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I would love to see real content, but I won't be broken hearted if we don't get it. However, I would like to see as much new content as possible. Whether it's a Lamborghini on Spa or a "generic mid-engine supercar" on a "generic European race track" doesn't matter so much.
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Here's one that hasn't been mentioned. Summer has arrived in the US. It's light out until 9 pm or so. Aside from yesterday and today, it's been in the 80's (F) for quite some time (where I am). The kids are now out of school and sitting in the swimming pools after dinner. The kids want to play outside because it's still light out. The kids don't want to go to bed on time because it's too light out. Hard to jump onto LFS for a half an hour and race between the time the kids go to bed and I go to bed.

I think mrodgers is right. I don't have any kids, but I've not been playing much lately because of Summer. It's 75 degrees outside and light until 9pm. The last thing I want to do is go into a dark room with a hot PC and projector for hours on end. I'll probably do a little racing when the next patch comes out but, for the most part, I don't really bother with computer games in the Summer. I'll have plenty of time for that stuff when Fall rolls around.
S3 licensed
Buy a wheel.

End thread here
S3 licensed
Quote from wien :Venus, check if you have any background processes taking up CPU, writing to disk or accessing the net. Web-browser, mail client, MSN/AIM, Media player, server processes running, that sort of thing. I had MS SQL Server 2005 (installed with Visual Studio, but unused) running in the background cause that sort of stutter on my computer.

I would second this advice. The hard drive really shouldn't be doing anything if you're on the track alone. All of the graphics and car models would already be loaded. Other than a background process, the only other thing I can think of would be the non-generated sounds, like the noise when you hit a wall or start the car.

If I were you, Venus, I would make sure that everything that could possibly be running in the background is turned off (open Task Manager to verify). If that doesn't fix the problem, try disabling sound - not permanently, but to verify or rule out that cause.
S3 licensed
Quote from Venus :I too get this, and its bloody annoying.......Scawen, can you please look into this, its getting to be I can finish only a few of my races because of it.

Scawen has already looked into it. This is one of the things that is supposed to be fixed in patch X (and the current test patches). Try out the latest test patch and see if it fixes the problem for you. The stutter is caused by skin loading, and now skins pre-load when each person joins the server.
S3 licensed
Quote from [TDRT] Spøgelset :Post 19:24 states something else..Hmm...

But if you are right it means this to me with a server: It will force me to upgrade it to version X as well.
The W to X update for players prob. is done automatically without any chance NOT to update their game. And AFAIN no Version X LFSlappers is to be found yet.. Domage ..

Official updates are NOT forced on anyone. When a new patch is released and you try to join a multiplayer game, LFS tells you that there is an update available. You are not required to download it, and it is not forceably downloaded. However, unless you're in a league that requires you to stick with the old version, or unless you use an InSim app that requires the old version, it's in your best interests to have the latest patch. Without it, you're going to be mighty lonely.
S3 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :Or maybe we might have a driver model of richard hammond! hehe.

That wouldn't be fair. That model would have a significant weight advantage over the normal size driver models.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jamexing :Anyone with the slightest bit of sense would answer "don't know" to what new cars would S3 possibly have, or may just speculate for fun, but all these big "NOs" are getting silly and don't make any sense anymore.

Are people actually saying that they DON'T want new cars in S3?!?

Everyone wants to get more cars (in S2, if possible). But the whole topic has just been done to death. The improvement suggestions forum is full of "what car would you like to see in LFS" topics. There are so many good cars out there and no indications that we're going to see anything new any time soon.
S3 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :Good news. ATI released Catalyst 7.5 today and this issue seems to be fixed, at least for me. At first AA/AF didn't work, but I had to change colour modes to 16-bit, then back to 32-bit and like magic it started working.

That is good news! I'll have to give it a shot when I get home.

Just in time for patch X!

edit: 7.5 fixed the issue for me.
Last edited by Cue-Ball, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Jamexing :The 2 points on physics modelling are mainly focused on things DIRECTLY relevant to the handling and performance of a car.

Reliability....<snip>...If only people here have the slightest idea how hard it is to model these things.

Of course modeling every little parameter in the engine is going to be a huge (and impossible) job. But, when someone can downshift from 5th to 2nd and the engine keeps on ticking, that's an obvious shortcoming. Similarly, when you can crush in the entire front of the car and the engine takes no damage, that's a pretty obvious flaw. You don't have to model every little detail to get somewhat close to real world behavior. Even something to the effect of [if bumper is pushed back more than 10mm, engine is damaged] is better than nothing at all.

Quote :And 3D suspension geometry not so important....

It's not unimportant. But I personally feel that it's less important than having a clutch that actually works or punishing people for plowing into the back of my car at turn one. The suspension in LFS now isn't perfect. As you pointed out, it's basically a 2D model. But, even imperfect as it is, it's quite drivable and gives a realistic sensation of driving. Sure, it could be better, but, for now, it's far and away better than anything else on the market. The same cannot be said about the damage model, the longitudinal grip, etc.

Quote :Body flex not important?.....

Again, body flex is important, but not as important as most of the other things that are so very far off. Let's not forget that body flex is important mostly because auto makers are always trying to make their cars stiffer. In LFS we have the perfect platform of a 100% stiff chassis. So, I would say that chassis flex is only really important in two situations: 1) karts. 2) comparing a flexible chassis to a strong one. The first isn't modeled in LFS (and isn't done well in any game that I know of). The second is unimportant as nobody in their right mind is going to choose a noodly chassis when given the option of a stiff one.

Quote :My point is, if the most important physics modeling remain as incomplete as it is, many things can really wait unless it's relatively simple and directly relates the potential performance cars or is directly relevant to improving the racing experience..

I agree with you 100%. I just happen to think that a proper clutch model and proper engine damage are the two things that would most improve the racing experience.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :wasnt that the one on top gear which didnt have 500 hp and was only slightly faster than a golf ?

No. Google is your friend.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :his post was about phyiscs issues remaining in lfs though yours however was mainly about fun gizmos which have very little to no impact on the cars handling

His post specifically said, and I quote, " 2 things remain that make LFS not as realistic as possible." If you want to be anal about my suggestions not being physics related, go right ahead. But everything I listed is a legitimate issue, not a "fun gizmo".

Quote :you seem to have fallen into the common trap of believing that despite not making any progress in suspension technology since the conestogas of the 1800s an american car doesnt look thoroughly out of place on any track

And you seem to have fallen into the trap of thinking that a solid rear axle automatically makes a car worthless around turns. I dare say that any of the cars in the picture I posted would be more fun on the track than most of the FWD "race cars" that dominate series today. They're certainly more fun to watch. I would also say that many of the most fun cars I've ever driven have been solid rear axle. In addition, the Ford FR500GT has a solid rear axle and it seems to do just fine on the race track, thankyouverymuch.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :almost (except 1) none of which are physics issues

I never said they were physics issues. I was only responding to Jamexing's post saying that there were two things wrong with LFS.

Quote :name 1 trackworthy car with a solid axle

How about three?
S3 licensed
Quote from harjun :but....its not on. There were a lot of people on that server whom i knew, and know they think i have been swearing at them...thats just, stupid

It may be stupid, but the server is their property and they can do whatever the like on it. There are tons and tons of servers available, and you're always free to start your own. If people are being twats on the server you are on, go elsewhere.
S3 licensed
I'm sorry to have to inform you, but admins can do whatever they would like on their server. If you don't like the way they are running things, feel free to go elsewhere.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jamexing :2 things remain that make LFS not as realistic as possible.

There are a LOT of things keeping LFS from being as realistic as possible. Off the top of my head: horrible clutch model, no stalling, no real engine damage, no radiator or intercooler damage, no stalling, incorrect longitudinal grip, automatic handbrake, far too adjustable suspension and transmission....need I go on?

That said, despite these problems, LFS is still the best sim on the market. And, I believe that Scawen will address most of these issues eventually.

Quote :The other problem is suspension. Real cars have 3D suspension geometry instead of LFSs oversimplified 2D models. There's a complete lack of antidive/squat multilink suspensions that move in complex paths don't exist in LFS either.

I would also like to see more complex suspension (not to mention solid axle cars). But, I think that in the big picture, these things are fairly trivial, just like chassis flex. These things would have an effect on driving and racing, but they would be insignificant compared to things like clutch model, brake heat, and engine damage. There's only so much we can do with current processors and I'd much rather see those cycles being put to use elsewhere. But your point still stands.
S3 licensed
Quote from Taavi(EST) :One thing has always bugged me, how in the hell can you pull 1+G's in a XFG (according to the current G meter)

Plenty of cars can fairly easily pull 1G momentarily (a quick transition from one side to the other, for instance). I doubt that the XFG would be able to pull 1G on the skidpad using the road tires though. At least, not without making it so low and so stiff that you couldn't actually drive the thing around the track.
S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :Instead of explaining that LFS has still some longitudinal grip issues everyone is just blaming lack of seat-of-the-pants feel?

LFS does have longitudinal grip issues. I don't think anyone will dispute that. However, lateral grip in LFS is handled very well now (couldn't say that a year ago). The longitudinal issues that LFS does have, don't make it feel like the car has no grip or like "driving on ice" as the OP and others have mentioned. Almost every time I've ever heard someone make the driving on ice complaint (since patch U, at least), it's been because they are going way, way too fast into the corners, not realizing how fast they're really going. The small, constricted image on a computer monitor screws up their perception of speed and there's no g-forces to tell you any different. I guarantee that if the OP played on a big screen setup, or spent 10 minutes in a motion sim, he would have no further doubts about the relative accuracy of the physics model.

So, yes, LFS has grip issues, but that's not what causes most people to have problems staying on the track.
S3 licensed
Quote from Ian.H :I don't think there's any need for the aggression part if they return to how they were in S1 days.. as the n00b, ok, pro etc settings worked pretty well and if you let them drive for say... 50 or 60 laps

I don't know how it worked in S1, but in S2 I don't see any difference in lap times or "driving skill" for any of the settings. I can set a grid of four novice drivers and four pro drivers and you're as likely to predict the winner as using a coin toss.

I hope that when the AI improvements come there will be a good spread of difference between the AI levels. I'd like to see the pros taking perfect lines and giving perfect shifts, with the novice guys taking not-so-perfect lines and making more mistakes under braking or during shifts.
S3 licensed
Most likely the feeling of "driving on ice" is caused by two things: 1) You're playing on a dinky little monitor and have no peripheral vision, which makes it seem like you're going slower than you really are. 2) You've got no G-forces and no risk of injury. It's very easy to come into a corner WAY too hot in LFS, because there's no real sense of danger like you would have in a real car. Also, once you're in a corner you can only use your eyes and ears to judge (and hands, if you use FF). The lack of G-force is something that every sim driver must compensate for to some degree.

Since upgrading to a projector I've not once had anyone say that the game didn't feel realistic. Because everything is life size, it's much easier to judge your speed and realize that you're going too fast. Also, when racing somewhere like South City, you really pay close attention to the walls. The image is so big that they actually feel menacing. I find myself flinching sometimes.
S3 licensed
Quote from glyphon :oh, and in the forza show, the vette didn't win

No, but it still wasn't a fair fight.

The Corvette did win almost every single event, though. And, he was in first place in the last race until the car broke. Also, not only did he have the lightest and most powerful car, but he also had a multi-time champion as his crew chief, while other teams had hot rod builders and such. Not exactly a level playing field.
S3 licensed
I watched the finale last night and was very disappointed. Not only at who won, but at how the race ended up being run. I don't want to post any spoilers, but I think for season two they really need to change to a points system instead of the "lose and go home" system. That way they could keep a full grid every single race, which would be much more fun to watch.
S3 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Hi Cue-ball,

did you reported that to ATI already?If not please do that asap and metnioedn LFS as well.

Like I said on the last page, I filed a ticket with ATI. I basically got back an email that said "thanks for contacting us, but don't expect to get a reply back."

I gave as much info as I could, so hopefully they'll be able to reproduce the problem and can fix it. It really pisses me off that this doesn't work. I built a new machine specifically to play LFS and now I can't even play with AA enabled. I've had a lot of trouble with ATI cards and won't be buying from them again. Their drivers always seem to have major issues.
S3 licensed
I've watched every ep so far (everything except the finale). I've really liked the show so far. It's nice to see a bunch of guys racing on a level playing field. I hope they do another season, using the things they've learned this time to make things more fair and consistent. Now that they know what to expect, they can lay down the rules better, before the contest begins.

I would love to have the chance to enter a contest like this. I don't have that much real world track experience, so it would be interesting to see how well sim racing would transition to real racing.
S3 licensed
Quote from Sniiki :Tried regclean with no luck. And as other apps work ok, I don't think it's registry or any other installation issue. But that's just me.

The AA/AF problem is not registry related. I'm having the problem on my system and it is a clean install of XP SP2. I installed last week and the only video drivers that have been on my system are the Catalyst 7.4 drivers.