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S3 licensed
Anybody seen the changelog for 7127? Cant even find it on MSDN Forum! Frown
S3 licensed
OK...I took the plunge and bought that 300D I mentioned are my first attempts with it ...Criticism/tips welcome for a n00b snapper!
Last edited by Bladerunner, .
S3 licensed
A slightly o/t question for all you camera buffs out there...I have been offered a Canon EOS 300D in excellent condition complete with manual, 18/55 lens, battery holding grip thingy, and a few other associated bits for £200...I see that the cheapest USED one on Amazon is £275....
Would this be a reasonable deal, or would I be better off paying lots more money for a newer model?
S3 licensed

Just a quick update...
Had to drive the Coupe up to Wetherby and back on Saturday..200 miles each way approx..(clocked 397 miles for the day, including running about up there!)...and was absolutely gob-smacked when I did the fuel usage calcs...I got about 47 mpg out of it!!!! Considering that I was cruising at a steady 75-80mph most of the time (except for the 18 miles of bloody roadworks on the M1!) and was not too gentle through the gears when I had to (roundabouts, junctions, etc) I must say that I was very surprised at the returns...not bad for a 2.0 ltr PETROL engine!!!

btw..Swifty sold
S3 licensed
Had Falkens on the Swift...the phrase "Sh*t to a blanket" springs to mind...VERY grippy, but didnt last very long on the front ...currently got Goodyear Eagles on the Coupe...havent really pushed it much, so cant give a proper opinion...seem good so far though.
S3 licensed
Quote from SidiousX :

Out of date and inaccurate
(At least. it was when I looked at 0700 GMT on 1st May!
S3 licensed
Quote from GFresh :Oh man, really?!

It's just saying "you could be using your spare time to cane a motor vehicle around a track, rather than being a faggot and going to play a boring round of Golf"

/me is is NOT for is a great game, and is a damn sight cheaper than trackdays...
Hitting that 300 yd drive and a well placed 7-iron shot to within a foot of the pin is just as exhilarating as hanging your arse off a bike going round a bend at 80 mph....believe me, I've done both!
Besides, it is a well-known fact that the only people who constantly deride golf are people that lack the coordination and control to actually play it!

(PS...Check out the number of F1 drivers that list hobbies that include playing golf...quite a few of them actually! Including the boring German Schumacher!)
Last edited by Bladerunner, .
S3 licensed
The sickening thing is that any OTHER foreign/commonwealth soldier only has to serve for four years to be entitled to the right to live in the UK...a Gurkha has to serve TWENTY!!!
In France, the standard period for a foreign national to serve in the forces is five years, after which you are automatically entitled to French Citizenship.
No idea what the limit is in other countries, I can only speak from experience.

A tip to the Gurkhas...if the government doesn't grant you the full rights very soon, just come over anyway, and tell the Job Centre you have just got off a lorry from Calais and dont know where you come from and have no papers...they will then give you a house, a car, lots of furniture, a legal team to fight your endless appeals against deportation and £30,000 per year to live on.
S3 licensed
Easier than you think TVE...just get the guys IP, back-check that to his ISP, and then just get a court order (in the case of unpaid debt...VERY easy) to get the ISP to give his address, then go buy a baseball bat and go knocking
S3 licensed
New symptoms unveiled!
S3 licensed
How about feeling sorry for me??? When the buggers get off the plane at Heathrow and give me their infected money and breathe the virus all over me....I am literally in the bloody front line here!!! zOMGWTF..I just sneezed...HELP..I iz gonna turn up my toez..find me a bucket to kick....I gonna DIE......

PS...seems my signature quote is correct AGAIN!!
S3 licensed
Good luck to the Mighty Blues against Barca (AGAIN!!!) tonight!

Also: Hard luck Toon...start booking your train tickets for lesser-known grounds... Commiserations to Oxford, they couldnt even get failing to qualify for the play-offs right...biggest attendance EVER at the Kassam (10,000+!!!) and still lost!
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Yeah!! I didnt realise there were two spellings, i guess its like color/colour. center/centre, our way is better!

Three actually, I remember seeing a post where some numpty spelt it "Dire Rear" ... which isn't that far wrong when you think about it!
S3 licensed
Sod faffing about with a direct link with a parallel cable..get a router and make life easy!...Parallel cables are SO 80's!!
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Hyundai coupe i think, does have a kinda rb4 ish look about it tho. me a RB4 clone...the XFG clone (see below!) was getting past it!

(/me wonders who else got a XFG and a RB4 in their driveways )
S3 licensed
OLD NEWS!!! I started the download at about 11.00 am GMT

You CAN upgrade from 7077 (instead of doing a full install) but you _may_ need to do a bit of editing on the ISO before you burn it...there is a file in the package called "cversion.ini" that needs to be modified...full information here: ... y-upgrade-experience.aspx

If you want to just upgrade from build 7100 then this isn't necessary.
S3 licensed
One thing you have to consider...
Quote : it is a japanese imported one that was brought over here in '99

Insurance will cost you a FORTUNE!!!!!

Seriously...they sting you bigtime on imports..mate of mine is paying £230 per MONTH on his import...(admittedly it IS a GT-R34)...but still heavy!
S3 licensed
Sorry...couldnt resist
S3 licensed
Dont forget the hike in National Insurance contributions (ANOTHER BLOODY TAX!!!) for the poor sods who earn more than £20k pa (ME!!!!) added to the fuel TAX and the smoking TAX and the booze TAX...I'm surprised Gordon doesnt tax bloody AIR!!!! BTW, did anybody notice the road TAX going up again!!!
All in all, I got hammered by Uncle Gordon and his cronies!
S3 licensed
Quote from StableX :I've been with Eclipse for the last 6-7 years and they're really good..

I have an Eclipse Business Package...might "seem" pricey when compared to a "home" deal - (£23pm), but for that I get a REALLY stable service, I have had disconnects in three years, static IP, unlimited use, free telephone calls to ALL UK landlines (except the 'premium' numbers..09-etc), great customer service - people who actually KNOW what they are talking about in English that I can actually understand,

Big for Eclipse from me too!
S3 licensed
First piccy of the beast...RB4 anyone??
S3 licensed
That didnt belong here either...I just wet myself laughing at it!
S3 licensed
I pay for a TV license, I subscribe to Sky, and therefore I have absolutely NO guilt complex concerning downloading TV Series that I can otherwise watch properly...So far I have ALL the Heroes episodes, ALL the Sarah Conner Chronicles, ALL the Doctor Who and Torchwood episodes, and ALL of the Robin Hood episodes as well. It isnt MY fault that they show them while I have to work, and I CBA to read the manual to operate the DVD recorder.
An advantage to this is that I can watch the 'American' shows a few weeks (or sometimes MONTHS!) before they are screened over here!
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :http://www.northernanimation.c ... allery/misc/fwd_sucks.jpg

So does RWD when compared to...

Four Wheel Drive

I will NEVER forget the time I overtook a BMW going up a my little Renault 5L (early model)

It had three guys SITTING ON THE BOOT to try and get some traction...I didnt even have snow chains or studded tyres on my little Renault...but it pi$$ed all over the flash RWD BMW!!!!