I know that there are better forums to ask this question, by I don't want to register there so I'll ask you guys here instead:
I have an ASUS A6VM notebook, cca. 3 years old. Everything was fine until suddenly about a week ago the screen wouldn't show anything since boot. The LCD's backlight turns on, but there is no pixels lit, no picture, nothing, rien, nada.
After a few restarts the screen got some sense into it and started working again.
Today however, it wouldn't start at all. I tried the usual "knock on it" solution to no success. I unscrewed the hinge through witch the cables from GPU go to the LCD and found nothing suspicious.
My external monitor plugged through the analog VGA (D-SUB) connector works just fine. The GPU is fine then. The internal LCD doesn't seem to be recognized by Windows 7 (which it did a week ago).
Also, I cannot get to BIOS to check things out. If I press any button during boot, the comp freezes.