I'm gonna break my nice post count of 666 and say this:
I believe that releasing the S3, although satisfying for many, will cause trouble in the long run. The reason for that is the further division of LFS community into more parts.
Now you have Demo, S1 (a minority) and the S2. Putting S3 into the equation will make the S2 look like S1.
I suggest to open the content a little more to other members. Let the Demo players race on S2 servers among the S2 cars, but do not allow them to drive them. Only their demo cars. It will show them what's going on in S2 and might encourage them to buy a "grown-up" license (Scawen, are you listening?).
On the other hand, this might cause a big surge of crashers and idiots to the otherwise "clean" S-servers. But it's only an assumption. Who knows how the reality would look like, but I'd like to give it a try.
...and if the demoers will cause chaos among the S-community, let this work only for S-licensed racers who value their account more.