This is like tyre heat vs tyre wear. You can restore tyre heat back to normal once the tyres overheat but there's no way for the tread to become thicker again. One is damage and is permanent. The other is an impairity and is temporary.
Dave - LFS should be getting rid of HUD stuff and the likes rather than adding it (IMO)! Rather than that I'm sure most people would prefer a pit board (*cough*hint*cough* ) so they can keep track of their times while running shift+F. That's the only reason I have shift+F button on my wheel - to keep track of laptimes during a race. Anyway, as long as it's replay only or single player only, it won't be too bad.
EDIT: Just to clarify, I understand that this was largely a development tool that, it seems, will make the public version - so it's not about development time, that's Scawen's business. I don't understand why it's making it into the public version though - my point is more about what features should make it into the public version. Funny thing is within days of starting to drive in-car and getting rid of as much of the HUD as possible, my laptimes improved significantly as did my consistency simply because of the improved immersion.
Huru, DoN made the video and from what I've seen he has a thing for rally so he'd probably name his AI drivers something like that. So don't get your hopes up .
Fantastic news! Downloading the video now!
EDIT: The detail on the car is really really really impressive
And note: the chips in the windscreen. The interior looks stunning too!
4 months, give or take a few days. If it's a Christmas release, by that time it will be about 5 which is more than LFS patches usually take. Say AI took 2 months, that gives 3 months for everything else. So we'll see.
Bare in mind that we also use much quicker steering than IRL because of our wheels being limited to only so much which makes drifting significantly easier to begin with. People manage to drift very well as it is, why can't you?
As appropriate for a very productive post. Most of the things you listed WILL be implemented eventually. Some are already in. The rest, like random failures, would do more harm than good - Scawen once said in an interview that this won't be implemented because it would just randomly ruin people's races and it's not fair. It may however be implemented in a non-random way. Don't take good care of your car and you'll start losing performance or be forced to retire from the race. ... l-owner-rules-out-alonso/
Waahaa. Ain't that a crying shame. So what's he left with? Renault - assuming they don't get kicked out. Or Honda/Super Aguri/Force India, all of which suck quite a bit. The rest of the teams all have contracts already. NASCAR here we come!
Sorry? Kubica is indeed but Heidfeld has a son named Yoda for crying out loud! He's also pulled some amazing passes out of the bag, in an efficient, German manner.
Sadly, I'll only be running one division in the second season. Even though I just finished highschool, I've still got a lot on my plate next year. As it stands, it looks like it will be on Tuesdays, around 6.30pm GMT which will probably be around noon for you. We'll see, more news to come in the next few weeks.
BMW Sauber. I've supported them since their days with Williams. I think they're a no-nonsense team unlike Ferrari and to a certain extent McLaren. I'm pleasantly surprised at how much support they are getting. I'm sure they'll win a constructors' championship in the next few years.
I've got a half-baked LX6 set, it's not really finished but it does work alright on some tracks (not just Blackwood). Here it is.
By the way, as you're a keen LX driver, you might want to keep an eye out for the second season of LXCC (there's a subforum in the leagues section but we've not started it up again since a while back as everyone on vMax has been terribly busy). We should have a couple of announcements through December and hopefully start the new season in February/March.