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S3 licensed
I'd like to see an animated person like GT Legends and GTR2 use, but even a simple sign would be an improvement. You shouldn't have to rely on an unrealistic mini-map (which may not even be turned on) to know which way the track goes.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :The adjustable shift light is another thing I'd like to see, and get rid of the perfect light we have now.

I agree with this. I hate the "next gear is better" light. It should be keyed from RPM and nothing more.
S3 licensed
Quote from Linsen :Well, actually many people around here would like LFS to become modable sometime in the future, I guess. But we know that it will not come before after S3 (because devs don't want it [yet]). And I for one would like to see a different aproach to modding. A more centralized way, where maybe the devs would decide which mod should actually become available to LFS-users. That would not only limit the amount of available mods, and thus the diluting of the community, it would also spare people the hassle to find out if a mod is any good or just pure crap. Because all mods would have to meet the same (or higher) standards like the original game.

This is what I'd really like to see. We know the devs have limited time and resources but there are a lot of talented people in the LFS community. I don't want to see LFS opened up to mods because of "the rFactor", but I do want to see more tracks and cars. I think it would be really cool if the devs were open to submissions of cars and tracks. If I can design a quality car that's completely modeled and which could be easily added to LFS, it would be great to see it included. They could even have a contest every few months. Submit a car model and the best one gets included in LFS. You could win a copy of LFS and maybe get your name included in the credits and the devs get the rights to the model. The same could be done for tracks or, perhaps, track designs that Eric could then model.
S3 licensed
Quote from d3mon :well, the only main thing I have with the G25 is that I find it hard to downshift/tip-heel, the gas pedal is somehow not positioned right to the brake, at least that's what I'm experiencing, people with smaller feet maybe have different experiences

I have found the same problem with the G25 pedals. They feel pretty good, but they are positioned completely wrong. I'm planning to mod my pedals based on the pedal layout of a 911 RS. Once that's done I expect it to make a world of difference.
S3 licensed
Quote from Renku :And now if I'm told when to pit, where is all the fun?

The idea is that there is a "pit window" of several laps. You're not forced to pit on a particular lap, or at the exact same time as everyone else. Many real life race series use pit windows and forced pit stops (I hate it, but they do) and some people would like to emulate that.
S3 licensed
Quote from Doorman :Here's one. I would like to see a server option for a pitting window. I know pitting on the last lap has been effectively knocked on the head but infuriatingly, you can still pit on lap one. The way I see it pitstops have the function of hopefully, taking a driver out of his 'groove'. This is made redundant if they're going to pit on lap1. I'd make the window laps 4-6 on a ten lapper. That would make for some great pitlane action as well.
Obviously if you pit outside the window you'd be penalised in the usual way.

Even though I despise forced pitstops, I think this is a good idea. BUT, we need a very clear message to drivers as to when the pit window opens and closes. Something that works like Becky's LFS Companion (ie: audible warnings) would be best, IMO.
S3 licensed
Quote from JeffR :I'm not fond of the implementation of the tire sections, flat spots, and hot spots. It's the least realistic aspect of tire physics in the current version of LFS, and in my opinion, the time spent on this would have been better spent working on other aspects of LFS.

I think you would be in the minority here. The tire sectioning is really cool and is one of the things that make LFS different from every other sim on the market.

Quote :for most race and street cars, flat spotting isn't a big issue unless it's severe, and tire wear will round out the tire fairly quickly.

I'm not sure where you get this idea. Flat spotting is a big problem for non-openwheel race cars. Cars in the Aussie V8 series often go clean through the tread when locking a wheel for only a fraction of a second. They must immediately pit as the vibration and grip loss are so severe. Even a small flat spot can cause problems because the tire is likely to lock on that same spot again the next time you brake.

If anything, I would say that flat spotting in LFS is not severe enough. It should be felt through the steering wheel and should upset the car much more than it does right now. I see a lot of people locking the brakes, but not too many people pitting, which needs to be addressed.
S3 licensed
Quote from Meanie :Thanks, will do.
What about LFS wheel compensation?

If you set it to 720* then it will be correctly setup for each car in the game (the car with the largest lock-to-lock is 720*). At this setting wheel compensation doesn't matter because every in-car wheel will match exactly to your wheel.
S3 licensed
I also agree with Woz. The G25 is far and away better than any other wheel I've ever tried. It's relatively quiet, has great feedback, is well sized, etc. It's the only wheel I've tried that I can REALLY feel the bumps on the curbing.

I set the Wingman software and LFS both to 720* and every single car behaves just as it should.
S3 licensed
I also wouldn't want to be required to take mandatory driver training just to play the game. Even though many people think it wouldn't be much of a hassle, I still wouldn't be for the idea. A lot of the problems discussed here can be dealt with through education and a better standard of what's acceptable and what isn't.

I think a better solution might be replays or videos that cover the rules of racing. Videos are obviously more customizable but replays are much smaller in size and could be included in the LFS download. There could be multiple different demonstrations that cover each of the common problem areas such as passing, blue flag, yellow flag, black flag, pit speed limit, cold tire issues, etc.

I know that quite a bit can be done with replays using InSim, such as changing camera position, changing target car, etc. Perhaps something like this could be done with a few replay files and a number of scripts. I think that if something like this is done it really needs to be included with the game. There are far too many racers who try the game but never visit the forums or who won't have the patience or bandwidth to download 50MB videos just to learn the rules of racing.
S3 licensed
Very cool. Too bad this forum doesn't seem to support graphics in signatures. Though, I'm quite thankful for that the other 99% of the time.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :The problem with that is, the shirt will need to have a full color print job, and that is more expensive than just a 2 to 4 color tshirt print. Initially, they want to have shirts that are basic in design, and have a cheaper and simpler print. It wouldn't be wise financially to go straight ahead and make big full color prints.

That shirt could easily be done with a three or four color silkscreen. Black, blue, and orange are all that are required. I'm fairly certain that I could buy that exact shirt from somewhere like cafepress for about $15. Surely Victor could do the same thing for a similar price while still making a healthy profit. I would rather pay $22US for a good shirt with a high quality print screen than settle for a shirt with a single color logo. The single color just looks cheap to me. It doesn't look like a quality product and it's not visually interesting. Single color on a polo might be okay, but on a t-shirt it's simply not good enough for me to want to purchase it at any price.
S3 licensed
I really like the way that LFS models tire temperature right now. The only thing that I don't like is that the tracks are all fairly cool. A lot of people drive very ragged and "on the edge" lap after lap and they can only get away with this because of the relatively cool temperature of the track in LFS. If we had variable air and track temps in LFS I think that things would be a lot different. A sunny afternoon at Fern Bay should be a lot tougher on the tires than an early morning race at Blackwood.
S3 licensed
Here is what I'd like to see. Simple, yet visually interesting and colorful:

S3 licensed
I voted "NONE - I will wait for more interesting designs". I don't really like any of the designs with a monochrome logo. The small color logo on the front is nice, but I don't want a black tee. The one with the color logo front and back is nice but, again, I don't want a black tee and also the url and tagline below the logo just doesn't quite look right. It looks out of place or mis-spaced or something. The same shirt without the tagline would look much better, IMO.

Offer a white ring tee with a colored logo on front and either a plain back or a color logo/image on the back and you'll have a sale. I would consider buying the black shirt with the logo on the front, but I really would prefer something other than black.
S3 licensed
Quote from herki :You may be right about the foams (don't know too much about it, didn't care enough ), but you can't deny the general form and chosen materials have a huge impact on the severity of injuries. I know about it, because I work at a car safety testing company ( )

Keep in mind that you are in Germany and mrodgers is in the US. I have a feeling that the two countries use quite different methods and have different requirements for pedestrian safety. I don't believe that the US has pedestrian safety requirements that are anywhere near as strict as Europe, so that could account for differences in your perceptions.
S3 licensed
I'm so glad to hear that you haven't totally abandoned LFS Companion. I still use it quite often and was actually thinking last night that I should put out a voice pack for it. Maybe now that I know you're still working on it I'll get off my butt and really release something.
S3 licensed
I also do not want to see the car models changed. I wouldn't mind seeing them detailed a bit more, but I wouldn't like the overall shape and look to be changed. If the devs are going to spend time working on car models they should add a mid-engine supercar, a V8 sedan, an off-road truck, drag car, or any one of a hundred other cars that we'd all like to see.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fischfix :okay maybe this was not a good idea, but what about "reject connection during first 30 seconds of a race" so no skins are downloaded during that time which is one of the most reasons why people lag in T1 and cause heavy crashes.

T1 lag has nothing to do with skin downloads as far as I've ever seen. 99% of the time if someone is laggy in turn one it's because their computer can't handle that many cars in such close proximity. Skins only download when you're stopped or spectating, so once you start moving the skins don't download anyway.
S3 licensed
Quote from Linsen :Hi there!

I've been reading this topic with interest (and amusement at certain points ) and have a question to all 3-pedal-users. Just out of interest: How many hours of driving did it aproximately take you guys to be up to same speed as with your previous 2-pedal-setup? Did any of you go directly from a wheel with, say, 270 or 200 degrees of rotation to the G25? And if yes, how long did it take you to adjust to the new setup (3 paddles plus extra rotation)?


I've been using three pedals and h-shifter for a few months now, but only the last two weeks have I been able to put in some good time. Even after those two weeks I'm not as fast. It's very easy in LFS to make a mis-shift, partly because of the way the clutch is handled (no dead area at the bottom). Also, because game shifters don't really have much feel and because they're a bit sloppy (the G25 shifter, at least) it's easier to make a mistake due to the lack of feel.

I went from the Wingman to the DFP, then to the G25. 900* rotation makes such a huge difference. I would never want to go back to a 200* wheel.
S3 licensed
Quote from Rtsbasic :If it wasn't as benificial to flat shift, using a gated shifter would be a lot less of a disadvantage IMO. This and having proper gearbox simulation would improve the realism quite a bit for me.

I remeber once upon a time flat shifting wasn't as widespread as it'd cause noticable popping after a few laps, but this must have been quite a few patches back, or even S1

Worse than the flat shifting is the downshifting. As it is now you can downshift very early at high RPM and rely on engine braking constantly without much chance of damaging your engine. In real life these antics would result in a broken engine and race retirement. Braking should be done using the brakes, not the engine.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :But if the system were automated, could you not join a queue, so the server could tell the client "I have a slot free now" and it would try to join. If there is no response it can send a message to the next person in the list, and so on.

You could even see your position in the queue. Just adds cheesy low fidelty music and it will be like waiting on the phone!

Now that's an idea I can get behind (minus the hold music ). I can definitely see value in something like this, so long as the server isn't stressed by the feature.
S3 licensed
Quote from Huru-aito :I'd prefer getting big updates at once, without any progress reports or comments so that the community couldn't hype & panic itself to death

That pretty much happens either way. We're never happy. Patch Q was the biggest update ever (since S2 anyway) and what happened as soon as it came out? We kept bugging Scawen about what was on the way next. We're insatiable.
S3 licensed
Quote from Renku :Remeber, the test patch forum got hidden because of the constant whine about the LFS progress, why you need another thread?

Nobody here is whining. I said in my first post that I didn't expect this thread to change anything. I was curious how the people on the forum felt about compatibility and whether or not it would affect them. That's all. If you don't have anything constructive to add then you're just being part of the exact problem that you're complaining about.
S3 licensed
Quote from keiran :Okay, yes there are these sort of changes. But how does no "Shift + S" make LFS more interesting for people like Stealthy04?

That particular thing might not, but other things like GTR interiors sure would! Interiors affect the way the physics are calculated, but wouldn't effect the performance of the cars or the average laptime of a driver.

Quote :We've been told nothing like the above is on the way to my knowledge, except the extra server setting. They are rumours created by the community, I can't remember Scawen telling us we'd be getting a proper start system in the foreseable future. ... mp;highlight=false+starts
Quote from Scawen on 1st July 2006 : I expect to start working soon on some gearbox updates and also the false starts system, and try and get several incompatible updates into the incomaptible version.

Quote :LFS gets a lot of exposure on the major patches all over the place and although you may think it only attracts some people back for a little while and they disappear again, I can bet there are probably quite a few new ones appear on the scene at the same time. Just think how many forums are out there and how many members LFS there are... It all adds up to making more people aware of LFS.

I agree that the "big stuff" is what makes news and brings people to the community. I just don't think the little things should necessarily be held up purely so that they can be released at the same time as the attention getting stuff. I would rather get one or two small things now, even if it caused server mismatches for a few days, rather than to wait to get those things until larger, more time consuming updates are ready, that's all. In the end the devs will do whatever they will do. I"m just expressing my opinion on the matter and seeing if others feel the same way.
Last edited by Cue-Ball, .