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S2 licensed
install some video card drivers.
S2 licensed
Quote from baSh0r :TBH i don't think the FBI would shutdown pages like that. Like displaying a screen that the site got shut down. My bet is on script kiddies too

they've done it before to torrent sites. ... e-domain-and-more-101126/
S2 licensed
Quote from majod :AndRand, there's also NTFS error in the event log which is the most probably source of your problems

not always.

when the cpu overheats it does really ****ed up stuff... programs can (and sometimes will) crash all over the place, and it can also corrupt the hard drive. (think about it, everything goes through the cpu, if the cpu messes up then who knows what can happen, it might calculate 2+2=4, but then write 942 to the disk and transmit 267 over ethernet.)

in the event log, there is also mention to the registry being corrupted, this is also synonymous with overheats and/or memory failure.

if the hard drive is dying, you would see these instead, and lots of them. i don't see any of those in your logs.
Last edited by bunder9999, .
S2 licensed
there is one final option, but i really don't recommend it.

if you can find out which R### chipset you're using, you might be able to flash the mobility with the desktop version's BIOS (if one exists). a quick look would lead me to believe it's an R710.

as soon as you have a desktop BIOS installed, all the locked stuff should get unlocked.
S2 licensed
wouldn't engine temperatures and pressures be easier to implement?
S2 licensed
Quote from AndRand :My question is as about my comp: how to get rid of virus like symptoms with no virus detected? btw. how many iexplore instances, is usually opened at one window (regardless tabs) application launch? I got 3, which slightly slowed IE performance.

when IE7 came out, they started using the multithreaded model. it's normal to see two for having the window open, and one for each additional tab.

as for there being possible virus activity, I've been using MSE lately. I haven't had the need to run MBAM since (for the ones that AV's don't classify as a virus).

slowness by itself can be caused by various factors, but if your CPU is indeed overheating like I believe it is, then nothing you do is going to fix it, short of replacing the fan. ... ermal-features/index.html
Last edited by bunder9999, .
S2 licensed
if either of those don't work, probably not. mobility chips are kindof hit-or-miss.
S2 licensed
powerstrip should be able to modify your clocks, i think it also has some fan control, but since you're using ati, give atitool a try.
S2 licensed ... ds-real-money-play-in-u-s

Quote :Full Tilt Poker is saddened by today’s charges against its CEO Raymond Bitar and offers its full support to Mr. Bitar and Nelson Burtnick.

Online poker is a game of skill enjoyed by tens of millions of people in the United States and across the world. And, Full Tilt Poker remains as committed as ever to preserving the rights of those players to play the game they love online.

Mr. Bitar and Full Tilt Poker believe online poker is legal – a position also taken by some of the best legal minds in the United States.


Unfortunately, as a result of this action, Full Tilt Poker has decided that it must suspend “real money” play in the United States until this case is resolved. However, Full Tilt Poker will continue to provide peer-to-peer online poker services outside of the United States.

yeah, it will be interesting to see how this pans out.
S2 licensed
PS .net works, but .com has the FBI banner.

both clients should still work though, mine did.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndRand :those reboots were prolly on SaveDumps

yeah, that's what it looks like... and the stop code suggests a memory problem, but since they're so vague, i could still see this being a cooling+overheat problem. wouldn't hurt to run memtest86 for a loop or two though.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndRand :comp shuts down at Firefox and CCleaner opening (IE opens), almost a minute hangup on establishing internet connection, and quite strange for hardware malfunction - mouse click works after 3 second press (I dont know if one click time is configurable at all).

i'm going to take a wild stab and say it could be your fan. if your BIOS doesn't care about the presence of a fan, or it's RPM, then the fan could be stopped. some processors step the frequency down really really low when they overheat instead of shutting the machine off. but it could also be shutting it off when it hits the temperature threshold.

but then again, this could also be some ****ed up virus... it's a lot easier to diagnose these things with the machine in my hands.
S2 licensed
there is Hmonitor, but it's only a 30 day trial. never bothered to pay for it.
[forum] leagues and events listing, misplaced tag?
S2 licensed

was the L+E category at one point designed by hand?

with firefox 4 on windows xp, if you scroll down to MoE, and put your mouse over "sub-forums", it lights up. on that page, it's the only one that does that. can't reproduce it with IE7. will test with firefox 3 when i get home.

edit: no, i found it... there is indeed a misplaced A tag (or two) in that area.

<a href="forumdisplay.php?f=41"><strong>Masters of Endurance</strong></a>

<div class="smallfont">League website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a></a></div><a>

<div class="smallfont" style="margin-top: 6px;"><strong>Sub-Forums</strong>: <table width="100%" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td style="text-transform: none; font-size: 10px; white-space: nowrap;" width="50%"><img class="inlineimg" src="images/statusicon/subforum_old.gif" alt="" id="forum_statusicon_213" border="0"> <a href="forumdisplay.php?f=213">2007-2008 Season</a><span title="Threads/Posts" style="text-transform: none; font-size: 10px; color: darkgray;"> (295/4765)</span>

edit: looks like it's fixed now.
Last edited by bunder9999, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Well done mate

Old windows install, reinstall sorts the problem with minimal messing around.
Guess it depends on weither it's a hobby or a job.

hardly, it's taking the easy way out. it's like buying a new computer just because your hard drive died.
S2 licensed
this is not a bug.
S2 licensed
Quote from pik_d :There will be no LFSW WRs for custom configurations. Maybe some insim app could do something unofficially but I'm not really sure.

airio can on a per-install basis, but that assumes people don't modify the layouts, as it only has the layout name to go by.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Doesn't solve my internet problem. I already got rid of the virus. Just had something happen to the network connection. The post says I had a problem getting the internet back, not getting rid of the virus....

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, I went with Combofix over Kaspersky....

yeah, combofix should also be able to remove the TDSS/aleuron rootkit, it also checks the hashes of kernel drivers. i used it before successfully on another machine before i knew about the kaspersky scanner.

as for it still not working afterwards, maybe you had more than just TDSS... they like to package viruses together these days.
S2 licensed
should have given this a try... could have saved you a few hours work.
S2 licensed
i have a question about the moon-bounce-barriers fix...

does this also apply to situations like this? (BL pit garage - replay attached)

i was going to upload a different replay, but it didn't save... in that one, it did the bounce, but then placed me on the track near the S/F line, without damage.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rynno666 :hmm yeah but i think it might be make chaos on server multiplayer if you drive and some 5-10 kids wanna jump they car full speed ram and many many crashes and people stay on the middle of the road on the roof and you just want drive normal.Maybe its my wrong opinion but i think its happening like i say.

IIRC, when i was running an autocross server, there was the occasional moron, but what you're saying could happen on any server, autocross, or otherwise.
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Should be able to make the falls in an hour drive, maybe hour and a half. It's not too far

from toronto? not likely. it takes an hour and a half to get between hamilton and toronto, either direction, unless you're driving in the middle of the night. niagara falls is an hour away from hamilton.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Hi Scawen,

Will the tire barrier thing on Southcity

when you go around this: ... nshots/s2_SouthCity35.jpg

there is a small oval section under the bridge, but one half is blocked off.

Will that be drivable? Ill show u a small vid when I get home.

S2 licensed
Quote from BurnOut69 :so national parks and alike are a very valid option

try algonquin park or sauble beach.