The "no airo on turns while nehind another car" has happened to me too while driving the FO8 mostely, but since I don't have any RL experience with formula cars I don't know how real it is on LFS. Also, I don't know what's the relation, if at all it exists, between the high-nose bug and the described behaviour during turns.
So we're talking about few issues i think:
1. slipstream effect is too strong and/or exists for too long distance (they're not neccessarily the same i think) and/or not applied properly as a function of speed (it might have a non-linear effect i think).
2. "high-nose" bug, where the force applied by the wing is calculated wrongly (or at least some vectors of it). Obviously, this one would be fixed quite straight forward.
3. together with possibly low-speed grip bug, it may result in the impossible to turn bug.
Maybe we can try and collect some numbers and/or evidence and/or practical experience about this matter?
i.e. On F1 races that i've seen on TV, it seems like they gain less speed from slip than we get on LFS, or at least it's much harder to utilize it properly. Also, they're able to keep quite close through turns and chicanes.
If you're behind and hit someone infront at breaking, it's always the "behind"'s guy fault. Rarely it happens to me too and the proper thing to do is apologise, even if the breaking driver was breaking very early.
I haven't looked through one of those for ages too (since a friend of mine had one which he put infront of the TV where a spectrum was connected ). I wasn't too impressed back then btw, but it might be due to so many factors.
So, I don't have any practical experience, which I think is what counts most.
Theoreticaly speaking though, I'd say that the distance of the lense from the subject (i.e. screen) changes the angular size of the image, which in practice allows us to see more details (bigger image), while the distance of the lense from the eye doesn't change the angular size but does changed the preceived distance of the image. This is just intuition though, and regarding a magnifying glass, without trying to calculate it theoretically as others have done here before.
A fresnel lense might be a bit different from "normal" magnifying glass though since it has one flat side and one curved side, while magnifying glass has 2 curved sides. They might have exactly the same effect though, up to the focal length as a function of the curvness of the lense. Again, I didn't try any calculations.
But again, I do think that practical experience is very important here beyond the theoretical aspect. Eventhough it CAN be calculated, I'm sure that there are practical aspects that aren't calculated usually in ideal cases, such as the fact that the eyes have some distance between them, some common distortions of such lenses (maybe towards the outer sides), etc.
So I'd love to hear some comments when you get and play with it a bit
edit- on that MSFS page someone wrote him that he uses the F55 and he's pretty satisfied with it. I'd say it should be a good buy to start experimenting.
It's simple, short F means MORE magnification, long F means LESS magnification. infinite F means plain transparent glass.
So you can increase the effect by having shorter F (can use bigger FOV etc), while paying with more distortions probably due to practical reasons (imperfections of the lense, distance between the eyes is not zero, for most ppl etc)
as the detailed article says, he found that focal length of 11" = ~ 26cm is the best compromise for him.
I was wondering myself too if the color coding were the same as for the spectrum , but i just saw an image (and another) and it seems the speccy was 1=blue, 2=red, 4=green
hehe, I remember that when I 1st got S1 demo and played the different tracks, it took me a lap or two to understand that I'm driving a reverse of the "normal" track
Baby formula car IS the MRT
And oh my, we've had SO much fun with the MRT on blackwood. I just made it sub 1.25 when s2 demo came out it would definately make one desperately wanting to try the FOX and FO8
hmm.. now that there are nice cars around, I was thinking maybe the demo should have GTI, FZ50 and MRT5 (as the only cars)? these cars demonstrate the different kinds of physics and car variations that LFS has. It would leave much to be desired IMHO which is what the demo should do IMHO. I think this selection of cars represents LFS better than the current selection.
just tried the toca 3 demo. almost completely arcade. the car weight shifts nicely (sort of), but very hard to make any serious mistake. i'll stick to lfs
I'm not sure the credits are a good system actually. For one, they're too easy to achieve. OTOH if they were hard to achieve, and you would actually gain some access by having them (tracks/cars/etc) then for sure some people wouldn't be able to achieve them, either because they use KB, or don't play enough etc. Shouldn't they be allowed access to the content they've payed for?
you could say it's like other single player computer games, if you're not good enough then you won't get to the next stage to see the next level which you payed for too, etc. but I don't think this comparision is good because you pay to race online.
maybe a system where you have to complete, say, 20 offline laps with a car before you could race it online (while offline driving is unrestricted), perhaps with some "final test" that will NOT be too hard to pass. But i don't think that a more severe limitation is in place.
is there a specific reason u zipped the file? generally speaking, zipping a video doesn't work, it's quite compressed as it is. also, when it's downloaded unzipped you can start watching it before it finishes download (i.e. with (*nix) mplayer for win32)
except for the motor, you can open and clean the microswitches of your paddles. open all the screws at the wheel, the ones under the "force" button, pull it out about 5cm from the base, unscrew 4 more screws which u can now access, open the wheel.
then apply some contacts cleaning spray to the switches. should work as new
not sure if it'll help, but try to increase "minimum sleep" under options->misc. it's known to cause similar issues. also, iirc, someone posted that the logitech profiler(?) or driver or something running in the background migh be causing it. search the forum, this issue has been brought up before.
maybe during the backup proccess you moved the files to a CD, which caused them to be read-only. then when you copied from the CD to the new computer they might have stayed read-only. you can check that out by right clicking a specific file and select "properties". you should see if "read only" is checked.
Since i do think it's a bit annoying, and especially if you're not holding the wheel, under certain circumstances it can cause quite a harsh "flic" to the wheel, and since i don't know if other wheels have instant FF on/off as the SW has, how about addiing to lfs itself:
- add key: CTRL-F - turn FF on/off
- add option: disable FF after race finishes (for that specific player) untill next restart. of course CTRL-F would re-enable it at that state.
don't u think "unplayable" is a bit too far? besides, usually, on cars which need fine throttle control, fine break control (as in using the other pedal for breaking) is helpfull too.
If you're having problems using your sidewinder with separate axis, just search the hardware forum.
regardless, if the scenario you're describing is accurate, it indeed should be fixed.
I don't like this behaviour too, but it happens and imho you can't really tell ppl not to do that, so now i automatically switch off FF after i finish a race. I've been doing that for few weeks i think, it solves the issue for me. (i have a ff on/off switch at the front of my SW FF USB wheel)