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S3 licensed
Quote from CSF :It does when your team forgets to change from Quali to Race settings.

That's down to the FIA IIRC, it's their DRS software system afterall.
S3 licensed
Quote from CSF :It does when your team forgets to change from Quali to Race settings.

That's down to the FIA IIRC, it's their DRS system afterall.
S3 licensed
Quote from atledreier :
I feel the bumps, but I get no aligning forces at all. If I slide out and let the wheel go it does nothing.

This... The way the 49 sort of loses control all on it's own when after it has been fully settled on corner exit, you squirt it on teh straight and it's almost like the open diff is transferring the power from left to right like a pendulum.
S3 licensed
Quote from N I K I :Exactly why they should allow baby's to have candies. I'm sure Felipe baby would be delighted.

Is that why Massa always looks like he's about to cry?
S3 licensed
Quote from N I K I :Nah, those days are gone. If you want that go hill-climbing.

Yea, for sure they're gone, but it's like telling kids not to touch the sweets and then put them in a bowl on the table...

Anyway, here's food for thought, has Vettel actually ever been passed on track since 2011? Because for the life of me, I can't recall that it ever happened..

If it did it must be less than 5times... that kind of shows the Domination of the RB.
S3 licensed
Quote from N I K I :Remember also on the first lap Massa exited the track then got back up the inside of Rosberg in T5. Honestly, they should start considering curb a part of the track. Days when curbs were too high and too dodgy to be part of track are long gone just as most of sandtraps are. Most curbs are as flat as the track hence they should be considered a part of track. Astraterfe (yea I dno how to spell dat) is then extra.

What do we determine as gaining a clear advantage, I mean, in my mind you go off the track then a retirement should be your 'fate'.

If they wanna stop people running off the track, make the first 1 meter of any tarmac run-off gravel or grass or some shit. If they wanna stop people running all 4 wheels on teh kerbs then they should give them a higher profile...

You can penalize race drivers for just... being race drivers... you will cut every inch of track you can get away without causing damage to your own car anyway. If you're not cutting apexes and straighening out corners as much as possible, then you're not really doing a good job at all.
S3 licensed
Quote from Lotesdelere :The problem is not to go off track but to gain an advantage by doing so, what Romain did.

Well they don't penalize EVERYONE. I mean personally I see Vettel's pass on Alonso at Curva Grande a few years back more penalty worthy, as it was dangerous.
S3 licensed
Great race apart from the DT Romain got for just making a balls to the wall pass.

If the FIA put tarmac n shit on corner exit, drivers are going to use it... but instead they put it there and then penalize drivers anyway.......
F1 Maygar Nagifjyjtdijy ENI Hungarioringio 2013 Grand Prix
S3 licensed
Hamilton to lead for 10laps or so, Räikkönen to win!
S3 licensed
Lord Hesketh?

edit : didn' even notice the 2nd page

I thought I got it too!
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :The top 4 drivers in the road DWC refuse to race due to the F1 car being that broken.

Perfect time for Assetto Corsa to release their game
S3 licensed
Sorry to Martin, I had to go, I had visitors that arrived after I confirmed to the race and I couldn't be an arse and ignore them
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :My only suggestion is to not require a pain in the ass sign up/ skin editing. It takes alot of time, and is completely unessesary, especially if you don't have s stream!

Well personally I wouldn't bother being in a series that didn't have regs on the usage of skins. Who wants to see someone driving around with a different torrid skin every other race.
S3 licensed
Quote from JackDaMaster :

WTF did I just set my eyes upon....
S3 licensed
Quote from Jertje :The fog does change the behaviour of the cars and engines.

Yea.. but it doesn't. Did extensive testing and there's no significant difference at all.

People just think because it's a car from the 60's it must automatically have been the most difficult car to drive ever made because Jim Clark was superhuman etcetc.

As I said before, I'll try to hold back on hating iRacing's GPL revival and focus my hatred on iRacing physics themselves.

Oh, I heard they went BACK in their tyre model 'updates' on the Radical and V8SC so that might be why they handle somewhat decently.
Last edited by BlueFlame, .
S3 licensed
Quote from menantoll :doesn't this mean it's got some physics changes too?

There's no physical difference at all.
S3 licensed
Make a wiki for your respective leagues. It just looks nice and makes competition reports, and points more visible and mirrors real life in some respects.

Nothing makes a win more special than a yellow box with a 1 in it on a wiki page! Let me assure you!
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Can't feel it? What you want? The fog jumps out of screen and bites your nose? How does fog feel in real life? Or do you talk about feeling?
"Oh your a shitty wannabe cloud Fog, **** off!" *Fog gets depressed*.

I am curious, how does fog feels?

Are you for real? Fog is moisture. Fog is everywhere.

Moisture. Everywhere.

When it's foggy shit gets damp.
S3 licensed
Quote from JackDaMaster :I don't even know what you expected really

Expected it to be FWD... you know, I wrote it, up there ^.

My point was it would be so much more awesome if it was RWD.
S3 licensed
Quote from KiRmelius : Thinking is difficult stuff.

It's so difficult for me, that I just prefer not to.
S3 licensed
One of the best looking race cars ever made but then we learn it was always going to be FWD.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :If only they spent that time on physics.

So frustrating that they care more about 'fog' weather that actually isn't weather at all, [it's just an effects filter] and other asthetical junk and their tyre model is worse than rF1's...
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :At least it was in the rain, unlike Maldonado...

Not just that but at least he didn't throw it into a corner on purpose.