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Quote from Becky Rose :...I would have thought a driver of your experience knows that us megre mortals are not psychic .

and that would be the exact reason for the warning before you got the blue flag message.

My experience isn't that huge though, with even less real world track experience. i'm sure i'd be very happy with your milage on real tracks

anyway, can we put this behind us? peace from now on? here's an official apology: sorry.
S2 licensed
Quote from BigDave2967 :...But on the other hand, this is a question for a newbie, not you two debate who touched ones buttock in the race. I would suggest you both do this via PM, because both of you do have attitude problems, with a touch of paranoia, when things go wrong with you involved.

"attitude problem with a touch of paranoia"? hehe, that's not for me to judge probably, but it still sounds bad enough

anyway becky, i actually forgot about this issue without holding anything against you, untill i saw your remark about the sexism which kinda pissed my off badly. regardless, i'm still not holding anything against you, as i considered it to be an intelligent discussion. you're more than welcome to PM/IM me if you wanna talk it over.

S2 licensed
becky, i wasn't even insinuating you did that deliberately, as i believe that's absolutely not the case. i do appreciate the "last minute" manouver that you took, however, had u slowed down 2s earlier, it wouldn't have been neccessary for u to hit the grass. i could have passed u at the bridge and u could have continued to test your set driving 1-2s behind me. it WAS immenant that i'd catch you due to our speed differences, so why did you have to let it happen in the last second? we both lost more time than we could have if u would have let me pass few secs earlier. and my repetative "shouts" (don't remember more than one but i'll take your word on it), were probably due to the fact that i saw u weren't slowing down and decided to get into that (long and tight) section ahead of me.

with your experience, i honestly expected you to let me pass on the bridge, rather than in that long left where we'll both have to slow down considerably, even if only out of courtesy from someone who knows she's slower, testing a set, not actually racing and know that the leading cars are right behind her.

but you don't force courtesy, either you have it or you don't. perhaps i overestimated your experience.
Last edited by avih, .
S2 licensed
no i couldn't because i don't think i'm beeing shamed here. you might, i don't. but the thing that most annoyed me was actually your comment about loads of sexist abuse. dig that replay and let other have a look, by all means. and regarding your actual blue flag situation, in a race it might be courtesy to respect blue flag, but you were testing a new set and was considerably slower, even if you've managed 2nd place the previous race. i wonder what would have been your reaction if during one of your "real world" races there was slower car ahead of you testing a new set? enough said.

I'm willing to put this behind if you do.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :...
Even today at Fe Gold I was trying out some setups I had just been given in the hope of competing better in the 'next' race, having scored a 2nd previously so not actually being 'that' slow. I found myself getting a blue flag as I went into a bend so afterwards I eased off, I saw the leader in my mirrors pushing the limit hard and so I actually moved off the track for him to let him by... After the race I got a load of sexist abuse because I had "ignored" the blue flag for "ages"... I checked the replay, he'd been spamming "Blue flag" messages since I was a dot on the horizon!

Regrettably some people do have an extremely low tolerance of people they see as being inferior to them.

becky, i presume you're talking about the issue with me yesterday? if that's what you're talking about then 3 things:

1. you were "a dot on the horizon" but that's more than enough after i saw the gap between us shortenning fast enough that i knew i'd get you right where i didn't want to.

2. iirc, i was beeing chased hard and you caused me to get off the racing line, nearly hitting you, while you had plenty of room to slow down at the end of the bridge and let me pass quietly, and then continue to test your new set.

3. you can call me many things, but chauvinist isn't one of them. "load of sexist abuse"? come on, you're welcome to post the replay to let everyone have his on oppinion about it, so don't use the fact that you're a female to get more sympathy. you'll get sympathy for what you are, not for your gender.

however, if you didn't talk about me on your post, then i take back everything that i've said here and appologise

S2 licensed
Quote from filur :I've seen alot more cases where leaders thought they could "push it" no matter what, south city chicane under yellow flag at 150km/h, great idea.

true indeed.
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :I'm all for respecting blue flags, but people who shout "blue flag!!1" and honk all the while just create a bad image of themselves. The car that is being lapped already has "blue flag" written on it's windshield, so the driver already knows that there is a blue flag. Why tell him again? And why tell everyone on the circuit that there is currently a car being lapped?

I don't like people who spam during a race, and thus I don't like people who shout "blue flag".


it should be balanced. if every racer would have respected blue flags then no one would have been shouting. however, that's not the case, and with too many ppl not respecting blue flags, comes the shouting ppl.
S2 licensed
The issue with blue flag beeing "shouted" in what seems to be too early for some is that it usually happens when there's much stakes (relatively speaking, in context).

If the leader has no one on his tail, he'll usually just get closer for safe pass, hoping the lapped car to be considerate and respect blue flag, only if blue flag isn't respected and safe pass is hard he'll start "shouting".

On the other hand, if there's an extremely tight race at the front, and the leaders are about to enter a long complex section of the track, where every 1/10 matters and there's a lapped car ahead, the leaders may wish to warn the lapped car by shouting in advance.

I've seen too many cases where lapped cars thought they could "push it" for few more secs, without realizing how slower they are on certain sections of the track from the leaders. this could easily ruin the race for the leaders.

Lapped cars are _usually_ much slower and hence, lapped. respecting blue flag is very important because it let the leaders concentrate on their opponents rather than on slower cars ahead.

same goes for me too btw. eventhough i'm usually driving at a reasonable pace, if i enter the race late and have a blue flag with slow car nehind me, i'll let them pass eventhough i'd probably be able to run away. just let someone who's racing others go cleanly. very simple.
S2 licensed
yup, it's a sort of brushed OSX wallpaper. part of a windows XP theme called Opus-OS from ~b0se ( ). His other themes are amazing too. It's very quiet yet pleasant and distinctive, and I use it for about 2 years iirc. Still love it
S2 licensed
IMHO the microsoft sidewinder FF USB is a great wheel too. got a used one for $35 and used it hundreds if not thousands of hours since. It's always 100% calibrated, very easy to attach/remove from the table and the ergonomics are fine for me.

The only potential issue with this wheel is that the built-in windows XP (and win2k too?) driver doesn't support separate axis for gas/breaks. So you can install a win98 driver which works fine on XP too for most ppl, but there's a warning on tom's hardware that it may crash the PC. never happened to me though and I like this wheel very much.
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Better get a wheel quick before you get good with your pad and you have to learn all over a again when you have your wheel. Havent experienced that myself (havent played with other controllers), but thats what I've heard.

And welcome to LFS

nahh, it's part of the fun learning how to control the car again
Best part though is when you get a new pb with the new controller
S2 licensed
here's mine
S2 licensed
These days I'm active on LFS forum, and read it about once or twice a day. I skim through others with RSS (Firefox live bookmarks), mainly osnews and mozillazine. Been quite active on mozillazine since early mozilla days and also because of my firefox/mozilla/thunderbird extension.

Before that I've been (and technically still am) a moderator on doom9 forums, which is a digital audio/video/compression/etc forum. Not that active there these days, and my visits are mostely limited to moderating following users emails.

Forums can suck your time though, best to focus on your topics of interest and visit them not more than once or twice a day imho.
S2 licensed
Welcome to LFS and say goodbye to the life you know
S2 licensed
I started with S1, and the 1st time I went online I was overwhelmed so many tracks, so many cars, and the tracks seemed so long to memorize. So much fun . 1st Tracks I've tried were South-City tracks and Fern Bay. And they were so different from the demo...

Then I started playing more and more with the MRT5 because I found it the most fun for me. The LX cars were a bit much for me in those days, and in S1 they were even harder than they are now. Then I bought a wheel (MS SideWinder FF USB, Still using it now) which upgraded the whole experience and made the LX cars more controllable (been driving with a mouse till then).

And.. When S2 came out I liked the Fox, FO8 and FZR, which are still my favorites. and only later started playing with the slower cars. But all are of them fun, even UF1000 on the Oval

S2 licensed
it feels and looks very similar to namie 0.99. lack of polish with better graphics and colors doesn't make it polished.

I liked namie for the different "feel" it has, it's good driving experience, but i don't see any reason to shell money on this. namie has so many tracks, with a bit lesser graphics. but it's namie.

well overhyped imo.

and why the heck do i have to spend more than 5s to find out how to get out on the track???
Last edited by avih, .
S2 licensed
Quote from colcob :...(NB: I've never ridden a motorcycle, I'm just a theorist, so If anyone wants to disgree based on practical experience, I'm all ears.)

well, you don't have much time to go through all this teoretic stuff when breaking till your eyeballs pull out from 200kph+ towards a tight turns, but hey, the theory sounds good
S2 licensed
Quote from lawdog :Thanks, Vagner! Now I just need to get the proper adapter, buy S2, find six seconds a lap, and I'll be online and racing!

you can get online when you start making cosecutive laps without crashing just make sure you respect blus flags as soon as they appear. welcome
S2 licensed
usually it's available on file sharing networks short while after each race. btw, been a very interesting season openning
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :"Suspend" mode? Isn't that when a windows box throttles back all the hardware due to inactivity? That's not quite what I'm after, no!

Go on, what were you referring to? I've hit a brick wall with this like I do every time I try to find a solution to it.

whar are you after then? i mean, what are you trying to achieve?
S2 licensed
12/20. bahh
Formula cars track day in Europe?
S2 licensed
Hey guys,
I was wondering if anyone knows a track that have trackdays/courses on Formula cars (even relatively low powered) in Europe. Could be really fun to try. Of course, equipment would have to be supplied 'cos I don't have any, except my bike helmet

S2 licensed
Quote from B11TME :Thanks all....Means alot to us that we are helping others and they are happy with there progress...Anyone that thinks they need some help is welcome.

S2 licensed
Stunning video
The wheels seems a bit on the thin side, but other than that, looks great
S2 licensed
it's decent, but nothing too fancy. you could take some corners way faster. you lose about 10s untill 1st split, another 8 or so till the 2nd split and another 5-6 on the last section. watch some sub 2.20 replays for better lines and speed. you will not be able to challenge a fast racer without more practice. i've seen much worse though, at least you keep the car on track which is something.

Here's a replay i found of few 1.19.xx laps. there are much faster ppl around though, but you can still learn a bit by watching this one. enjoy.
Last edited by avih, .