Excellent coverage! The race was exciting, and the new camera system is GREAT! The coverage was smoother, tighter, and better controlled than all of the previous videos.
I know that this broadcast had to be pieced together long after the fact, but it sure doesn't look like it was. I do have a few suggestions, but I'm sure you already have plans to address them for the next broadcast.
I miss having Tristan doing commentary. The way you two would play off each other made for a very entertaining and educational race. You (Becky) seemed to be the excitable entertainer while Tristan was the grounded informer. I hope that makes it back next time.
The upcoming in-car shots and telemetry would be most welcome. I found myself wishing for in-car shots a few times during the race. But, again, the camera work in this video was far and away better than the others. Very smooth, controlled, and professional.
The new sidebar listing the drivers, their place, and whether they're moving up or down in the ranks is awesome! My only complaint would be that the three letter designations are a bit hard to read. I imagine they'll be impossible to read on 320x200 or youtube videos. Perhaps move the display over a bit and use full names?
I would really love to see "studio" shots of the commentators before and after each race. All professional racing series do this, and I think it would add a level of polish to the production. Of course, it would also take extra time and effort, but it would be nice for viewers to put faces to names and feel that they're really "there".
Overall, this was a very solid video and the coverage was excellent. I missed some of the things that have made the past videos so good, but also understand the time and hardware constraints. I can't wait for the next race (coming soon! yay!), and I'm sure it will be the best one yet.