to do this recalibration. Also it has nothing to do with LFS.
Regarding your price-quality comparison, the pricing model of racing sims is generally not comparable to normal mass market games, simply because they're often a niche product and independently developed. In the case of LFS, the devs don't even have "making lots of money" anywhere near their top priorities, hence there being no price-gauging but also no official advertisement anywhere ever. From their standpoint the price model seems to work reasonably well in supporting them and their families sufficiently, so there's no need for special offers or changes to it in general.
Heh, I guess you should be all over iRacing then, since according to its price it's of unbeatable quality in every aspect
But yeah, you seem to be the unlucky one with controller issues. Are you sure none of the files in your LFS folder are write protected? What controller are you using and are you plugging it in before starting LFS? Seriously, my G25 never needs a recalibration, the only thing that's sometimes necessary is turning the wheel lock to lock and pressing all pedals to get the full motion range back (but that has more to do with the G25 firmware than LFS).
I think you're referring to the common red-barrier / crash-launch-to-space syndrome, but this has nothing to do with gravity. It's a faulty collision response code that cannot deal with certain parts of the car intersecting objects correctly, creating huge get-unstuck forces that launch the cars into the air. However, even subjected to these silly forces the cars behave perfectly well in respect to gravity. There's nothing wrong with gravity in LFS.