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Quote from PeterN :Oddly enough, they won't last 2 minutes on a well admined cruise server either.

Sadly cheaters and crashers are around however you want to play the game.

Yep, cheats and wreckers will target the most popular servers - they don't care if it's race or cruise, they just want to cause maximum annoyance.
You can be sure that if public race servers were more popular than cruise, then that's where all the morons would be heading.
S3 licensed
Quote from morpha :
A racist is defined not through actions but thoughts, and those needn't be expressed to exist.

I disagree. IMO, it's behaviour that defines you within society. So someone who exhibits racist behaviour is a racist, someone who does not, is not.
That doesn't really matter though, the important thing is that it's the behaviour that's the problem and is unacceptable.

I'm also uneasy about the suggestion that verbal/written racism can be ignored. Ignoring it is the equivalent of passively condoning it. Kids trolling and acting out are doing so in order to learn the boundaries and rules. If we don't react, they don't learn, or worse, they learn wrong.

Getting banned from LFS is exactly the right way for a kid to learn what's unacceptable. Not getting banned from LFS/forums/other games, then getting arrested/beaten up etc. when older is the wrong way.
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :there's a difference between campaigning for equality and campaigning against minorities.

S3 licensed
Quote from Rynno666 :When black people stand up for their race everyone applauds them and accept it. When white people stand up for their race suddenly they are racists and evil. Hypocrisy!

What you seem to be implying is that the racist on the server 'Superfro', (or maybe you mean Irishnoob?) is in someway standing up for white people? and that anyone who criticises them is being racist? wow! that really is twisted.

Quote from morpha :So he's a racist, deal with it.
Freedom works that way, people have the right to be racists.

The 'freedom' we have is dependent on having laws that protect and restrict that 'freedom'. One of those laws is that we must not attack individuals or groups based on their race - or incite others to do so.
It's ironic that to provide and defend 'freedom' we have to restrict what people are 'free' to do by law, but that's the way it works.
In reality, the modern notion in the western world of 'freedom' is nothing more than political dogma - it is a deceit. The concept of 'human rights' is much more appropriate.

In your naive version of freedom (true freedom), Someone would be 'free' to murder your family - when you called the police, they would say "So he's a murderer, deal with it. Freedom works that way..." etc.
Last edited by col, .
S3 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :looks like kids being kids tbh...

they could of done and said worse... but everyone walks on egg shells as per usual

So you think racism is acceptable and that those of us who disagree should be ridiculed?
Hmm, good to know.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :...I'm under no illusions, it's a bad situation, I just find it typical human overreaction because of once instance that every single act of violence or conflict is an exact replica situation of what's happened previously...
Just like Libiya.. blah blah..

lol, so other people are not allowed to compare to similar historic situations to support their argument, but you are...

Quote :
since when has the NEWS in general been reliable information for riotting information etc? The riotters say they've been attacked by police, and police say the civil unrest is out of control. It happens everywhere.

If I'm understanding this, you think that the news media is not a valid source of information to base an argument on. So, by your reasoning, if you haven't been to Bahrain to see for yourself, your whole point of view on this subject would be completely worthless?
S3 licensed
Quote from Senninha25 :I agree with those 3 reasons, and pretty much everything you say, but...

lol, double U-turn... he'll be doing donuts next, reminds me of the fast show - 'Indecisive Dave' ... nFwaE&feature=related

'Indecisive Damon'

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S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :As long as the F1 fraternity is safe in Bahrain I see no reason why it shouldn't continue.

reason #1
From the point of view of the people of Bahrain: their country is close to civil war, they are being violently oppressed by a government that does not represent them. This event will not benefit them - it will line the pockets of Bernie and his cronies and provide an international publicity opportunity for the Bahrain government. The people of the country don't want the race.

reason #2
From the point of view of the teams: They will all be worried, both about the safety of their personnel, and about how much damage this event could do to their sponsorship revenue - if it goes ahead, then backfires, and there is a political shit-storm, some sponsors will pull out of F1 for sure.

reason #3
From the point of view of Damon Hill, who is involved as an F1 ambassador of sorts, and who has visited Bahrain to assess the situation on several occasions. He has expressed serious misgivings about the race.
When he was in Bahrain, you can bet that the government did everything in their power to hide the problems from him, yet he's still seen enough to be unhappy about the situation.
Last edited by col, .
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Basically people discredit what I say because it's ME, not because of what I say.

or maybe it is because of what you say e.g.

Quote from BlueFlame :Well ironically before all the civil unrest Bahrain was one of the safest countries in the middle east. So I wouldn't talk about oppression quite so flippantly. The students in London last summer were close to being tear-gassed, but I don't see the UK as an oppressive autocracy do you?

If the civilians are being violent, then you must respond accordingly, which is what they are doing, they're not just going into random houses tear-gassing kids ffs.

S3 licensed
Do some research by googling phrases like 'traction circle' and 'traction budget' & 'optimum racing line'. There's lots of useful knowledge out there for you to absorb.

Find and download a 'replay analyser' app for lfs (, then use it to compare your driving with a selection of fast laps by others. This seems like a lot of work, but it is often much quicker than trial and error on-track. You can see in detail exactly where you are losing time, and where your line is less than optimal compared to fast drivers.

Remember that many of the really fast hotlaps take advantage of unrealistic setups and driving styles that exploit weaknesses in the LFS physics model. IMO it's best not to copy this approach as you will develop bad habits that don't translate to other sims, real driving, or future versions of LFS.

good luck

S3 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :
Surely a simple way would be to kick and ban any driver whom get's from point X to point Z in a physically impossible time for engine setup?

It's a tricky one, how do you decide what is an impossible time ?

If it's way faster then the WR - like a couple of seconds, then sure that's easy, but then it's easy to spot that cheater and expose them anyway.

What about those who are cheating subtly - maybe they are a mid-level driver, but getting alien lap times. How do you catch them - their times are possible... you can't just ban someone because they are a couple of hundredths faster than the 'WR', what if they really are that good, some folks are.

In the past, I've been vote banned from servers for 'cheating' because I was winning easily, but there was no cheating involved, and I'm no alien - you have to be careful not to make false assumptions.

I suppose that it's something for Scawen to work on after the tyre physics are done. It should be possible for the client and server to work out if the acceleration and velocity are plausible for a particular set of player inputs and car state.
with a bit of luck, many of the current exploits will not work on the update with the new physics anyway.
S3 licensed
Quote from M.M.L. :I dont follow this forum very often. I come here when I have a problem or bored. But your conclusion annoying me because I dont think that I am lazy, troll or idiot! Just want answers. If he cant give as simple answers how far he came with the work.

He has given simple answers many times - at least simple if you're not an idiot.
Use search to find them - unless you are very lazy.
Quote :
...then LFS is dead.

hmm, that's troll speak... and not just any troll speak - that's lazy, unintelligent troll speak.
S3 licensed
Quote from M.M.L. :I want to get a response from developers the approximate date.

Scawen has explained many times why this is not going to happen.
conclusion: you are either very lazy, a troll, or an idiot!


@OP: If you are bored with LFS, you need to find something more fulfilling to do than video games. Then when you come back to LFS, you will enjoy it again. The problem isn't LFS, it's you - same goes for all whiners - get a life. LFS is just a video game - it cannot make you happy. You need to get your 5 a day of wholesome real life experience.

LFS should be enjoyed as part of a healthy balanced diet.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :It takes no skill or talent to wreck someone. Nobody can argue against that.

And nobody is arguing against that.

It does however take immense talent, skill and some luck to be in a position where wrecking someone will win you the F1 WDC. Nobody can argue against that either - without making a fool of themselves.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :...anybody can turn in on a guy and wreck 'em for the win.

Yeah, if you're stuck in 20th, all you need to do is wreck someone and you will win the championship... It's not been working for Massa has it
S3 licensed
Quote from JazzOn :Right, but this quoted bit is a bit harsh, because they have quite some fun doing so.

Are you saying we shouldn't respect them unless they are miserable ? .
I totally agree that they do it because they want to and enjoy it. Doesn't change the fact that they deserve our respect - it's still extremely skillful, physically demanding, and very dangerous, not to mention the achievement of just getting on the grid (even for the 'pay' drivers).
S3 licensed
Quote from sinbad :No and I don't get it either!!

Half the posts here are people saying "i hate driver x for this reason".

It hardly makes their opinions on any issue more credible.

Maybe there's an underlying bitterness in people towards the fortunate.

F1 is entertainment. A lot of people need it to be like a pantomime before they can really enjoy it. They get more out of it if they project characteristics onto the main players - baddy, goody, idiot, lousy cheat, comedy relief etc. (wrestling really works this dynamic to the max).
Unfortunately a lot of folks get a bit too into it and start to believe that they really know these people and that the character traits they have projected are true to life.
When it can get silly is when folks get together on a forum and discover that other people have different ideas about who plays which character. That challenges their own little fantasy and threatens to spoil their enjoyment. Things can get really heated as they all fight to defend their own version of the pantomime.

I can't understand why so many people hate Hamilton - they can't possibly know what he is like as a person but they seem to really hate him - sure, I get a certain schadenfreude in seeing him bested by Button, but not because I hate him, I would have probably had a similar enjoyment seeing him destroy Button if that had happened. I would love it if either of them were to win the championship.
Personally, I think all the top drivers are great. I have my heroes and villains, but always respect them for what they achieve. Guys like Senna, Schumacher, Hakkinen, Alonso, Vettel, Hamilton, Button have earned respect, and anyone who follows F1 and doesn't respect them for what they have achieved is an idiot.
Even the also-rans should have massive respect from all of us - they put their lives on the line in second rate equipment with no chance of victory for our entertainment.


Last edited by col, .
S3 licensed
I just heard a rumour from an inside source in F1 that initially, the stewards had intended to give Karthikeyan a lifetime ban, but then they read the arguments presented by BlueFlame and Intrepid on the LFS forum and realised their noob error.
S3 licensed
To the idiots harping on about lfs having to work on lower end hardware being the reason physics developments are slow:

The big difficulty that scawen is facing is not getting something that works perfectly on a 3000Ghz system to work perfectly on a 1600Ghz system.

It's getting something that works at 1 fps (probably more like 1 frame per minute) on a 3000 Ghz system and trying to get similar results in real time on even a high end consumer PC. When he gets that to happen, optimizing it to work on a slightly lower end system will be a simple job by comparison.

We're talking about many orders of magnitude here, not just a 30% improvement.
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S3 licensed
Quote from Kristi :I hope I won't ever meet you in a race FPVaaron.

I agree. Wreckers are bad enough, but when they think it's 'good' driving...
S3 licensed
Quote from S.E.T.H :one guy will not be enough, there are the ones that use and get advantage of it.

there are ones that does not use it + no other cheats and really fast respective people. >> the guy in the video drops in latter group probably.

Here's some simple logic for you S.E.T.H

Forces view is not considered cheating in this community.
People competing for WR hotlaps will use any advantage considered fair.
Considering these two clear facts, if F view gave an advantage as you state, then ALL the WRs would be driven with F view. If it were an advantage, anyone not using it would not have a chance of setting a world record. You would not be able to get WR without F view - cometition it just too close.
Therefor, any WR obtained without F view would prove that f view is not an advantage.
Evidence has been provided that a world record was driven without using forces view. This single WR proves that you are wrong.

This is logical proof.

S3 licensed
Quote from S.E.T.H :how come i'd be slow if i am only 2 seconds away from wr only around my 250th laps?

2 seconds is a significant time difference for 1 lap.
You should consider yourself slow until you are within 1 second, but not fast until you are within maybe half a second. from there, each tenth of a second is going to be a major milestone.
Quote :
i said it 100 times under this thread, that there obviously are faster people than me. some of them faster by fair racing, some of them uses force mode probably.

And you have implied more than once - and just did again - that the faster ones are cheating by using F view.
I and others have explained that forces mode will not give a fast driver a lap time advantage - it's a fact!
You've said it makes you faster - but then you are 2 seconds off the WR, which means you are slow.

You're slow, you're whining, you're accusing others of cheating because they are better than you and you're making a damn fool of yourself by refusing to accept that you are wrong when you clearly are.

Great way to make new friends when you join a web community.
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S3 licensed
Quote from S.E.T.H :
if i turn it off, others will turn it on, then i'll be forced to use it if i want to be competitive.

If you turn it off, turn it on, or put cream on it and stick it in your piehole, NOBODY will take any notice.
The ONLY thing you must do to be competitive is practice a lot (and have some talent)
The only slight advantage that force view might give is for noobs who might learn more quickly where they are losing time. - this is a good thing! Expert drivers already know a near optimum line and have an instinctive awareness of where their tyres are and more importantly where they are going to be. They will gain no advantage whatsoever from forces view.
If you are in a race online, the only people who might be getting an advantage through forces view are noobs, and they're not the ones who are winning and beating you by seconds per lap.

What you need to do is grow some balls! Man-up and admit to yourself that you are losing fair and square because you are slow, not because others are 'cheating'. Only when you accept this can you begin on the path of self improvement that all those fast guys and gals that are beating you have followed.
If you truly believe that they are faster because they are cheating, then you are in denial, and will never be able to achieve your true potential. That would be sad... for you... but not for anyone else
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Because he has no seat obviously.

S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Unfortunately I can no longer take you seriously because I have noticed that you have sprinkled punctuation through your forum name and that tells me everything I need to know about you.

hehe, that got me thinking... what does S.E.T.H. stand for ?
Then I though of a few possibilities....

Seth Event Totally Hilarious
Smallest Ever Toilet Hose
Slowest Ever Timed Hotlap
Seth, Eat That Hominem
Scammer Easily Trolls Hotheads
Sanctimonious Egotistical Tubthumping Hypocrit
Silliest Ever Thread Hehe