Well...I didn't quite expect this much response! Thanks to everybody for their opinions..
I have reluctantly decided to wait (and hope!) for a PC version, as there are not that many console games that rattle my chain.
_IF_, however, I were to have the £300 laying around spare one day, I think I would opt for the PS3. On reflection and weighing up both sides of the argument, the PS3 seems to be the better deal in the long run.
The main thing that swings it is the FREE online play...£40 a year just to connect for Xbox Live...on top of my ISP payments and the cost of games?? Second was the ease of upgrading the hard drive along with the BluRay drive already fitted. Yes, obviously Xbox will go to Bluray eventually, but do you honestly think they will make it easy to upgrade your existing Xbox, or would M$ prefer you to buy a nice shiny new Xbox 360.5???
Another thing that swings the pendulum in PS3's favour is my steering wheel...I already have a G25, and that would works just fine with a PS3.
What I would love to see on either format is the capability to use a proper control configuration for FPS games... ie:Mouse/Keyboard... you wouldn't want to play a flight sim with a steering wheel or a racing game with a joystick (you _CAN_, it just doesn't feel right!)...so why play a FPS with a joypad!
Once again, thanks for all the help