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S3 licensed
The fog is silly, makes no difference to track conditions at all. Well probably can't feel it anyway because of iRacings derpstone tyres. At least when its foggy the grass behaves realistically.
S3 licensed
Quote from jrd.racer :I'm enjoying the Lotus alot.

Actually me too, seems like they got Huttu to help with the Lotus, which basically means you have to drive it like a GH2 GPL set.
S3 licensed
Quote from JackDaMaster :Lap record was a 1:22 in 1967 correct, but it was done in the wet. Rain both days.

Seems like the harder you push the better it gets in this thing, which is completely backwards, as it doesn't have any wings :S
S3 licensed
The car highlights everything wrong with iRacing physics. I'll be honest it's not as bad as I first thought but it's still absolute shite.

rF2's historic f1 cars feel much more like they are driving on rubber and not plastic.

You get sideways and if you don't get teh car straight within a second or to the outside rear decides to die on you.

I don't know how people can put up with that shit and not ask questions or seemingly give a damn.

Really annoys me that people will happily settle for lacklustre physics considering the price of it all.

1.19.5 and it feels like junk. The car feels like it has too much power. Lap record at Mosport was like a 1.22 or something.

BTW Jack if you watch 60's pre-wings they actually look alot more planted than you'd think, but then again, they are using RUBBER tyres and not chocolate ones.
Last edited by BlueFlame, .
S3 licensed
Lotus 49 feels like junk. Great chocolate tyre model iRacing. Brilliant job.

The unpredictability of that "sim" 's physics is astonishing.

Car handles worse than Formulá Truck machine, and a Formulá Truck weighs ten times more and has 3 times the power.

Quite the joke to be honest. The potential for a good feeling in that car is there but typically because the majority who drive it stack on every corner, they think because it's hard that it's automatically realistic.

Tyre model is just a farse, no grip from those bias-plys or whatever they are supposed to be, but you can still accelerate as fast as a modern F1 car in a straight line... slightest bit of attitude change and the car is all over the shit losing traction randomly on any given corner of the car.

The reality is, pre-winged F1 cars drove like arrows, very understeery, and the driver had to FORCE a 4 wheel drift to make cornering faster. Seems like the 49's physics were based on a guy watching some videos, seeing a pre-winged F1 car going sideways and automatically assumed the driver was fighting the behaviour, instead of the driver actually being the one to induce it in the first place.

No idea. Why I bothered to resub or even try the Lotus 49. Feel like such a stupid ****.
Last edited by BlueFlame, .
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :A1 ring was a DOG of a track, horrible thing to drive.

I'd like to quote myself and say I was talking shit. I've driven the A1 Ring many times after this post and I love the circuit. Just bad memories from GP3 and GP4
S3 licensed
I'd happily shoot 'em.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :judging by the utter utter drivel you post on this forum regularly your idea of the real world (not the shite tv show) is far more ficticious than middle-earth

Well I believe in reality. What ever differences between how I interpret reality and how you do does not dispute the fact that it is MY reality, and that I don't differ from that.

So I don't enjoy to sit down and tickle my balls to the echos of a fake language within a typical story of good vs evil whilst fitting the role of a basement dwelling anorak wearer that's just who I am.

I try my best not to hate on other people but to be honest, it's a better reality than spending hours painting warhammer figures and trading magic the gathering cards to then say when someone questions the schematics of it "well it's only pretend though isn't it".
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Kunos and I are besties..

@KunosStefano what the hell is wrong with that "DEV05" video Kunos, it looks like NFS underground

@BorisLozac what's wrong with it?

@KunosStefano physics look so messed up, people on lfs forum are properly worried

@BorisLozac weird.. honestly I have watched the video one time and it looked ok. Funny people can label it "messed up" without driving

Plz Boris, tell them more about LFSforum worries. I'm sure they give a shit.
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :Won't happen... Neither track nor facilities are adequate to host F1... It would require a major rework, and to be honest I like it how it is - that is how it was since '95...

Of course they are adequate. A carpark is adequate. It's only for asthetical reasons that Silverstone got re-worked. It was fine the way it was anyway.

F1 wants pretty, open circuits with miles of run off and nice clean tarmac everywhere to paint sponsors on.

A1 ring is still sufficient to host F1. The safety isn't an issue, there's plenty of room there.
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :This is Blueflame we're talking about here. The man who claimed that anyone who reads/watches fiction is in denial about real life.

May aswell dabble in the occult, sacrifice my children to the lord of Skyrim and Oblivion whilst submerging myself in plasti-dip to decrease friction.

We do pretending when we are kids, then we grow up.
S3 licensed
yes please. A1 Ring FTW
S3 licensed
Quote from BigPeBe :This is even better

That is funnny, are those guys icelandic? Couldn't figure out what Scandinavian language it was.
S3 licensed
A1 is such and awesome little car.
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :I would've removed that video from yt, it's that bad..

S3 licensed
Which is why I didn't understand the typical Russian-like delay on GT'ing the F O of there.
S3 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :So, what you're saying is that they're definitely lying in the video description where it's stated that

Well use your eyes, for whatever reason you can clearly see the cockpit input barely matches the visual output... Only thing it says to me is driving aid.

There's no way they can go from such a promising TP to that. The way it's driving, rotating on the spot, the seemingly random grip accumulation, everything about that says driving aid to me.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :This is why I don't like animated drivers - the gearshift animation STARTS when he pulls the paddle, and takes a lot longer than the actual gear change. In the beta I'm sure the driver put his hand on the gear lever near the redline to prempt the shift. Doesn't seem to now.

Also, the animation completes, even when he shifts three or four gears in quick succession, rather than the animation staying on the lever.

Hence it looks very very silly.

If it wasn't for that, it might look better. The car does seem to move around a bit, and is catchable, but impossible to judge from a video.

I think it looks bizarre [physics-wise] because of the delayed cockpit animation.

Lol at people reading too much into it. You can't tell how the physics FEEL from WATCHING. Also the driver in this video is CLEARLY using some form of driver aid and also seems to be using a gamepad or such. Silly people judging physics from a video. Kind of disappointing that people would do that, when they've driven the TP and KNOW the potential of this sim.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 : ... p;feature=player_embedded

Video isn't hilarious, but interesting still.

I liked the bit where they just stare at the burning gas bottles thinking the crisis has been averted... morons. Lucky someone wasn't killed.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :

Just lol

How is this funny? It's clearly two guys pretending to be genuinely angry n shit and it's really awkward and painful to listen to this fakeness.
S3 licensed
Been having fun on Fórmula Truck as of late. Made a little clip, took 30 minutes or so to make. Not sure if I'm getting the best out of the gmotor engine though, or if more can be dragged out of it (from a cinematic point of view).
S3 licensed
Awesome video, although for me it was a little bit TOO hazy/blurry.
S3 licensed
Quote from Franky.S :is that the open arms in Dirleton?

How would you know? Oh wait, you're Mason.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :

Was 27C here according to my car...far too bloody hot.

Of course, clearly in this picture here, we see global warming in effect, Miami colder than London..... a few more days and volcano lava will be flowing under our beds forcing us to stay in our beds and die in our own filth.