You know sarcasm is a disgraceful way to communicate.
You try and find the 'forgotten' GP of Japan from 1997. It's not like a clip of Spa 1998 or Donington 1993. It's a random GP with almost no footage online what so ever. He's suggesting he saw it live but it would be nigh on impossible to remember at the age he must of been then.
Eitherway the guy cries that Senna tried to kill Prost and still tries to maintain that Schumacher was a better person.
Well I can't be arsed to fight fire with logic. So. Think/say what you will. No amount of sense will re-decorate CSF's bedroom wall to something a little less... red.
You'd like to think there isn't but your commenting on F1 in general reeks of it. You seem to hate every driver in F1 now Schumacher has gone.
As for glorifying Senna, wth I put both Prost AND Senna with the same agenda, saying that it's all swings and roundabouts as they only took each other out. How does that glorify Senna over Prost?
Seems like you got a chip on your shoulder over your beloved Schumacher. Also btw how would you able to recall something that happened in 1997? I mean you would have been what, 3?
prior to 94 Schumacher had no reason to take Hill out.
But you basically just said, Senna could of killed someone, but Schumacher's BS goes unnoticed to you. Schumacher pretty much every other race forced someone onto the grass at excessive speed.
Either way you just proved my point of Prost and Senna because you believe Schumachers moves were legit because of previous events.
Yea but they only wrecked each other. It's been and gone now. Water under the bridge.
The difference is with Schumacher is he wrecked two different guys that drove cleanly with him. So that puts him into a different category of nob.
Rule #1 of competition : respect your opponents, and regardless of Prost and Senna's on track excursions they most certainly DID respect each other as drivers.
They could just say it was a random dude, I mean, he was dressed in civi gear afterall... The weight difference is so slim. I guess because Mathias stopped on circuit presumably to save as much fuel as possible they feared they'd be underweight but scrutinizing weight checks should be done with an empty car should it not?
Ran Q on race fuel, then did the race thinking I could work the R1 in the race but drove too aggressively early on and cooked the tyres leading to a massive driver fail.
No. I hate dirty drivers. Vettel is like adversely evil, he's like the friendly POW camp officer who seems like a great guy, but behind backs he's ordering the murder of innocents.
Lastor Desperado only beats people cos he wrecks 'em off teh track. Biggest example is Perez, any time they get close on track there's tension in the air because Maldonado knows Perez has a bigger value than he does.
Maldonado is a strange enigma, he has the potential to be genuinely quick and win championships but then (not so much these days actually) he just goes awol and his alter ego the wreckmeister comes out and he decides to turn people or 'lose control' conveniently into the side of someone because he can't accept being passed or w/e.