I think that there is no difference in doing it slowly or quickly. You still have the same volume of liquid and ice. However, if you do it slowly, the ice cubes will melt (although very little) due to the warm air around. In the end, it shouldn't make any practical difference, but in the name of science, do it quickly
A patient comes to a doctor:
- I'm short-sighted, can you help me?
The doctor takes him to a window, points out of it and says:
- Can you tell me what that big shiny round thing over there is?
- Of course, it's the sun.
- OK, and now tell me, how f**king much further would you like to see?!
I'd like to have the possibility to look around the car interior with my mouse while driving the car with my steering wheel. To be more precise, I imagine it like this:
I drive the car around the track as usual, but I need to look a little to the right let's say, so I hold the LMB down and move the mouse. After releasing the LMB, the view seamlessly returns to its original position.
This could also be later incorporated with some interactive car controls on the virtual dashboard, MS Train Simulator style.
I've heard in some news that the possibility of North Korea launching a nuclear attack on some other country (duh) is very small. They are more likely to sell the weapons, although I have no idea how easy that would be. However, imagine some fanatical terrorists getting their hands on nuclear weapons. Sucks ass, doesn't it?
I tried a little yesterday and found out that FZ5 (AI on Pro) and FBM (me on Noob + 5% intake restriction) is quite it on Aston Historic Reversed. I usually dominate on the whole track except the long "straight" where the FZ5 just destroys me. The problem is that that's where the finish line is
I will be offline for some time and I'd like to do some racing against the AI. I'd like to try a different kind of racing than the all-the-same-cars-on-the-grid racing.
I am looking for a combination of a slower/lighter/agile car versus a faster/heavier/brutal car. Something like LX4 against FZ5.
Can anybody please recommend any such combination plus restrictions necessary to have both cars equal lap times? So that there is a lot of overtaking.
I'm happy too. Yesterday I went on a 900km road trip with a friend and we survived Judging by our mutual bad luck, it is a great succes (pronounce in Borat's voice).
Torque curves are available, I've asked for them myself a long time ago and it wasn't new back then. Keep on searching. I think that Bob Smith has made some, ask him. But I'm not 100% if it was him or some other mod. But ask Bob anyway
I am a skinny guy (180cm, 65kg) and although I don't have any problems with bullys nor any conflicts, I can still appear in a situation where I'd need to fight my way out.
I've bee thinking about starting to learn some form of fighting for self defense for some time now, however I don't know which "style" to choose. I've heard that Krav Maga was specifically developed for such situations (hand to hand, disarming, hostage situations etc.). Then there is kick boxing (very popular here in Bratislava). I've always seen this more as a sport than as a self defense method, although you could still kick some serious ass on the street with kickboxing. Regular boxing and wrestling (not the WWE stuff) are also to consider but not as much.
I can't think of other fighting styles right now. However, I'd like you to help me choose one, that is first of all effective, doesn't have to be very fancy and acrobatic and doesn't require a big and strong person (even though I am working on that - gym, weights, food and so on).
Mainly please post some pros and cons of Krav Maga if you have any personal experience with it. Thank you very much in advance
I've just finished watching this on the Top Gear web. It's incredible what this guy does, but I wanna know...are those "regular" tires or some special drifting skiddy sort? Also what are the cars basic specs (power, torque etc.)?
This whole idea sounds good to me. Combined with some good advertising model it could even pay for itself and for the time of people needed to run such a thing.
Ads as a welcome sceen on server, trackside ads, car skin ads, you name it.
The problem is that the organisers would have to find someone to pay for that advertising. First rounds without ads to attract racers and audience, then slowly start milking it.
You could also have a realtime race streams (with watermark and advertising intermissions during pit stops for example) and downloadable post-race cut versions etc etc...