Amen to that
Been using SPF, and it's quite interesting what apps try to access the internet. Possibly the most interesting one is IE when searching local (!) files... of course, it gets blocked and continues to work as usual as if nothing happened is your local computer. no need to worry, it doesn't send the data out of your computer. probably some kind of inter-application connumication like insim or the other stuff that scawen mentioned.
Scawen, haven't done it yet on S/T/1-5, just wanter to let you know that your hard work is greatly appreciated, and that the new patches since S make LFS so much better. Cheers also for the BF1 and beautiful implementation of TC
True, yet I would love to be able to balance the wind/engine volume independantly... ATM, it gets quite annoying after a while...
any while we're at individual volumes, crash/hit volumes could use independant control as well.. eventhough I don't remember the loud crash sound happenning on S/T.
1st time i downloaded the patch (s) it didn't unzip properly. tried from another mirror and it worked fine. then updated to patch T several hours later
just tru another mirror. proxy shouldn't be an issue with most (all?) mirrors.
yes, ky gp long has always been a great track. very nice for fox, quite hard for fo8. haven't tried it with the bf1, but my guess is that it's gonna rock
actually it's very usable also for non noobs. the thing is that it enables a different driving technique, which includes pushing the throttle early on and counting on TC to control the gas. one u get used to it u can improve your lap times nicely.
although i don't have enough laps with BF1/TC yet and i haven't tried the BF1 without TC, so it might be just as fast without it as well. i still quite like it though. it's also very nicely implemented imho.
it feels great and i like it. although i don't have enough milage to appreciate it yet, and only started using early gas while counting on TC to hold me lately. still a good thing imo.