If he couldnt be bothered to read the minimum requirements, then thats his problem..
The BIG problem is that some people who DO meet the requirements are having issues with it too!
Dont know if anybody has stumbled across this yet, but it works for me..
How to run GTA4 at "high" everything @ 1680*1050 WITH ONLY 320Mb (in my case!) vRAM!!
No idea where THAT scheme came from, I doubt if it would ever work in real life!
As for the pros and cons of piracy:
Pros for the software companies...
I recently BOUGHT Call of Duty WaW - preordered it even! because of the enjoyment I got from CoD4MW. I BOUGHT that because I did get the free extended demo version from a torrent site, enjoyed it, so was willing to pay for it. I did the same for GTA4 and UT3.
With the exception of UT3, I would NEVER have bought these games as I would not have known what to expect from them in the first place.
Therefore, thanks to piracy, they sold 3 games that they would never have sold in the first place...they win!
Pros for the buyer. (pirate):
I grabbed a copy of Dead Space from another torrent..played it for about 20 mins, then deleted the POS. Had I paid good money for it, I would have been most disappointed; especially as it is easier to get sense out of a politician than it is to get a refund out of Game.
IF the software producers want to put a halt to piracy, then the best way is to release product that is decent and as bugfree as possible, without banging it on the shelves whether its finished or not, just to meet deadlines (Take Note Mr Rockstar Toronto!!!), and to release it at a REASONABLE price. Rockstar spent $200,000 on a new super version of Securom for GTA 4 apparently.....the crack was released within days, and now has fewer problems than the legit release!!!
Maybe NOT forking out a fortune on useless anti piracy measures and investing instead in decent coders would give a better product that more people would be willing to buy... as stated earlier, its better to sell 1,000,000@£10 than to sell 20,000@£40
Sound goes wonky after running benchmark.
No more "MMA10" crashes if I start with R* Social Club logged in.
and thats about it..no noticeable difference in gfx, still cant run it properly in high..
Got to wait until a week Thursday to get my 9800GTX+ 1Gb vRAM.
I Know..a 260 would run a bit faster, but its a tough decision to swap a few cores for more vRAM... 260 goes past the £200 mark, whereas the 9800 is only £156. (AND I can get another one later when the price goes down a bit )
As I said earlier...ANYBODY (providing they have the readies) can be self-insured...there are even companies that specialise in helping you set it up.
First one I came across in google: http://www.up2ugroup.com/
Bluetooth: check
Camera: check
M$ Office Mobile (Werd, Excel, etc): check
Video-calling: check
MP3 player: check
FM Radio: check
GPS: check
Games (WITH Force Feedback!!!1!!): check
Mobile Interwebs: check
Even More Stuff I havent played with yet: check
Best of all...its cheaper than the iPhone and the Omnia!
A lot of Bus companies are, to some extent, "Self-Insured", but a LOT of money must be deposited somewhere, and for financial safety reasons, it is also recommended that you get the sum underwritten. Still means paying out for 'insurance', but can work out a lot cheaper.
Merely putting your statements together, and coming to a conclusion that if you are NOT likely to be impolite to a serviceman in a face-to-face situation, then maybe you should not be impolite when hiding behind a keyboard.
As for 'fantasies', maybe you live in the fantasy that the world would be better off without Armed Forces?
Until mankind can learn to settle their differences in another fashion, they have to exist, for YOUR protection as well as mine.
btw..as you have probably guessed by now, I am PROUD to have served in the armed forces, and given the chance to restart my life from 16 years old, I would more than likely join up again.